This Champ play is so disrespectful LMAO!
Hey, I gotta show that I still want Star-Lord in MvCI.
Kevin Ha @SCR2017‏
cr.LK into Stinger makes the stinger into an overhead for some reason lol
I don't know why Capcom made it so that even if you get hit, Reality Stone remains active. You would think they would've learned their lesson with Phoenix in Vanilla Marvel 3.
I also don't know why Reality stone projectile is active on frame one.
Justin (and I guess FChamp too) is going to get Reality stone nerfed hard.
You don't think ChrisG was trying to do that whole match? He was doing that whole match and while he was successful a few times, it's a very low percentage play. It's very hard to time the push block when you are getting pressured like that because you are just waiting for the ball to come while another character is sitting on you. No one is going to throw out a Reality stone then just sit back waiting for you to reflect. They will advance in front of it instead. If you try to hit their characters, the Reality stone will combo break you. If you try to move yourself forward in order to reflect the ball back then you will instead get pressured or throw back. The longer you wait to reflect it the worse the reflect is.Because they can be reflected back this time and have low durability.
Hold down Tag while getting hit or while blocking.So how do you counter switch?
You guys still want this game to be 2/3?
LMAO! Those FT5 ended mad quick.
That's what it looks when someone who knows how to play the game runs a train on someone.
Also WTF @ that Dante tech... that can't be real...
You don't think ChrisG was trying to do that whole match? He was doing that whole match and while he was successful a few times, it's a very low percentage play. It's very hard to time the push block when you are getting pressured like that because you are just waiting for the ball to come while another character is sitting on you. No one is going to throw out a Reality stone then just sit back waiting for you to reflect. They will advance in front of it instead. If you try to hit their characters, the Reality stone will combo break you. If you try to move yourself forward in order to reflect the ball back then you will instead get pressured or throw back. The longer you wait to reflect it the worse the reflect is.
It's not even that low durability, it traded with the Soul Fist. If you are trading Soul Fist with Reality stone then that's a terrible thing to be doing.
A homing projectile that combo breaks you will never not be good in these games. It's basically a Phoenix fireball that generates on frame 1 (so it's even better). Like the way Justin was using it was just one example, defensive teams can use it as well and it honestly works better defensively than the Power stone. Then you can use it twice while tagging.My kneejerk reaction to Reality Stone is that it's overrated and will fall out of favor over time even without a nerf. You can easily overwhelm it with more powerful projectiles or reflection. You can run away from the Storm effects.
Why doesnt this game have a PS4 pro version man. Shit looks kinda blurry
IMO just talking about broad balancing and game design... making sure that the 6 stones are all balanced is WAY more important than balancing characters in this game.
Stones can be used by everyone and are more universal to the game's engine. One stone being better than the rest completely shapes the game.
Reality stone was so strong in Justin's hand that he slapped together two strong characters without much synergy and just went ham. This seems counter intuitive to how the game seems to be designed. Like if Justin had used any other stone, that team would've been exponentially weaker. His whole game plan was "RTSD, when he push blocks, reality stone, into tag, into reality stone then continue pressure again, repeat until they die".
Right now in week 1 these are obvious issues with the game balance wise. Maybe they can self correct themselves when the meta advances but it's still important to bring them up so people can provide legitimate counter play to them.
1) Reality Stone: I think there are two essential problems with this stone. The combo breaker property and the frame 1 generation. The Storm is fine as it is.
2) Dormammu's 3C. The 3C is far above the power level of the other summons, so much so that players are using Dormammu just for that 3C and they don't even care about the other summons. They have turned Dormammu into this weird "support" character that just creates unfair set play situations. This one is kinda iffy depending on how that escape for it works and how reliable that is. FChamp showed the escape but he also said that he has counter play to that so I don't know how that is going to pan out.
3) Captain Marvel's Photon Absorber. I suspected it before but I am now 100% convinced that this is not working as intended. The power up does not dissipate when she absorbs a single hit, it just keeps up until it expires. This means that Captain Marvel is a much more effective "big body" character than any big body character in the game. Let that sink in for a second.
4) Gamora's push block negation on the guns. This one I am most iffy on and I am of the camp that thinks Gamora might actually be the Wesker of the game (ie. falls of in strength after people start playing better characters and playing around her guns). Because if she didn't have the push block negation she would be a fair character. People say "oh man she can get combo from full screen"... like bruh so can every other character with the tag mechanic. Push block negation just makes it so that its impossible to keep her away from you and it makes it easy for her to tag in a partner at point blank range and do jank cross ups like what RayRay does with Gamora/Ultron.
5) This is extra but I don't think clones should be allowed to use stones. This is especially a problem with something like the Soul stone where you can put them in a long hyper then use a clone hyper and spam Soul surges to recover your character to full health. You also get weird interactions like with power stone where if you are in a clone form, the Power stone basically doesn't wall bounce because the second power stone of the clone negates the first one. I don't even have to talk about Reality stone here.
Of course if that Dante thing is real then that's for sure not an intended thing that should be in the game.
If the new characters are coming October 3rd maybe there's a patch that fixes some bugs/unintended stuff.
That twitter post where they say that Stinger turns into an overhead if it is cancelled from cr.LK.What is the Dante tech and can I see it? Missed the stream haha.
The Dark Kingdom scene with Ghost Rider is easily the best part of story mode.
Just want to point this out, Haggar's Light SPD range is HUGE!
Look at it
blessJust want to point this out, Haggar's Light SPD range is HUGE!
Look at it
Day 2 thoughts with the game
1 - finding online matches in some instances just ain't happening (PS4). When I find one, it's freaking flawless
ewwwBetter soundtrack too