Thats Spidey for you, gets a free pass though cos reasons. It does nothing new, but the traversal etc kinda makes up for it. Shows how fucked reviewers are though, any other franchise would get ripped apart for having such boring open world activities, bugs, graphical inconsistencies, and pandering shite story. I still enjoy this game but no way is it a 91 in my book, more of an 80, and even then thats only because the setting is phenomenal, NYC is gorgeous in this (some of the time) and getting around is really fun. The story and sidequest activities though....been there done that, nothing new, and all this pride bullshit and pansie story elements really disappoint me as someone who used to buy the comics day one at the newsagents when I was a kid (yeah im old), they really butchered the essence of spidey in this.But even when you ignore the graphics, it's the same old, tired game design. I'm only a couple of missions in but so far I had 2 on rails sections with QTE that can't be failed (what's the point), I've set up some stupid radio towers, rode a bicycle and now I'm shooting bees using a drone. Who design that? Does it get better?
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