Alligator F*ck House
nice, this piece of art is new from Aki. <3
It's actually extremely old and was the Japanese box art for MSH. Still an amazing picture tho.
nice, this piece of art is new from Aki. <3
It's actually extremely old and was the Japanese box art for MSH. Still an amazing picture tho.
In a game where Spider-Man and Wolverine infinites are easy to do, I implore you ; do not touch Blackheart.
Trust me, I spent weeks on that game with fellow QAs, some quite adept at fighting games, and there is no way around that fact.
Didn't take me up on the title suggestion? :-(
Is this out on the Euro PSN tomorrow?
Damn I really suck at MvsC now... sucks you have to hit select to change games, which means I have to unplug my Saturn pad and turn on a controller just to switch games (then plug back in the wired controller). I am guessing there is no Cross Fever (4 player) mode in MvsC?
It should be but from what I've read on the net it'll prob. be going for 12 Pounds
I think the OP needs to include a list posting of what everyone's best GEM is and its effect along with a listing of how to select assists/secret characters using the various input tricks. Having control of assists, gems and access to the extra cast is a pretty big thing IMO that would be cool to list on there without sending people elsewhere.
Pretty sweet, but no "You dream is dead!"?I've updated the first post with a few images by phaonaut let me know what you think of them ;D
Pretty sweet, but no "You dream is dead!"?
Onslaught needs love too...
No, he's not. I just like saying your dream is dead...I was mostly going to include the playable cast, and I don't think Onslaught is playable in this release right?
Well I guess I could play with him for Casual matches ^_^;;;;;;
Sorry buddy but no.
...and speaking of which.
What do you like the subtitle to be, GAF?
B) Pure honest infinites
EDIT: and here's that Bengus MSH artwork-
...and X-Men CotA-
aNYONe able to find a bigger resolution?
How do you select Doom/Anita/Thanos in local vs.?
The XBLA/PSN boxart is pretty blah (see below).
Why couldn't they have just used art from the original releases/boxarts? Something like this. MVC2 XBLA/PSN got the same "Western-ized" art style, same artist I would guess.
It just takes away the impressionable flavor these games had at the time and makes me think of some cheap bootleg instead.
I'm more of a purist and think these ports should be 100% accurate but improved, so this goes beyond just the boxart style not being similar.
It extends to disliking the bland menus, removal of intros at bootup (even if they're unlockable in the Vault, many won't see them nor will it be their first impression - it's kind of anti-climatic how a fighting game just drops you in to a menu...for such an extreme game at the time that intro was warranted especially for first time players...which a lot are here with this port), etc.
The same thing was done with MVC2 XBLA/PSN (the intro and smooth menus were gone, essential to the visual and audio design of the original game, home console/Dreamcast version in particular), even though Backbone did that and not Iron Galaxy. Here Iron Galaxy repeats Backbone's sins against the full form of the original product.
Is there a consensus on these games yet?
Faithful to the original, online going to have a large player base?
been thinking of buying this for 360.. how is the player count looking?
Got this last night on PS3 and played about 20 matches with my friend in MVC1 and MSH. Netcode is amazing, too bad it seems like no one is online.
Sabin and JWong have it on 360 and there's a match set of them playing against each other on YT, so if you're interested in some high level games you can try and play against them.
So I'm the only one who thought these were going to be HD-ified like the MVC2 PSN/XBLA release awhile back?
It's somewhat rough playing in this small 4:3 window, even if this is representative of the original game. G'damn.
Glad to have the games at all I guess.
Anybody recommend this?
Casual player
Anybody recommend this?
Casual player