Finally finished JJ earlier. And yeah, liked it a lot more than Daredevil - loved the noir feel, loved the more psychological bent, loved the themes of sexuality and guilt and all that. Daredevil had higher highs, but as a total package, Jessica Jones takes it.
Kilgrave was just magnificent, Tennant really knocked it out of the park. My favorite MCU villain by a mile, and quite possibly my favorite MCU character, period. He's just such a goddamn shit-eater, completely flippant about everything that he does, aware of all of the suffering and cruelty he causes but unwilling to take an ounce of responsibility for it. I mean, I believe 100% that that character would exist - a person with ultimate power who uses it purely to indulge himself.
The Jessica-Luke relationship was great, really liked Trish, and Malcolm, and - weirdly enough - Robyn, who is probably the most human character in the show. She's an absolute bitch, and she never really improves. I really love the scene where she's telling Malcolm that everyone is awful, and he says something like "If I really believed that, I would kill myself." And she pauses for a second, is sort of taken aback, then tells him to go find a noose and stomps away. Like, she doesn't want to say it, she regrets saying it, but she says it anyways because she's too stubborn and proud for her own good. I dunno, I found her really relatable in a way - like, just because you have trauma and you care about someone doesn't mean you stop being shitty.