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Mask Efficacy |OT| Wuhan!! Got You All In Check

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I think it has to do with pollution though. So if you spent 30-80 years of your life in China you are more susceptible, not because you are Chinese, but because your lungs are fucked from pollution.

Despite what makes headlines it's not 100% polluted over the entire country everyday. Sure, Beijing, major cites and industrial areas, the rest? Not so much.
He also was not very sick. Its possible, but not likely, this thing is worse for people of Asian decent.

I think it has to do with pollution though. So if you spent 30-80 years of your life in China you are more susceptible, not because you are Chinese, but because your lungs are fucked from pollution.

yeah he spread it but it seemed he had an easy mild case of it.

Yes I agree it should be to damaged lungs from polution, and smokers too which Japan should worry about.
Despite what makes headlines it's not 100% polluted over the entire country everyday. Sure, Beijing, major cites and industrial areas, the rest? Not so much.

It is not really a case to defend, China has been far more pro-active in cleaning the smog issues than most other nations, but it only really takes a few bad summers to screw your lungs badly enough to make it weaker against complications from a virus like this.

Many other nations in the area like India have air polution issues, that are far worst than China in recent years. The point is air pollution does allows for milder viruses to take you out.


Gold Member
All I know is I'm one of those people who hardly ever get sick. I missed maybe 1 day of school every 3 years and some of those days I faked it.

As an adult, I get sick maybe once every 3 years too for a whopping 1-2 days where I'm hitting the shitter every hour and my ass gets sore from wiping. I guess I must had got a flu bug or food poisoning.

So for all you dirty sick fuckers, stay away from me with your germs and Chinese millipede soup.......

............ but if you're a hot blonde chick, you are free to breathe, cough, and eat my pepperoni stick as much as you want. I'll take the risk.
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Do you have an age stats list of people who died? I’ve looked but can’t find anything.



COVID-19 is such a dull name.

Then again here in the UK we’re currently being hit by storm Dennis.



What's all this "only Asians dies from (or gets infected by) the virus" theorising all about?

I would hazard t guess that 99.9% of the people resident in China are, unsurprisingly, Asian. Of the 0.1% who aren't, the vast majority are likely in the 18-50 years old age range (so largely outside of the "danger" demographic) and almost all of them live in places other than Wuhan (plus the one's who were resident in Wuhan were all evacuated pretty quickly).

If you check the stats on the BNO site, they show that 58k out of 70k known infections are in Hubei province (which includes Wuhan), as are 1696 of the 1770 total recorded deaths so far. Most other provinces in China have fewer than a few hundred confirmed cases each, and many of those provinces are larger than most European countries. From these stats, maybe we should conclude that Chinese people not from Hubei also by and large have the same immunity to the virus as white folks do :messenger_tears_of_joy:

Look, as a white guy living in China, I would like these theories to be true, but it's very unlikely that they are.


What's all this "only Asians dies from (or gets infected by) the virus" theorising all about?

I would hazard t guess that 99.9% of the people resident in China are, unsurprisingly, Asian. Of the 0.1% who aren't, the vast majority are likely in the 18-50 years old age range (so largely outside of the "danger" demographic) and almost all of them live in places other than Wuhan (plus the one's who were resident in Wuhan were all evacuated pretty quickly).

If you check the stats on the BNO site, they show that 58k out of 70k known infections are in Hubei province (which includes Wuhan), as are 1696 of the 1770 total recorded deaths so far. Most other provinces in China have fewer than a few hundred confirmed cases each, and many of those provinces are larger than most European countries. From these stats, maybe we should conclude that Chinese people not from Hubei also by and large have the same immunity to the virus as white folks do :messenger_tears_of_joy:

Look, as a white guy living in China, I would like these theories to be true, but it's very unlikely that they are.
No idea. I've heard some people talking about ACE2 receptors, and how certain ethnicities have higher expression of the ACE2 gene or something (not sure if this is even true), but just because say Chinese people on average might have higher expression, doesn't mean there aren't plenty of people in the west who don't. And as far as I am aware, SARS, another coronavirus, also uses the ACE2 receptor, and white people still died from SARS. Certainly they got sick.
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Rodent Whores
So the first person in europe died in Parid and guess what. They were of chinese descent. Makes you think.
Yeah, it makes me think that the person probably came from China, the place where this whole outbreak began. The place which has 99% Chinese people living in it :pie_eyeroll:

If only a few white people were infected it wouldn't be so bad. Consider that 10% so far have been infected on the cruise, if 90% were asian, then it would show that in a small contained enviroment Asians are still more likely to get the virus then White people.

