We also got these people in Canada too
Why would these fuckers even want to be in a park like that even if there weren’t a virus? Love my city but damn, there’s other places.
We also got these people in Canada too
Fair enough, Italy has it at 15% and explanation goes "more people were infected", that does sound plausible.Most antibody tests out there for high death-count areas are saying 15-20% of the population has had it...
Why would these fuckers even want to be in a park like that even if there weren’t a virus? Love my city but damn, there’s other places.
Why some are so upset for this temporal safety rules?
Yeah sucks but Is not a tragedy...
Fair enough, Italy has it at 15% and explanation goes "more people were infected", that does sound plausible.
I also agree that the clearest picture one could get for % of infected is by having antibody tests (and for number of victims, comparing to the previous years' figures).
But the 0.1% CFR is another extreme.
In NY city, a place where that scary mass burial scene took place, they've said it 25% of those tested had antibodies.
But NY has seen 30k deaths.
That makes CFR of about 1.5%, provided deaths are counted correctly (I doubt they are in case of homeless).
Why some are so upset for this temporal safety rules?
Yeah sucks but Is not a tragedy...
CFR = Case fatality rate.
You are talking about maybe IFR or CMR. Now keep in mind the 1.5% is skewed because the IFR/CFR is way higher for the elderly. CFR for above 80 is something like 10-15%. And then you have to factor in that the vast majority of deaths are in these older populations and the data is getting really skewed. Spain for example has over 90% of its deaths in 65+, but they only make up 18% of the population. So really saying that the IFR is 1.5% for someone who is 35 when they account for less than 3% of the deaths doesn't make sense. Just as the opposite, because someone who is 75 doesn't have an IFR of 1.5% either.
Here is some data from worldometers about New York, and WM should be trusted since everyone uses it for case numbers, test numbers, deaths etc.. Even Dr. Birx uses it
When analyzing the breakdown of deaths by age and condition [source], we can observe how, out of 15,230 confirmed deaths in New York City up to May 12, only 690 (4.5% of all deaths) occurred in patients under the age of 65 who did not have an underlying medical condition (or for which it is unknown whether they had or did not have an underlying condition).
Only 690 deaths in NY for healthy people under 65.
Underlying illnesses include Diabetes, Lung Disease, Cancer, Immunodeficiency, Heart Disease, Hypertension, Asthma, Kidney Disease, GI/Liver Disease, and Obesity [source]
Unless you are fat though LOL
Under 65-year-old (0.09% CMR to date)
85.9% of the population (7,214,525 people out of 8,398,748) in New York City is under 65 years old according to the US Census Bureau, which indicates the percent of persons 65 years old and over in New York City as being 14.1% [source].
We don't know what percentage of the population in this age group has an underlying condition, so at this time we are not able to accurately estimate the fatality rate for the under 65 years old and healthy.
But we can calculate it for the entire population under 65 years old (both healthy and unhealthy): with 6,188 deaths (26% of the total deaths in all age groups) occurring in this age group, of which 5,498 deaths (89%) in patients with a known underlying condition, the crude mortality rate to date will correspond to 6,188 / 7,214,525 = 0.09% CMR, or 86 deaths per 100,000 population (compared to 0.28% and 279 deaths per 100,000 for the general population).
So far there has been 1 death every 1,166 people under 65 years old (compared to 1 death every 358 people in the general population). And 89% of the times, the person who died had one or more underlying medical conditions.
So that gives you a IFR of .08%, and if you are healthy it would be 10% of that which is .008%, if you are under 65.
And personally I think New Yorks numbers are really bad in comparison to a lot of other places. It seems the 45-65 age group is getting hit harder there then some other places. I put it to being unhealthy, and as un PC as it is, lots of African American's. I buy into the whole Vitamin D theories, and data shows that Blacks are dying more in proportion. Not being racist just talking science.
Where I live under 60 years old we have about 60 deaths total. I live in the epicenter of Canada, and my city is top 5 worst per capita for deaths. Yet we have so few deaths in people under the age of 60.
Woah, that's a lot of statistics man.
There's this old BBC comedian Vic Reeves, and his quote "88.2% of statistics are made up on the spot". Classic.
Why some are so upset for this temporal safety rules?
Yeah sucks but Is not a tragedy...
Despite Moderna’s cheery press release this morning, the clinical trial results for its groundbreaking COVID vaccine could not be much worse.
The vaccine, developed and championed by Anthony Fauci and financed by Bill Gates,used an experimental MRNA technology that the two men hoped would allow rapid deployment to meet President Trump’s ambitions “warp speed” time line.
Dr. Fauci was so confident of his shot’s safety that he waved ferret and primate studies ( Moderna suspiciously reported no health data from its mouse studies). That appears to have been a mistake.
Three of the 15 human guinea pigs in the high dose cohort (250 mcg) suffered a “serious adverse event” within 43 days of receiving Moderna’s jab.
Moderna did not release its clinical trial study or raw data,but its press release,which was freighted with inconsistencies acknowledged that three volunteers developed Grade 3 systemic events defined by the FDA as “Preventing daily activity and requiring medical intervention. “
Moderna allowed only exceptionally healthy volunteers to participate in the study. A vaccine with those reaction rates could cause grave injuries in 1.5 billion humans if administered to “every person on earth”.
That is the threshold that Gates has established for ending the global lockdown.
Moderna did not explain why it reported positive antibody tests for only eight participants.These outcomes are particularly disappointing because the most hazardous hurdle for the inoculation is still ahead; challenging participants with wild COVID infection.
