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Mask Efficacy |OT| Wuhan!! Got You All In Check

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Not a good look for UKers. I guess real fear just brings out worst (or hidden) feelings in humans.


A spate of racist incidents linked to the coronavirus outbreak are being investigated by police, prompting fears among members of the Chinese community that they will face abuse if they wear face masks.

Chinese students in Southampton have been targeted with abuse, including one who had a stone thrown at them and told to go back to their “fucking country”, and another who was labelled a “fucking virus” by a passerby because she was wearing a face mask.


It seems anyone of Far Eastern appearance may have to brace themselves if this virus really starts to make an impact. I've already heard about a few comments and jokes directed at people I know of here in London.

It's definitely something to be expected, at least until the virus spreads out to be more inclusive of other races. 😏😐
It's definitely something to be expected, at least until the virus spreads out to be more inclusive of other races. 😏😐

Have there been any big studies on its actual impact in regards to race?

Obviously Wuhan being 99% of the cases means it's likely 99% Chinese people being impacted.


Have there been any big studies on its actual impact in regards to race?

Obviously Wuhan being 99% of the cases means it's likely 99% Chinese people being impacted.

You referring to the Asian and increased ACE2 connection? I never looked deep into it other than the theories seem to make obvious sense on a basic level.

I don't think they'll be able to confirm that until there's a bigger sample size to work with in terms of non infected Asians.


Unconfirmed Member
A bioweapon? No way!
Who would have thought....
My fear is that this was merely a trial run for something far worse.
Having seen this spread like wildfire they know they now have an efficient delivery system. Now they just have to tweak the virus into something deadlier.
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They/Them A-10 Warthog
My fear is that this was merely a trial run for something far worse.
Having seen this spread like wildfire they know they now have an efficient delivery system. Now they just have to tweak the virus into something deadlier.
Most deadly viruses burn themselves out relatively fast. Small pox is what you would want to weaponize. The US and Russia have done just that and we know Russia has a ICBM delivery system for it (straight out of a horror movie).

Something to terrify you. After the fall of the USSR the Russians "Lost" tons of weaponized small pox. Supposedly they have no idea where it went.

Regardless there is zero point in using a virus as a weapon. It wont keep the country you are hitting from nuking you into oblivion if you tried to move on them. Also, there is no way to control a virus.
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Deadly viruses burn themselves out really fast. Small pox is what you would want to weaponize. The US and Russia have done just that and we know Russia has a ICBM delivery system for it (straight out of a horror movie).

Something to terrify you. After the fall of the USSR the Russians "Lost" tons of weaponized small pox. Supposedly they have no idea where it went.

What is the shelf life of something like that without billions spent on lab maintenance? How slow does that burn out?


What's with the Commie flag in the background? Is this really suppose to show Socialism in good light?

What's with the Commie flag in the background? Is this really suppose to show Socialism in good light?


eh, goverment run everything that is important in China so flags are just a given.
If you go to a goverment owned anything in any country you'll find flags.

I wonder if they'll have to burn those flags like they have workers shaving their haids because of fear of the virus


They/Them A-10 Warthog
What is the shelf life of something like that without billions spent on lab maintenance? How slow does that burn out?
IF you cant keep smallpox on ice it will die like any other virus. Hopefully their lost supply is sitting in some warehouse dead, but there is some, rather flimsy evidence, that Iraq and Iran have small pox samples. Remember the last two samples were "supposed" to be in Atlanta, and Russia. They are scabs from the last person to get the virus (a young Indian girl who survived).

If you are wondering why deadly viruses "burn out" its because dead people don't usually infect others, and/or people are more likely to isolate if a virus is extremely deadly. Also, because of these things and natural selection, a strain of a virus that is less deadly will usually win out in the end.

Small pox is the most deadly virus in the history of the world (I think). It killed billions before the WHO eradicated it. IFAIK Small pox is a rather stable virus which is why vaccination was able to rid the world of it.