I don't think Europeans are immune to the virus, but its done very little damage outside of Asia. I still want our governments to take all the precautions, but so far they seem to be doing something right.
You're overthinking the race angle. There is probably some influence, like SARS, but the overwhelming association with Asian people getting the disease is because the virus originated in China, which is full of Chinese people.

Don't let sensationalism get in the way of your critical thinking skills.



This doesn't look good like I wrote yesterday already :-/ I dont see how Japan will get this under control . . .


They/Them A-10 Warthog
I would like to clarify that I don't think "Race" has anything to do with the virus' severity. I do think it is odd that Chinese people are dropping like flies but the westerners who have gotten it seem to shrug it off for the most part. The Bavarian cases were extremely interesting in that they were very mild from the reports.

My hypothesis is pollution, and yes I know China isn't so bad in "Current Year" but a lot of Chinese lived through the bad years and I have no idea how long it takes lungs to heal from the damage rampant pollution caused.

I've seen pictures of Wuhan where you cannot even see the sky on a non cloudy day.

Also I look towards smoking, which Chinese men do A LOT, and hey, Chinese men are more effected by this than women.

These are just simple observations though.
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That's Bullshit. I just went to my local china town (I actually live right around the corner from it) and got some good shrimp fried rice.
Nah, it's pretty real my man. Chinatown's been feeling it in Toronto. There's been a noticeable drop-off.


I would like to clarify that I don't think "Race" has anything to do with the virus' severity. I do think it is odd that Chinese people are dropping like flies but the westerners who have gotten it seem to shrug it off for the most part. The Bavarian cases were extremely interesting in that they were very mild from the reports.

My hypothesis is pollution, and yes I know China isn't so bad in "Current Year" but a lot of Chinese lived through the bad years and I have no idea how long it takes lungs to heal from the damage rampant pollution caused.

I've seen pictures of Wuhan where you cannot even see the sky on a non cloudy day.

Well we will see how fares in other asian countries. Thailand for instance has more then 10mio ethnics chinese thai people and more then 40% of the population are considered of mixed heritage in Thailand. Meaning they have some kind of chinese ancestry. If that virus doesn't take of their or in Hong Kong you might be right with the damaged lungs.
My only trip to mainland China in Jan. 2019 was to Huludao and Jinzhou and the polution level that was shown on my handy reached 442/500 points back then. "Dangerous warning" don't leave the building >< Seems to be better now.


Contacted PSN to add his card back to his account
I think virus itself isn't the biggest problem (health implications) but the economical consequences of shutting down almost entire World's biggest factory (aka China) will come back like a financial tsunami.
We don't know when this tsunami is going to hit, but the quake was already very strong it is just a matter of time.


They/Them A-10 Warthog
Its interesting that every forum thread I follow on this virus (there are few), and even the reddit forums dedicated to it are slowing massively. I guess people are already moving on to the next thing.
Its interesting that every forum thread I follow on this virus (there are few), and even the reddit forums dedicated to it are slowing massively. I guess people are already moving on to the next thing.

Yeah I've noticed the same thing. Nothing is really slowing down with the virus, there are still shocking videos coming out (the other day I saw a video of a hospital piling dead children into single body bags, another of what looked like a chain gang being led down a street). It's almost as if the attention span people have is short or if it is just burn out on the subject, I'm not sure.
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They/Them A-10 Warthog
Yeah I've noticed the same thing. Nothing is really slowing down with the virus, there are still shocking videos coming out (the other day I saw a video of a hospital piling dead children into single body bags, another of what looked like a chain gang being led down a street). It's almost as if the attention span people have is short or if it is just burn out on the subject, I'm not sure.
I tend to not believe videos during times like this. Too easy to pull videos from somewhere else. Too many trolls and attention seekers.

I especially don't believe anything coming out of china, doesn't matter if its from the government or its citizens.

All I look at is data, particularly data not coming out of China. Data for this virus in the west is extremely encouraging right now.


Yeah, it makes me think that the person probably came from China, the place where this whole outbreak began. The place which has 99% Chinese people living in it :pie_eyeroll:

You're overthinking the race angle. There is probably some influence, like SARS, but the overwhelming association with Asian people getting the disease is because the virus originated in China, which is full of Chinese people.

Don't let sensationalism get in the way of your critical thinking skills.

Its nothing about sensationalism. Some people have theorized, took this from the other article.

