Can you imagine how Democrats would respond if Russia gave their vaccine to the United States and helped restore our lives and economy? Democrats would scream, “Election interference!” And the people would be like, “bro, Russia just saved our asses while your crazies burnt down our cities.”
Eugh. So early on we had to lay off a quarter of my team, furloughing the rest. Looks like we're losing another quarter soon. I'm safe but it sucks to lose people. Elsewhere in the company it's carnage. The economy is going to be an absolute mess for a good while it seems.
Sucks man, best wishes to you and your coworkers.
Congressman Gohmert has it and broke the news to his staff in person
How is it that supposed experts and supergenius scientists are only coming now to agree with me?
Ross Clark is an author, not an expert or super genius scientist.I’ve been saying this for months, and I am a literal nobody ranting on a video game forum. How is it that supposed experts and supergenius scientists are only coming now to agree with me?
Sweden had the right approach from day one and the insane people who advocated, and are still advocating, endless lockdown and destruction of the economy and all human contact (so, about 99.9% of the media, the government, twitter checkmarks, etc.) declared victory way too early.
I assume this is the result of many in academia under the influence of ideological possession. Meaning, any data/facts that contradict the academic or political narrative are ignored. In the US, I attribute this to 90% of institutions (academic, media, Hollywood, etc.) being left-leaning and needing to win the presidential election.
Ross Clark is an author, not an expert or super genius scientist.
Sweden’s model requires courage at some level. Courage and honesty. The only real alternative is endless, revolving lockdown. Or a miracle vaccine developed, tested, and mass produced in 9 months.Ultimately, it is the people who suffer, as Europe will either have to adopt the Sweden strategy going forward (the correct option) or go into more lockdowns as cases spread (what they will probably choose). The frustrating thing is who will not suffer, those are the people who were so wrong, consistently wrong, every day, who suppressed dissent and spread bad info, hysterical paranoia, fake data, and over dramatic reporting to a scared populace desperate for info. In a just society these people would be exiled to Elba or something, but in our clown society they will get prizes and promotions because it brought in ratings. Maybe that’s why our society is so screwed up, there is no punishment for getting this stuff so so wrong.
That’s probably why he is right on this too.
I’ve been saying this for months, and I am a literal nobody ranting on a video game forum. How is it that supposed experts and supergenius scientists are only coming now to agree with me?
Sweden had the right approach from day one and the insane people who advocated, and are still advocating, endless lockdown and destruction of the economy and all human contact (so, about 99.9% of the media, the government, twitter checkmarks, etc.) declared victory way too early.
As you have mentioned in previous posts, the scientific process has been corrupted. In my own area of economics, (the voodoo science), figures are often cooked in some econometric package to get the right answer. Your global panel study on the effect of anti-discriminitaion laws shows no change in women entering STEM jobs? No problem, let me come up with some ridiculous exogenous variable to fix that! Let me change to a random effects model to a fixed effects model... etc etc
The incentive to publish is just far too great as it secures tenure and massive pay packages (and nice opportunities to travel). This is rampant across privately and publicly funded institutions.
In the sciences, especially medicine, I imagine the incentives are far greater to cook results. The retracted Lancet on HCQ came as no surprise.
People were rightly questioning what was happening in academia prior to the pandemic. (see The corruption of science? ). But that I has gotten lost now unless the average citizen pushes back more.
The publication process is not the only corrupt element. There are also the jobs for the boys (and often the boys are just girls now too) that favor upcoming researchers because they have an influential professor - and not on the basis of the quality of their work.
The system stinks, I feel sorry for many of the young going through the system now.
Don't get me wrong, there are some excellent scientists, examiners, and editors out there. But the incentives and pressure are enormous to do the wrong thing and I doubt it will change. It is the modern day priesthood.
Whelp, QLD was doing so well.
Infected women’s eight disastrous days
How did three Queensland women manage to evade the state’s strict border control measures for eight days before being discovered?
I think QLD will be fine, they have generally moved fast. Fingers crossed their government doesn't bungle it like our mob has down in Victoria. Cato has been 100% in his comments regarding Victoria.
Apparently Victoria is going to hit 700 new cases today. We have had some of the harshest lock-downs (against the population though not against the quarantine it is turning out) in Australia too. Masks were already largely prevalent before mandatory mask lockdowns. Yet, the virus spreads.
The entire thing has been a bureaucratic bungle!
Yep 723 cases today here:
732 new cases, 13 deaths
I bet you all thought this was going to stop at masks
ZeroHedge - On a long enough timeline, the survival rate for everyone drops to
Remember early on, when people said that the lockdown was going to kill more people than the virus, and everyone scoffed at it? Welp...