Another terrifying fact. The WHO recently let over ~75% of the worlds smallpox vaccine go bad because they didn't want to pay to keep it cooled (Was like $75k a year). We would be fucked if small pox came back somehow.
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IF you cant keep smallpox on ice it will die like any other virus. Hopefully their lost supply is sitting in some warehouse dead, but there is some, rather flimsy evidence, that Iraq and Iran have small pox samples. Remember the last two samples were "supposed" to be in Atlanta, and Russia. They are scabs from the last person to get the virus (a young Indian girl who survived).

If you are wondering why deadly viruses "burn out" its because dead people don't usually infect others, and/or people are more likely to isolate if a virus is extremely deadly. Also, because of these things and natural selection, a strain of a virus that is less deadly will usually win out in the end.

Small pox is the most deadly virus in the history of the world (I think). It killed billions before the WHO eradicated it. IFAIK Small pox is a rather stable virus which is why vaccination was able to rid the world of it.

Another terrifying fact. The WHO recently let over ~75% of the worlds smallpox vaccine go bad because they didn't want to pay to keep it cooled (Was like $75k a year). We would be fucked if small pox came back somehow.

Smallpox is also creepy looking how it turns your skin into the living dead, worth keeping that thing dead.
Humans are evil and stupid though it might come back at some point.

Karma Jawa

What is the shelf life of something like that without billions spent on lab maintenance? How slow does that burn out?

Based on my limited knowledge of biological diseases, it’s meant to be burnt into the virus DNA to actually evolve downwards, because the virus can’t survive if everything it infects ends up dead.

I should add that I’m very ill right now, so it might be the virus talking.
Based on my limited knowledge of biological diseases, it’s meant to be burnt into the virus DNA to actually evolve downwards, because the virus can’t survive if everything it infects ends up dead.

I should add that I’m very ill right now, so it might be the virus talking.

what is the name of your Virus?



It's real, but know that Asians themselves are staying away too.

A pretty decent place nearby just closed shop which sucks. Relied on a lot of office worker lunchtime business. Dim sum raunts offering heavy discounts with like a third of usual patrons.


Yikes at letting all those passengers off in Yokohama without any restrictions. Guess I'll be avoiding the train and subways in Kanto for a while longer yet.
Yikes at letting all those passengers off in Yokohama without any restrictions. Guess I'll be avoiding the train and subways in Kanto for a while longer yet.

bussed to a train station crazy

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My fear is that this was merely a trial run for something far worse.
Having seen this spread like wildfire they know they now have an efficient delivery system. Now they just have to tweak the virus into something deadlier.
I think the 'delivery system' was already a given. If they make something deadlier, they could make a really humanity disaster...

It's not xenophobia, is survival instinct and fear, a RATIONAL fear of a real dying chance. So no 'phobia' anywhere.
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They/Them A-10 Warthog
I decided to read up on small pox out if curiosity. The way it overwhelms and attacks the human body is truly terrifying.
If I remember correctly, scientists still don't know how someone dies from small pox. The virus is insidious and apparently keeps its victims aware up until death. This has lead to tons of mythology about the virus, of which there is evidence of for thousands of years. I believe it is postulated that King Tut died of small pox?

I think the 'delivery system' was already a given. If they make something deadlier, they could make a really humanity disaster...

It's not xenophobia, is survival instinct and fear, a RATIONAL fear of a real dying chance. So no 'phobia' anywhere.

Deadly doesn't always mean better. A good bioweapon would have a high R0 which generally means a "Lower" death rate. The best bioweapons would have a high hospitalization rate though.

Why? The point of a bioweapon would be to destabilize economies and society, not necessarily kill. When I think about it, this virus could be the perfect bioweapon.

If this thing really only effects Asians severely I fully expect China to try and claim it is a US bioweapon. Its probably one of theirs though as the US has no need to hit china, and if we did it would likely not be with a virus.

That said its not only countries that can use biological warfare. Companies,terrorist organizations, and rich sociopaths are completely capable of doing the same.
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I don’t thinks it’s completely xenophobia.. more paranoia. We still don’t know a lot about Corona so the paranoia is ramped up 1,000%.