This has led some to speculate that Asians, who have higher concentrations of ACE2 (per the 1000 genome project) may be affected to a greater degree than those of European ancestry, who produce the least of it - and have largely been the asymptomatic 'super spreaders' such as Diamond Princess coronavirus victim Rebecca Frasure.

I won't start swapping spit with someone effected because I am white. But its essentially been stopped at spreading past Asian countries. We had a case in Canada and it didn't turn into infecting 3000 people a day. Pretty much every country effected is in Asia, with a few isolated cases in the Western World. First death in Europe is not a European, but a Chinese.

Doesn't mean white/black people are immune, but its a side of the virus I would like more study on. And I can agree with the poster below that maybe Chinese pollution levels or their smoking habits could be playing a role as well.


Its interesting that every forum thread I follow on this virus (there are few), and even the reddit forums dedicated to it are slowing massively. I guess people are already moving on to the next thing.
For people this was long, nowadays topics are top of mind max 4 days ...

That’s the world ! 24/7 high speed! What’s the next big thing!

Also... regarding the "Asian Preference"

I wish we knew the race and how this was divided.

40% asymptomatic! If that # holds, there could be a ton of people infected without ever knowing. Spreading it around.

*IF* a majority of those 40% are non-Asians, I'd begin to seriously wonder wtf is going on. We haven't seen a ton of reports from China about asymptomatic carriers, have we? I don't know if this is due to it not happening much, or them just not bothering to test people if they're not sick.

Very strange at best. I hate how news stories can't/won't cover the race of people because it's racist.


They/Them A-10 Warthog

Also... regarding the "Asian Preference"

I wish we knew the race and how this was divided.

40% asymptomatic! If that # holds, there could be a ton of people infected without ever knowing. Spreading it around.

*IF* a majority of those 40% are non-Asians, I'd begin to seriously wonder wtf is going on. We haven't seen a ton of reports from China about asymptomatic carriers, have we? I don't know if this is due to it not happening much, or them just not bothering to test people if they're not sick.

Very strange at best. I hate how news stories can't/won't cover the race of people because it's racist.

Makes you think.

I wouldn't be surprised if millionsare infected in china that have no clue/no symptoms. This thing could end up less deadly than the flu in that case. Also, I highly doubt there are only 15 people with this virus in the US. Personally I believe the number is closer to 15000-30000 or more and they just think they have a light cold. This thing could be widely circulating.
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I wish we knew the race and how this was divided.

40% asymptomatic! If that # holds, there could be a ton of people infected without ever knowing. Spreading it around.

*IF* a majority of those 40% are non-Asians, I'd begin to seriously wonder wtf is going on. We haven't seen a ton of reports from China about asymptomatic carriers, have we? I don't know if this is due to it not happening much, or them just not bothering to test people if they're not sick.

Very strange at best. I hate how news stories can't/won't cover the race of people because it's racist.
I've read that there are 40 Americans and 15 Canadians from the cruise ship who tested positive. No idea if they had symptoms or not though.
Unrelated to the cruise ship, of 46 people who tested positive in Japan, 8 had no symptoms, and 17 had mild to medium symptoms.

little disheartening to see stuff like this.

Why? Chinese in particular travel like crazy, especially the ethnic Chinese who run most of these small restaurants. I used to live across from a family who owned one of these restaurants and the wife and kids went to NY Chinatown once a month at least on a Greyhound to visit family.

I wouldn't go to one of these restaurants until months after this is resolved. Way too risky with the 2 week symptomless incubation.



I dunno, just seems so odd, everything about it is odd.
China is still shut down despite being "back to work" for a week. It's been a month and the numbers were going up, now going down or are they just saying they are going down to get back to business?



The email was sent shortly after El Al notified the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange that the company was in a financial crisis not of its own making due to the spread of the coronavirus.

El Al said it was forced to cancel flights to and from Beijing and Hong Kong and to reduce flights to Bangkok by 50% in recent weeks. Additionally, a growing number of travelers are canceling their plans – not only to East Asia but around the world – for fear of catching the potentially lethal virus, it said.

If small ISrael is suffering, its not going to be long until others start to feel the pinch.
China is still shut down despite being "back to work" for a week. It's been a month and the numbers were going up, now going down or are they just saying they are going down to get back to business?

I hope they're going down for realsies, but who knows. Japan #s are still increasing, but other countries seem to just have a case or two pop up here and there.

BUT if there really are 40% asymptomatic spreaders out there, who the hell knows. I'm glad I'm not an old person right now.

