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Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite announced (PC/XB1/PS4, 2017) [Update: Info In OP]

Infinite and 3 also coming to xbox one!!!!! yesss would rather play it there personally.

holy shit..... This means a higher chance for MVC 2 and origins xbox one BC!!!


Might save up for a PC for that mod goodness


you mean the part where they crushed the gem and got a giant glowing aura like x-factor that would visually indicate what buff/gem is being applied like x-factor

and the part where you get to specifically select the gem you have as to customize your team?

The first part was exactly how they worked in Marvel Super heroes AND what we saw in the trailer
-Fight for the gem in the battlefield
-Consume the gem by activating it, one it's used it's gone
-As soon as the gem is activated a visible tell around the character sticks until it's gone

The second part i don't know where you're getting it, but in MSH if you got more than one gem you could cycle thru them with the start button so you could strategize when to use each gem.

The trailer didn't show anything that contradicted how the gems worked in MSH.
I can only say it's good MVC3 isn't out on Xbox One yet because I'd be too tempted to buy it today. Excited for both games, hope Amaterasu is in Infinite though.


Very nice that they have gone all out on it and bringing back the last one for those that will likely be pissed at the change of lineup


Is the majority of AAA developers using UE4? I almost feel at this point that It would be easier to list those who aren't. Not that I think its a bad thing of course.


Why infinite and not infinity?

We all know marvel is using this to hype up avengers infinity wars.

Every character that have had any interaction with an infinity gem will be in this. Thanos with the full infinity gauntlet will be the final boss.


*Marvel 4 Announcement*

Fuck Marvel!

Fuck Capcom! Marvel vs. Capcom 3 was trash! Not falling for it this time

--New Character, Devilotte!--

BASED GOD! I never left, Capcom! Never left!

Welp! Happy for mah boy, SDBurton finally getting Captain Marvel. He's been requesting her since MvC3 Vanilla days!


I hope they don't have Frank West... They'd obviously have "Frank De Santa" from Dead Rising 4, since that's what they wanna push right now. I only want goofball Frank, please, but I don't see that happening.
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