Yeah, I'm not sure what people expect.

It's been widely stated that the virus originated in China and the vast majority of cases have been diagnosed in China.

Most people are not experts on this stuff so they will be thinking that they might be taking an unknown risk.

Hey guys you know that disease that originated in China and has spread out from China? You know how all of those people dies from that disease in China? Quarantine. Quarantine. Quarantine. No symptoms for 14 days. 1000s infected. Now 10s of thousands infected. Hey! Here's some footage from China! Make sure you don't catch that disease folks. Be careful. Hey did you hear about that bus driver in japan who go the disease because he drove around tourists from that country... oh what was that place called now...? Chona? Chima? No wait it was China! Protect yourselves! Don't take risks! This thing is contagious as fuck and it's deadly too. Be careful out there! Did we mention anything about China? We are all going to die because of a disease from China!!!!!!

A: Hey... so do you want to go to that local Chinese place for dinner?
B: Um, I am sure I heard something about some virus or something... I don't know much... I mean, I ain't a doctor, you know... maybe we should be careful...


lol half of China - nearly double the entire US population - is under quarantine and the disease is spreading to more countries every day but yeah let's not hurt people's feelings.

Some of these folks will be virtue signalling on their death beds.

"Looks like he has less than 24 hours to live..."
"Did you just misgender me!? Reeeeeeeee."

Yeah it fucking sucks and yeah people are poorly informed but at some point the SJW pant pissing needs to stop and people need to get off their high horse for a bit.

I mean, if I see my neighbor when I'm taking out the trash later and he says "just got back from China there" I'll be damned if some jumped up little twat online is going to call me a xenophobe for not wanting to shake the guys hand. :)


Just thinking about this outbreak and everything surrounding it.

Can you imagine how this would all go down in a world without borders?


They/Them A-10 Warthog
Some of these folks will be virtue signalling on their death beds.

"Looks like he has less than 24 hours to live..."
"Did you just misgender me!? Reeeeeeeee."

Yeah it fucking sucks and yeah people are poorly informed but at some point the SJW pant pissing needs to stop and people need to get off their high horse for a bit.

I mean, if I see my neighbor when I'm taking out the trash later and he says "just got back from China there" I'll be damned if some jumped up little twat online is going to call me a xenophobe for not wanting to shake the guys hand. :)
The only reason SJWs exists is because we live in the most privileged time in human history. In the past people didn't have time to create boogie men because they were too busy dying from shit we find trivial today or dying in massive wars. If corona virus does hit hard, and kill a bunch of folks, I could see SJW stuff dying off real quick.


...lacks reading comprehension.
lol half of China - nearly double the entire US population - is under quarantine and the disease is spreading to more countries every day but yeah let's not hurt people's feelings.

The reports of that quarantine are wrong. The truth is that 700 million Chinese are required to do temperature checks when they leave or enter their cities. But there are not 700 million people under quarantine, just 60 million. And the international numbers should've exploded by now the same way that the Chinese numbers did - unless you are thinking that every nation in the world is also reporting false numbers. BTW while the number of Corona patients in the US rose to 15, 19 million people in the US were infected with influenca and 10.000 died.

“In the U.S., it’s really a fear based on media and this being something new,” Dr. Jennifer Lighter, hospital epidemiologist at NYU Langone Health, said of the new coronavirus. “When in reality, people can take measures to protect themselves against the flu, which is here and prevalent and has already killed 10,000 people.”


The reports of that quarantine are wrong. The truth is that 700 million Chinese are required to do temperature checks when they leave or enter their cities. But there are not 700 million people under quarantine, just 60 million. And the international numbers should've exploded by now the same way that the Chinese numbers did - unless you are thinking that every nation in the world is also reporting false numbers. BTW while the number of Corona patients in the US rose to 15, 19 million people in the US were infected with influenca and 10.000 died.

“In the U.S., it’s really a fear based on media and this being something new,” Dr. Jennifer Lighter, hospital epidemiologist at NYU Langone Health, said of the new coronavirus. “When in reality, people can take measures to protect themselves against the flu, which is here and prevalent and has already killed 10,000 people.”