The email was sent shortly after El Al notified the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange that the company was in a financial crisis not of its own making due to the spread of the coronavirus.

El Al said it was forced to cancel flights to and from Beijing and Hong Kong and to reduce flights to Bangkok by 50% in recent weeks.
Additionally, a growing number of travelers are canceling their plans – not only to East Asia but around the world – for fear of catching the potentially lethal virus, it said.

If small ISrael is suffering, its not going to be long until others start to feel the pinch.

I am honestly surprised we haven't seen any serious issues pop up yet. I think the timing is actually fortuitous, as everyone was already planning for the Chinese New Year shutdown, so this extending that is easier than a sudden stop.

At some point this is going to trickle down to a LOOOOOOOOOT of people though.



The email was sent shortly after El Al notified the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange that the company was in a financial crisis not of its own making due to the spread of the coronavirus.

El Al said it was forced to cancel flights to and from Beijing and Hong Kong and to reduce flights to Bangkok by 50% in recent weeks.
Additionally, a growing number of travelers are canceling their plans – not only to East Asia but around the world – for fear of catching the potentially lethal virus, it said.

If small ISrael is suffering, its not going to be long until others start to feel the pinch.
Theoretically retailers with a "just in time" business model should already be showing signs of stock shortages on some products.



The email was sent shortly after El Al notified the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange that the company was in a financial crisis not of its own making due to the spread of the coronavirus.

El Al said it was forced to cancel flights to and from Beijing and Hong Kong and to reduce flights to Bangkok by 50% in recent weeks.
Additionally, a growing number of travelers are canceling their plans – not only to East Asia but around the world – for fear of catching the potentially lethal virus, it said.

If small ISrael is suffering, its not going to be long until others start to feel the pinch.

Yeah, the central banks are going to go on a coke binge to prevent recession due to supply chain disruption. WIll be an interesting year.


Give it one or two more months and we will see it hit nearly every aspect of daily life. Hell today I read switches will be in short supply after April also in the US and Europe. Current shipments will only last two months.



I dunno, just seems so odd, everything about it is odd.
What's odd? Preventive measures against a new virus which doesn't have a vaccine yet? Flu is still deadly and it's here every season, we can't erradicate it. You prefer they do nothing and let this new virus spread because it doesn't really kill many?



On Sunday, Hubei announced tough new measures to try to curb the outbreak, ordering its cities to block roads to all private vehicles. Meanwhile, a newly published speech revealed Chinese President Xi Jinping was aware of the potential severity of the outbreak long before the public was informed.

Thanks Xi

The head of the World Health Organization (WHO) said Chinese medical data shows that more than 80 percent of patients have mild symptoms and will recover, while 14 percent suffer from severe complications such as pneumonia, five percent are in critical condition and two percent die from the disease.

"It appears that COVID-19 is not as deadly as other coronaviruses, including SARS and MERS,"
Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus told reporters in Geneva, adding that officilas were starting to get a clearer picture of the outbreak.

The UN health agency's chief also said that children were not suffering from COVID-19 as adults and that the risk of death increases the older you are.

Some good news. 80% recover and only 2% die. But based on Chinese numbers so it could all be manipulated data for all we know.

Has BNO released any data about age? If children aren't being effected thats a positive as well.


Cool website, not sure how accurate but I will take it. Its an interactive map of the virus with corresponding data. If anyone knows how to embed it go ahead and do so.

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Some good news. 80% recover and only 2% die. But based on Chinese numbers so it could all be manipulated data for all we know.

Has BNO released any data about age? If children aren't being effected thats a positive as well.

Everything I've read has had children barely mentioned. A couple, but numbers far lower than other groups. Hopefully it's true. I haven't seen anything outside of China that would lead me to think kids are at any kind of elevated risk.

Less deadly than SARS & MERS is good, but it's spread far FAAAAR more than either of those. I think there were only like ~8000 cases of SARS, and like ~2500 cases of MERS. I read that MERS has a 30-40% death rate.. yikes. I wonder if it kills too quick to spread far enough?

It seems like maybe this is more in-line with the Swine Flu pandemic? Hopefully we continue to get good info from around the world when/if this pops up.

It doesn't SEEM to be tearing through other countries like wildfire, so that's good at least.


Give it one or two more months and we will see it hit nearly every aspect of daily life. Hell today I read switches will be in short supply after April also in the US and Europe. Current shipments will only last two months.
Switches not available? Damn, shits gettting real!

It's not the stuff like that people should be concerned with, imagine infrastructure going down due to lack of spare parts and consumables.
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