I hope this new marvel vs capcom game comes up with sweet concept art like the past game did
I wish theyd settle on a more interesting art style in-game as well. MvC1 and 2 had Capcoms excellent sprite art style; MvC3 always looked good and modern while remaining relatively faithful to the Marvel side comic roots while adjusting the Capcom characters to the style well (it was one of my favorite looking games of last gen)...
Marvel vs Capcom Infinite... Looks like an Unreal-powered game. I keep saying this in threads lately, but it feels like the transition to Unreal engine for a lot of games has resulted in art styles that looked Unreal Engined bulkier, kinda uglier character models. Some characters like Megaman X and Zero look fine and retain their style pretty much perfectly from the source, but everyone else just looks... Unreal Engined, for lack of a better word. Human characteristics for the models to me feel like a bad blend of Gears of War and Korean MMO art style (like Black Desert) to me.
EDIT: to be honest, though, Im already feeling a lot more compelled and interested in MvCIs mechanics than I ever felt for MVC3 or UMVC3. Not that I felt that the MVC3 games were bad, but they didnt capture my enthusiasm and obsessive play like MvC2 did back on Dreamcast for me. I literally havent followed anything except MVCI since it came out Tuesday, and Im feeling constantly thirsty to learn more stuff from watching people play. Its in my head. They got some good gameplay stuff going, and while I generally evaluate games on the whole package delivery (presentation matters to me, even for games that arent the most technically advanced) and not solely on gameplay, MVCI is turning out to be a big exception to the norm.