Oh shit...
Well, it was a matter of time with Jane's cancer. What's funny is that she's been Thor for so long and her run ended up being relatively well-received after so many people initially threw a fit that Thor was a woman. If she isn't immediately resurrected, then I expect her back in a year or two as a Thor or under a new moniker. She's definitely proved herself worthy.
Well, it was a matter of time with Jane's cancer. What's funny is that she's been Thor for so long and her run ended up being relatively well-received after so many people initially threw a fit that Thor was a woman. If she isn't immediately resurrected, then I expect her back in a year or two as a Thor or under a new moniker. She's definitely proved herself worthy.
That's a bad cover to homage then if their planning on bringing her back.
Oh shit...
They better not be ending The Mighty Thor. I will fucking RIOT!
That's a bad cover to homage then if their planning on bringing her back.
I think one of the smartest things that they did was calling her "Thor" and not "Lady Thor" or "Thoress". By calling her Thor it legitimized her. I don't think her coming back as another name will do her justice. She is "Thor" in every sense of the word.
I think one of the smartest things that they did was calling her "Thor" and not "Lady Thor" or "Thoress". By calling her Thor it legitimized her. I don't think her coming back as another name will do her justice. She is "Thor" in every sense of the word.
Of course they are rebooting the entire universe. They need to before Infinity War does.
In the past 5 or 6 issues they've really been hinting that her end is imminent.
Take that back.
I think one of the smartest things that they did was calling her "Thor" and not "Lady Thor" or "Thoress". By calling her Thor it legitimized her. I don't think her coming back as another name will do her justice. She is "Thor" in every sense of the word.
I think one of the smartest things that they did was calling her "Thor" and not "Lady Thor" or "Thoress". By calling her Thor it legitimized her. I don't think her coming back as another name will do her justice. She is "Thor" in every sense of the word.
They won't kill off Jane foster Thor.
It's one of the most successful books of the last few years.
If anything maybe she'll die of the cancer then be resurrected.
Edit: maybe the new Valkyrie?
Every time I pick up the newest issue, I've somehow managed to forget how legitimately good this book is. This week in particular was fantastic.Believe me-I don't want it to end. The entire run has been God-Tier, if you'll pardon the term.
I love the book and the character, but her cancer adds a gravitas to things. I don't know how you can make it last or remove it from the equation without fundamentally changing the book.I love The Mighty Thor, I will legit be upset if she is taken out for good
Rebirth had Johns to tie it all together. Marvel really don't have someone who can do that kind of role.
Yeah but I've never been a Didio hater, personally. He's done a lot of dumb shit for sure but I've enjoyed his tenure for the most part. Can't say the same about Alonso. It's not necessarily because of the content. It's the insane prices, the constant events, the renumberings, etc.
Jane, Kamala, Sam Wilson - their books are too good to throw away.
Genis-Vell, obviously.
Although I fear we maybe doing TOO MANY BOOKS and little marketing again.
can't wait for the twist ending revealing Miracleman as the villain behind contaminating the Marvel U with SJW filth
Oh shit...
Well, it was a matter of time with Jane's cancer. What's funny is that she's been Thor for so long and her run ended up being relatively well-received after so many people initially threw a fit that Thor was a woman. If she isn't immediately resurrected, then I expect her back in a year or two as a Thor or under a new moniker. She's definitely proved herself worthy.
In the past 5 or 6 issues they've really been hinting that her end is imminent.
To be fair, 616 Logan has surprisingly stayed dead for a decent amount of time.
I always thought it was dumb because Thor is a name.