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Marvel's Secret Wars Hype Thread - Where we argue about what "reboot" means


I think I am okay with this.

This has the potential to work out really well for the future.

It just seems...interesting I guess.

at least they aren't doing a complete reboot and making everyone have new origins again. ( I am looking at you DC, with your shitty armor costumes, and shitty new superman story)

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Hulk has very little history with the avengers as far as I know. He was in the first few issues and that was it up until the Avengers movie in 2012 and right when that came out he was suddenly associated with the team again after 50 years not being an avenger.

Rhe Hulk has always been associated with the Avengers. He's a founding member and even if he didn't show up in the book on a regular basis before 2012 when the call came out for everyone to assemble he (almost) always showed up.

Remember.... Once an Avenger, Always an Avenger!


Sounds closer to Crisis on Infinite Earths than 52: Mashing up multiple universes into a single one versus a partial reboot.

But Crisis was kind of a proper reboot, given that they then fundamentally changed the origin of Superman, Wonder Woman, etc.

Is Marvel going to go that far, or are we looking at something closer to Zero Hour where they basically smooth out some rough edges and fiddle with back stories?


But Crisis was kind of a proper reboot, given that they then fundamentally changed the origin of Superman, Wonder Woman, etc.

Is Marvel going to go that far, or are we looking at something closer to Zero Hour where they basically smooth out some rough edges and fiddle with back stories?

Inhuman Boom Boom to jumpstart the universe confirmed


Is the Beyonder going to come back? He had nice curls and a rad white suit that could pick up all the ladies way back in the eighties.


Is the Beyonder going to come back? He had nice curls and a rad white suit that could pick up all the ladies way back in the eighties.

Looking likely:


this just reminded me, what's the Sentry doing these days?

Busy ripping his face off and talking nonsense.
Last I knew, the Beyonder had become a blue skinned woman that was in space prison and Thanos fucked her up and left her in a catatonic state. What happened with the Beyonder after that?
Last I knew, the Beyonder had become a blue skinned woman that was in space prison and Thanos fucked her up and left her in a catatonic state. What happened with the Beyonder after that?

thankfully sounds like that's already been retconned. from marvel's wiki:

In Antarctica at the site of the Savage Land, members of the Fantastic Four discovered a Nuwali inscription of the word "Beyonder." In the course of their investigation, three members of the Fantastic Four, joined by their adversary, Dr. Doom, traveled to the universe created by the Beyonder. The Molecule Man, the Shaper of Worlds, and Kubik also traveled there. The Shaper explained to the Earth people and the Beyonder about the true Beyonders' involvement with the Earth dimension. The so-called Beyonder learned that he was actually not the omnipotent being he believe himself to be, but an immature Cosmic Cube that had not been contained within a proper matrix. The Beyonder merged with the Molecule Man in order to become a true Cosmic Cube, and the universe created by the Beyonder ceased to exist. That Cosmic Cube's present whereabouts is unknown.


Last I knew, the Beyonder had become a blue skinned woman that was in space prison and Thanos fucked her up and left her in a catatonic state. What happened with the Beyonder after that?

In the Silver Surfer Annihilation tie in Thanos sent the Fallen One to find her, but she was dead meaning the Beyonder should be free.

Then Bendis tried retconning Beyonder into an Inhuman Mutant. Looks like it won't take.


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
thankfully sounds like that's already been retconned. from marvel's wiki:

That happened before the Thanos thing.

The latest retcon is that The Beyonder was actually an inhuman who also had the X gene, the combination of which gave him his godlike powers.


Sounds like "reboot everything!"

They'll probably make the characters a bit closer to their movie counterparts, as they probably got many newcomers thanks to the success of the MCU.

I remember my lil bro reading some of my Iron Man comics and telling me "This is all wrong, Tony is not this much of an asshole".
From yesterday:

Lol. I see the ignorance of the "Marvel wants to make the comics like the movies because that might have some impact on the rights" debate is back. We're full circle now.

It'll be hilarious when the announcement actually happens and people who know nothing about what's going on in the comics start to try creating the narrative to fit their preconceptions when it reality this is just a hype campaign for Secret Wars. The "everything ends" thing is just part of the tagline for the event. :p

It never fails.


Devin Faraci at Badass Digest has weighed in on this particular announcement. He seems pretty nonplussed by it.

Agree with most of it except his black nick fury jab: at the time comic artists were in a fad of using real life models for comic characters ("Eminem" being the main character in the comic version of Wanted). So unless Marvel had a contract with Sam Jackson 8 years before Iron Man, it was just a case of genius casting in the comic and in real life.


Agree with most of it except his black nick fury jab: at the time comic artists were in a fad of using real life models for comic characters ("Eminem" being the main character in the comic version of Wanted). So unless Marvel had a contract with Sam Jackson 8 years before Iron Man, it was just a case of genius casting in the comic and in real life.
They used his look as the Nick Fury in Ultimates and he said that he doesnt sue them if they will let him the role when they would ever make movies with Fury.


They used his look as the Nick Fury in Ultimates and he said that he doesnt sue them if they will let him the role when they would ever make movies with Fury.

Thanks, thats my point. Faraci made it sound like it was strictly Marvel making Fury black to match their Marvel u when it was a case of uninfluenced creative choice that happened to turn out great for everyone involved down the line.


The amount of people that go see The movies then get into comics is probably so small that they might just be considered statiscal noise.
So is this a reboot or not?

Can't be absolutely certain, but probably not, given how many new 616 ongoing books they're launching before SW.

Why do so many people think Marvel announced a reboot yesterday? Because they used a lot of grandiose "end of the Marvel Universe" language, which is technically true of SW proper (the entire premise is that the multiverse, save Battleworld, has temporarily ceased to exist), but says very little about what comes afterward.
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