Finished the final episode. It was a pretty great ending. Kilgrave showing those purple veins was a nice nod to his comic version. The stuff between Jessica and Luke were fantastic, and it's nice that they left the relationship status open at the end since he still has his own series to get more development. Glad to see that the finale didn't have any of the worst elements of the show in it. Would have really sucked if Simpson suddenly barged in at the end for a final battle royale between Jessica, Kilgrave, Luke, and Trish. That would have been the worst. I was also afraid that the stupid twin sister would find Luke in Jessica's apartment for extra ~drama~. Thank God none of that shit happened.
P.S. Simpson sux, and the entire IGH thing feels like a lame duck attempt to link the Netflix Marvel Universe without having to reference anything major in Agents of SHIELD or the movies. We'll probably find out that the truck where Daredevil got his powers from was from IGH too. Lol. Maybe they'll be involved in a hostile takeover with Rand Corp in Iron Fist. And I bet their link to Reva, whatever it is, will play a role in Luke Cage.