On the face of it, Iron Fist definitely has
"Tom Hanks is The Last Nigga on Earth" flavor. "White American Dude comes out of nowhere and is actually the greatest warrior in an entire city of magical Asian martial artists." I think they handle it pretty well, honestly, as of late - everyone knows and
hates this dude for exactly that reason, that his being the Iron Fist is a bit of a fluke and he's not entirely comfortable with it, so on so forth. So I think it's definitely doable if you have good writers on the task.
But honestly, you can do the "outsider" theme with him being Asian-American. He'd still face prejudice and jealousy and that fish-out-of-water undercurrent would still be present. Possibly not as readily apparent or resonant as a blonde-haired, blue-eyed dude in K'un-L'un... but unlike some characters I don't think there's any real loss in bending Danny's race.