Not see all with political propaganda...some my co workers don't follow the safety rules tooBecause idiots like her get paid millions of dollars to sit on cable news and preach at you to stay home. If you're not listening to their high-paid edicts, what worth is there for them to keep living?
CATASTROPHE: 20% of Human Test Subjects Severely Injured from Gates-Fauci Coronavirus Vaccine by Moderna - Fort Russ
By Robert F. Kennedy Jr. – May 20, 2020 Despite Moderna’s cheery press release this morning, the clinical trial results for its groundbreaking COVID vaccine could not be much worse. The vaccine, developed and championed by Anthony Fauci and financed by Bill Gates,used an experimental
They wrote "20%" in the headline because "three of 15" does not sound nearly as intimidating.
Not saying it's safe, but a sample size of 15 is not enough to determine anything.
True. But supposing this vaccine, or a version of it, is made available, would you take it? Because I sure as hell won't.
TIL: you can't really have a rational discussion about the virus on Facebook. People would rather sit and listen to what the mainstream media tell them and not do their own research. Then again I knew that but, eh.
They wrote "20%" in the headline because "three of 15" does not sound nearly as intimidating.
Not saying it's safe, but a sample size of 15 is not enough to determine anything.
And with that, one disgruntled civil servent got everyone talking about a tweet rather than Boris Johnson.
Its like people like shooting themselves in the foot.
It must be hard to get shit done while battling leftists in the press and the government.
Yep. We have to work with them from time to time.
My boss is tremendously creative with his insults. A good number of his top 10 efforts have been aimed at civil servents.
Here's how it went:Sheeple
Remember, the states opening up was an ECONOMIC DECISION. It's not about your health. Covid-19 is still killing folk.
Be smart!
yeah. But no ones listening to the experts anymore, and I see people already on airplanes, at gatherings in tight spaces and heading to crowded holiday destinations. The news is showing thousands of folks not social distancing, not wearing masks and it looks like people think the virus is gone.
Well no one's listening to the "experts" anymore because they can't seem to make up their minds on what to do.
Which is actually normal with a new virus that people haven’t really seen before, let alone research. The more they learn the more their recommendations shift.
which is why that doctor said we should reopen
A minority by far. Tons more medical experts and doctors saying the opposite.
I mean yeah, tons. But we could say the same for the opposite.
I trust the credentials of those who do, versus those among the ones calling for opening up having already had a history of falsifying and willfully misconstruing data in their research/studies
There were benchmarks set for the GRADUAL reopening of the states. Benchmarks that almost NO reopened state has met, but are reopened just the same.
Some states have doctored their reporting (Ga), or have ceased reporting at all (Fl) in the lead up to the Memorial Day weekend.
Trump pushed out the guidelines then immediately began undercutting them. So the states are largely taking advantage of the lack of leadership.
Social distancing, masks in public spaces were the bare minimum conditions for any scientific recommendation.
States are mandating/enforcing NEITHER. And people are getting lax. A spike is gonna come in 3 weeks from the Memorial Day shenanigans and its gonna all happen again come the 4th of July.
no medical experts have said that it's okay to reopen. All any expert has done is state and RESTATE the conditions where states could gradually reopen.
Trump fires, reassigns, and muzzles dissenting voices. Even among experts. So no remaining experts are going to directly contradict him, cause they know they'll get booted.
When was the last time you saw Dr. Fouci at the mic at the White House?
Any respirator wearers in here?
Saw this earlier, kinda funny but true
We also got these people in Canada too
Are there a lot of hostilities towards Asians where you guys live?
In a study by the Imperial College London, the researchers estimate that 13 percent of the state's 6.9 million population -- some 897,000 people -- has contracted the disease. That's sharply higher than the 91,662 reported by the state as of Saturday.
118 deaths in the uk today, we can’t be far from our first 2 digit day since the peak. Nice.
Ontario is headed for another lockdown. Ford and his team wanted the numbers 200 or below for a reopening and its just not happening. Its heading in the wrong direction even with the low number of tests being done.
I'm all for a reopening. But people need to stop being so ignorant to the threats of community spread and start taking this shit seriously.
"Although this will cost us millions of jobs, it's a small price to pay to save so many lives. If it even saves one life, it would be worth it," said Gavin Newsom as he munched on Animal Style Fries from In-N-Out. "We need to flatten the curve! Of course, this In-N-Out will remain open for me and the other government workers downtown. I mean, have you ever had these burgers? Mmmmmm!"
There's also the claim though in the article I linked about exhaled virus not dispersing while wearing a mask, causing it to concentrate far more than it otherwise would have in the wearer's nasal passages increasing viral load and potentially entering olfactory nerves or the brain.
So looks like today will be the lowest day of deaths since March 29th. And it will be 17 days of being under 2000 deaths. For the USA of course. Should be under 600 unless some states send in some last minute revisions.
All though it is Sunday and a holiday so I expect some deaths to be added onto Tuesday/Wed in the usual weekly increase so maybe it touches 2K again, we will see.
I'm curious how many of these are actually vetted?But the media reported that we would be at 3,000 dead per day by June 1st!
I'm curious how many of these are actually vetted?
We've heard about mass graves but if someone died of a heart attack or stroke, then morally speaking, it shouldn't be written off as Covid-19 victim.
In fact, all year round, are we suppose to believe no one is dying of other causes? Heart attacks, strokes, cancer, drowning, car accidents, gang violence, those things never went away.