Alarming spike in drug overdoses may be linked to COVID-19
The numbers don’t lie; drug overdoses are up in Martin County. One Martin County Sheriff's Office official says it’s about the worst he’s ever seen it. “I think it’s an issue and it’s something that we are pulling out the stops and utilizing our people and our resources to try to combat,"
And note these are young people with many years ahead of them, potentially very quality years, as opposed to the 80 year olds on death’s door who make up the vast majority of COVID deaths.
MARTIN COUNTY, Fla. — The Martin County Sheriff says drug overdoses are up for the start of 2020 compared to previous years.
In just the first six days of the year, the Martin County Sheriff’s Office says there have been seven drug overdoses. Four of those have been deadly.
Everything is going according to trumps plan.
As US passes 150,000 coronavirus deaths, experts at Johns Hopkins call for reset in national response | CNN
The United States on Wednesday surpassed 150,000 recorded Covid-19 deaths – a milestone that comes as the country’s rate of daily coronavirus deaths is the highest it’s been since the
I hope it will be under Spanish Flu numbers in the end otherwise it would be backwards in the past 100 years when science and health care evolved and are much better now.
just terrible .
2 month long riots and protests who would of thought they would be a bad idea.
Looks like the dreaded 2nd wave is starting to creep up. Australia, Spain, some of EU starting to see some case increases.
What has happened /gone wrong in Spain? I know the state of emergency ended about a week ago but have not followed the story there. Gets all too much follow
What has happened /gone wrong in Spain? I know the state of emergency ended about a week ago but have not followed the story there. Gets all too much follow
What has happened /gone wrong in Spain? I know the state of emergency ended about a week ago but have not followed the story there. Gets all too much follow
I wonder how long and how bad it'll need to get before people finally go, "oh shit maybe we shouldn't be making this a left vs right thing and just work together to get through this?
Man, that sure would be great, but I'm not sure it's possible in the current climate. This country is too divided on ideological lines that are just too far apart and cannot be bridged.
Depends on how many people need a hospital. And if that’s manageable.There are some regions flaring up but not the whole country as I understand it. I suspect it has something in common with the US 'second wave' in that it's actually places that didn't get the first hit hard enough to build any level of herd immunity. No doubt they'll get the cases but this time fatalities will be MUCH lower because now we know what to do when treating people with COVID.
We didn’t either in the Netherlands, but no crowds , work from home , when snotty stay home , and test , wash your hands , keep your distance .Interesting though that Australia only mandated masks the last week or so.
So when they beat it the first time they didn't use any masks?
I mean, its coming. Its going to come for everyone eventually. The hope is that it comes slowly and you can manage it. But unless the Deus Ex Vaccina comes to save us all, its coming everywhere at some point.We didn’t either in the Netherlands, but no crowds , work from home , when snotty stay home , and test , wash your hands , keep your distance .
but just today mayors of Amsterdam and. Rotterdam ordered masks for crowded situations.
Depends on how many people need a hospital. And if that’s manageable.
I read a article , Covid does not come in waves , as it’s not bound by seasons like flu , instead it’s 1 long wave with some movement up and down. How bad ? Depends on the rules and how you flattened the start of the pandemic .
Coronavirus: NYC reveals more health and safety protocols for schools
Over 17 million people across the globe have been diagnosed with
> goes to trump rally maskless
> gets coronavirus and dies
> 4,000,000+ diagnosed and 150,000+ dead in the U.S.
> positive cases and deaths climbing again
nOt a biG dEaL gUys tHe liBeRaLs aRe uSiNg fEaR tAcTicS tO rUiN tHe cOuNTrY
I wonder how long and how bad it'll need to get before people finally go, "oh shit maybe we shouldn't be making this a left vs right thing and just work together to get through this?
COVID will come for everyone, sooner or later. If you flatten more in the beginning it will come back harder later. This is just how it is going to go.
Herman Cain was 75 years old and had stage 4 colon cancer in 2006. This is, actually, the exact demographic for which COVID is dangerous. Nobody has ever disputed this. A lot of things are actually very deadly for 75 year old cancer survivors, including the regular flu. That doesn't mean that they are deadly for healthy 22 year olds, or that we need to destroy our entire society to protect 75 year old cancer survivors. In fact, I've never heard of such a thing. No sufficient explanation has ever been given that we need to destroy the entire economy and mental health of 25-45 year olds, because of 75 year olds with colon cancer.
Then maybe the leaders in charge of the country should've been setting a better example in regards to masks, crowds, social distancing etc.
inb4 "but but the democrats are praising the protests (riots) going on across the country!"
When I say leaders I mean all across the board there has been boneheaded decisions that have bordered on outright negligence.
Australia shut down their borders hard. Then a few security guards in Melbourne decided to stop taking it seriously, sleeping with returning travellers supposed to be in quarantine, allowing them to mingle with each other and infect each other, taking the infections back to their homes, etc. and this new outbreak occurred.Interesting though that Australia only mandated masks the last week or so.
So when they beat it the first time they didn't use any masks?