It's actually quite shocking.

Rather than actually inform people and help them the media would rather stoke fear and panic in order to get views and clicks.

Then the smart arses come in and tell people off for acting irrationally or ridicule them for being poorly informed.


I'm going to Japan in just over 2 weeks from now. This is worrying. :messenger_neutral:

I have my family trip planned to Bangkok and from Bangkok via Hanoi to Fukuoka for a week in April. Everyday I am already worrying more^^

And this is what I read today . . .

I hope the flights get cancled and I get my money back. I could live with that >< But if thats not the case I loose quiet a lot >< booked non refundable because it was a good deal for 4 persons :D


I'm going to Japan in just over 2 weeks from now. This is worrying. :messenger_neutral:

Statistically you'll probably be fine.

I'd buy some small bottles of hand sanitizer and take one around with you in your bag.
Be thorough about washing your hands etc and you should be fine.
Don't be touching your eyes, nose, mouth etc with dirty hands.
See if you can grab some of those masks before you go and try to just go along with what the locals are doing.
If, when you arrive, you see basically everyone on trains etc wearing masks then just follow along with that.

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Some of these folks will be virtue signalling on their death beds.

"Looks like he has less than 24 hours to live..."
"Did you just misgender me!? Reeeeeeeee."

Yeah it fucking sucks and yeah people are poorly informed but at some point the SJW pant pissing needs to stop and people need to get off their high horse for a bit.

I mean, if I see my neighbor when I'm taking out the trash later and he says "just got back from China there" I'll be damned if some jumped up little twat online is going to call me a xenophobe for not wanting to shake the guys hand. :)

Also don't forget it's only just been Chinese New Year so a LOT of Chinese have been travelling to and out of China.


Some of these folks will be virtue signalling on their death beds.

"Looks like he has less than 24 hours to live..."
"Did you just misgender me!? Reeeeeeeee."

Yeah it fucking sucks and yeah people are poorly informed but at some point the SJW pant pissing needs to stop and people need to get off their high horse for a bit.

I mean, if I see my neighbor when I'm taking out the trash later and he says "just got back from China there" I'll be damned if some jumped up little twat online is going to call me a xenophobe for not wanting to shake the guys hand. :)

"Tell my children...*cough cough*...tell them that I wasn't racist...." *flatline*

The reports of that quarantine are wrong. The truth is that 700 million Chinese are required to do temperature checks when they leave or enter their cities. But there are not 700 million people under quarantine, just 60 million. And the international numbers should've exploded by now the same way that the Chinese numbers did - unless you are thinking that every nation in the world is also reporting false numbers. BTW while the number of Corona patients in the US rose to 15, 19 million people in the US were infected with influenca and 10.000 died.

“In the U.S., it’s really a fear based on media and this being something new,” Dr. Jennifer Lighter, hospital epidemiologist at NYU Langone Health, said of the new coronavirus. “When in reality, people can take measures to protect themselves against the flu, which is here and prevalent and has already killed 10,000 people.”

Oh I absolutely believe that most, if not all, nations are hiding their real numbers. Especially China. If you're honestly citing China's official numbers as evidence that I'm wrong then I've got a fucking bridge to sell you.

"10,000 died of the flu" yeah okay even if the Chinese numbers you cited are 100% true, I don't see 60 million people being quarantined every year for the flu. People citing flu statistics to try and say that this isn't as bad as it seems are fooling themselves.
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Croatoan Croatoan Please do have a spin down the rabbit hole that is research into the Rabies toxin that was done with the SARS bats, and how under certain conditions the specimen goats they used were infected with rabies without any intervention from the bats themselves, essentially the toxin became an aerosol.

Now, if that could be weaponised...



Two Iranians have died in hospital after testing positive for the new coronavirus in the holy Shi'ite city of Qom, the head of the city's University of Medical Sciences told Mehr news agency on Wednesday.

"Two Iranians, who tested positive earlier today for new coronavirus, died of respiratory illness," the official told Mehr.

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