Smiles and Cries
It’s getting more and more difficult to believe these numbers.
they are running out of people to infect
It’s getting more and more difficult to believe these numbers.
Uh oh. Shit is getting serious.
Maybe it was all part of the plan.the aging population in Japan is the worst place for a virus that kills old folks
he needed a secret location?A doctor in Japan who boarded cruise ship and criticized handling, then tried to be muffled by government is speaking to foreign press live now from his secret location
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Oh come on now.I have my family trip planned to Bangkok and from Bangkok via Hanoi to Fukuoka for a week in April. Everyday I am already worrying more^^
Uh oh. Shit is getting serious.
Ages and race/nationality?
Wait so four people age exactly 80 have died in the last day?Male & Female both 80 but no race or nationality that I've seen.
So still deathly bad for the 80+ bracket. Don't be old!
Wait so four people age exactly 80 have died in the last day?
That's fucking great ¬_¬
That's fucking great ¬_¬
Yup, it’s that contagious, but most people seem to be like those monkeys, see, hear nothing lalalalagod intended for it to happen like this
There is some more detail from Iran of the coronavirus cases there. Three cases have been confirmed today, in addition to the two people who were known to have died from it.
The cases have all been in Qom, which is around 140km (86 miles) south of the capital, Tehran. According to the official IRNA news agency all schools and universities, including religious Shia seminaries, were shut down in the city.
Mohammad Mahdi Gouya, Iran’s deputy health minister, said the three people with the coronavirus did not appear to have had any contact with Chinese nationals. Authorities were now investigating the origin of the disease, and its possible link with religious pilgrims from Pakistan or other countries.
the aging population in Japan is the worst place for a virus that kills old folks
Church, forgot about all those hand shakes
If this blew up there, I think Japan may have to radically reform their immigration ideology.
Two passengers who were onboard the quarantined Diamond Princess cruise liner have died after being diagnosed with Covid-19, Japan’s health ministry said on Thursday.
The victims – the first people connected to the ship to have died – were an 87-year-old man and an 84-year-old woman, both of whom had pre-existing medical conditions, the public broadcaster NHK said, adding that the man had been hospitalised on 11 February and the woman the following day.
Most of the infected passengers developed symptoms between 6to 9 February, the institute said, while most crew members first showed symptoms from 10 February onwards.
While passengers were confined to their cabins, apart from brief, restricted periods on deck, members of the ship’s staff continued to prepare meals and perform other work duties, thereby allowing the virus to spread to colleagues and passengers.
“The virus was most likely spread not through coughs and sneezes, but from the food trays an infected crew member carried to the passengers,” Shigeru Sakurai, an Iwate Medical University professor, who inspected the situation onboard last week, told the Kyodo news agency.
Coronavirus: two Diamond Princess passengers die as Japan defends quarantine
US says efforts to contain spread ‘may not have been sufficient’ as Japanese health minister argues ‘we’ve been doing our best’
Iran, Iran so far away
I wonder how many cases in North Korea at this point?
I would not be shocked if North Korea was not at Japan numbers or worseIf it's spread in South Korea I have to figure it's done the same in NK.
Though their craziness could benefit them if they just shot everyone suspected of being sick. I wouldn't put it past them to eliminate a whole town.
Was it World War Z where the Norks just disappeared when the virus spread?
Iran, Iran so far away
If it's spread in South Korea I have to figure it's done the same in NK.
Though their craziness could benefit them if they just shot everyone suspected of being sick. I wouldn't put it past them to eliminate a whole town.
Was it World War Z where the Norks just disappeared when the virus spread?
Absolutely expected. More tuhao in Richmond than Markham.Didn't expect BC would outpace Ontario, but they are.
Yes, only now we are more connected so it spreads more easily than centuries ago.Ive found some interesting facts about the origins of the most deadly diseases in history and most of them start in China through the ages. The bubonic plagues throughout history, the black death in medieval europe, the spanish flu, the asian flu in 1957, the hong kong flu in 1968, sars, wuhan coronavirus etc... China it seems has been killing large populations throughout the world indirectly for centuries, the wuhan flu really is nothing new, in that regard.