There's a bigger picture here. It's the dynamic of control. If they had tried to mandate masks from day one there would have been a lot more pushback. But instead they scared the SHIT out of everybody first, prompting many of them to wear masks on their own accord as part of the process of moving the Overton Window. Clever I guess. But widespread masking, while maybe somewhat more 'normal' in certain Asian countries before this started, creates a very dystopian atmosphere. And it feeds into the fear, people fearing each other, and just fearing the air we breath in general. I also wonder about the children; we're probably grooming the next generation of self destructive gerrmaphobes as we speak.
They're also uncomfortable, make it harder to breath, and a high percentage of people aren't wearing them properly to begin with. There's no doubt that people are touching their faces more with them on than without. Anyone with asthma or any other chronic respiratory issues generally should not be wearing them at all, or at worst for more than a few minutes at a time. Ubiquitous mask wearing in the US started too late to claim that it is responsible for flattening the curve. Given the up to 15 day incubation period, the lockdowns possibly started too late to really attribute it to that either.
The idea that "new evidence" came up that proved mask wearing was not essential, rather than unnecessary is bs. This dramatic about face happened over a very short period of time. General population masking was never ever recommended for the flu, even in 2017-2018 when it killed nearly 80 thousand people in the US. Maybe if the government wasn't jerking us around constantly we could trust their experts more. Fauci and Birx didn't start wearing masks until weeks into this. GTFO of here, don't piss on me and tell me it's raining, okay? If we don't mask for flu we don't need to mask for this. Hell, many of the masks actually have warning labels on the packaging now stating that they do NOT protect against COVID-19. This whole thing just isn't as bad as advertised, period. And the idea of masks as a panacea with no downside is definitely not unanimous. (e.g.
As for Sweden, they have more deaths than some nordic countries, but without locking down they fared very well compared to countless other countries who did lock down. In the broader sense there's not very much evidence to suggest lockdowns were any consistent key to dramatically improving countries' situations. Sweden has had a maybe middle of the pack type of outcome. But they're one of the only ones who didn't completely destroy their economy to get there.