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Mask Efficacy |OT| Wuhan!! Got You All In Check

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Pray for me GAF. It's finally come to my small town. One case confirmed. Fuckity Fuck Fuck.

Fortunately been takin' Zinc and C since the start of Lockdown©, and getting loadsa D from the incredible sunshine. Ain't got none a that Hydrowhat'sit I hear ole' Trumpy talking about on Twitter though.

I never got to play Series X and that stunning Halo sequel.

R.I.P. Me.
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I suppose. But it’s wild to think that something like this happens. Especially considering the ramifications at multiple levels. The obvious medical issues where you might be depriving people from a treatment that had at least some potential. The political consequences. The trust in the scientific community. At a time when the stakes couldn’t have been higher.
Right, and if they rush a hastily concocted vaccine along, and it causes issues, they're gonna love how many new antivaxxers they are going to create. Trust in the scientific community is pretty tenuous right now.


The only reason sugisphere was busted was because of internet and twitter sleuths. Actually if twitter had its way as we see today they would of managed to ban the people who found out the database was a fraud. I even made a thread about the internet detectives finding this stuff out before the MSM jumped in and decided to take all the credit. It wasn't the Guardian that found out the company was using an adult star as one of their executives.


Lil’ Gobbie

The first study, published Monday in the Journal of the American Medical Association Cardiology, looked at the cardiac MRIs of 100 relatively young patients who had recovered from COVID-19 and compared them to MRIs of 100 similar people who had not contracted the disease. Two-thirds of the patients recovered at home.

Two months following their recovery, 78 infected patients were found to have structural changes to their hearts. A biomarker indicating myocardial injury similar to that occurring in heart attacks was found in 76 patients. Sixty patients suffered inflammation of the heart.

A bit worrisome.



The first study, published Monday in the Journal of the American Medical Association Cardiology, looked at the cardiac MRIs of 100 relatively young patients who had recovered from COVID-19 and compared them to MRIs of 100 similar people who had not contracted the disease. Two-thirds of the patients recovered at home.

Two months following their recovery, 78 infected patients were found to have structural changes to their hearts. A biomarker indicating myocardial injury similar to that occurring in heart attacks was found in 76 patients. Sixty patients suffered inflammation of the heart.

A bit worrisome.

This is really fucked up.


The media are now going after her, of course. https://www.thedailybeast.com/stell...-alien-dna-demon-sperm-and-hydroxychloroquine

And she does seem to be live wire, so even if she's 100% correct she's going to have a hard time maintaining credibility in the US. I like her though!


not the only dr using said treatment.
including the presidents physician.
All you have to do is look


Gold Member

But what about muh masks... muh social distancing... muh good policies... muh compliant populace... muh stupid americans...

Dr. Peru knows better I'm sure.

Doctors prescribe stuff "off-label" all the time, literally every day, based on their anecdotal and observational experience. It's just part of being a doctor. This idea that we need some studies, from a scientific establishment that can't even replicate 50%+ of its own shit, before we go ahead with treatments that are working on the ground, is just nonsense.


Doctors prescribe stuff "off-label" all the time, literally every day, based on their anecdotal and observational experience. It's just part of being a doctor. This idea that we need some studies, from a scientific establishment that can't even replicate 50%+ of its own shit, before we go ahead with treatments that are working on the ground, is just nonsense.
Up to 40+% of all prescriptions I have read are not strictly on-label. 65-70 years of history, safe for pregnant women and other risk groups and on and on. Yet all of a sudden it's DANGEROUS. Why? Because it costs $10-20 for a treatment course, and Orange Man Bad. That's it.


Gold Member
Up to 40+% of all prescriptions I have read are not strictly on-label. 65-70 years of history, safe for pregnant women and other risk groups and on and on. Yet all of a sudden it's DANGEROUS. Why? Because it costs $10-20 for a treatment course, and Orange Man Bad. That's it.

I'll be honest, the entire HCQ debate bores me, because I knew as soon as Blumpf voiced an opinion, the entire establishment would move to prove him wrong. If it works, good doctors will keep using it, and that appears to be the case. No matter what CNN and twitter checkmark doctors say.
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I'll be honest, the entire HCQ debate bores me, because I knew as soon as Blumpf voiced an opinion, the entire establishment would move to prove him wrong. If it works, good doctors will keep using it, and that appears to be the case. No matter what CNN and twitter checkmark doctors say.
Yes, however as the Newsweek article goes into, it did get banned in various places at various points in time due to the hysteria, and by the numbers it almost certainly cost a nontrivial amount of lives.
The hydroxychloroquine debate is poisoned. There’s so much bullshit that no one knows where it’s coming from. I hope that it’s helping some people. What more can be said? It’s completely insane that Trump’s mentioning something with hope has caused this level of craziness.



The first study, published Monday in the Journal of the American Medical Association Cardiology, looked at the cardiac MRIs of 100 relatively young patients who had recovered from COVID-19 and compared them to MRIs of 100 similar people who had not contracted the disease. Two-thirds of the patients recovered at home.

Two months following their recovery, 78 infected patients were found to have structural changes to their hearts. A biomarker indicating myocardial injury similar to that occurring in heart attacks was found in 76 patients. Sixty patients suffered inflammation of the heart.

A bit worrisome.
Like I said , you don’t want it, period, not even mild.


“Aww, it’s so...average,” she said to him in a cold brick of passion

That woman is also the same woman who believes in "demon sperm" and "spirit husband's" being the cause for many ailments. So I'd take a second before taking any real medical advice from her.

Oh and she is a big fan of child abuse as well.
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I like her though!

That woman is also the same woman who believes in "demon sperm" and "spirit husband's" being the cause for many ailments. So I'd take a second before taking any real medical advice from her.

It's funny that even though that people know she is a whack job, they continue to post this video. I am not for censorship but the amount of people who blindly believe anything on the Internet that fits their narrative is just as scary as Covid. Here's a lady that believes aliens and reptiles rule us, demon sex, and hydrocholoroqine and people still "like her." I think she is a nutcase and needs to see a shrink. Add to the fact that she goes on to post this:

Even though people know this video is a complete fraud, they are going to walk around without masks and continue to claim that hydrochloroquine is the cure. I'm not saying it doesn't help but when a doctor comes out and says that it works 100% of the time, you know they are a quack. Nothing works 100% of the time.
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Gold Member
99% of this board believes in aliens lol

Imagine not believing in aliens lmao

Yes, however as the Newsweek article goes into, it did get banned in various places at various points in time due to the hysteria, and by the numbers it almost certainly cost a nontrivial amount of lives.

The ironic thing is that the science on HCQ is far stronger than the science on masks, but we're here living in opposite world so.


Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future

Dr. Peru knows better I'm sure.
Yeah take a look at his Switzerland 'case study' and then take a look at the Swiss deaths from COVID-19. It's pretty much 0 throughout the entire period he is talking about - except for three spikes up to 7 and 15 deaths which occured on single days and one of which occured outside the window.
Maybe he is right on this but he is using some lousy evidence to support it which makes me skeptical.

Dr.Guru of Peru

played the long game

Dr. Peru knows better I'm sure.

Again, I don't know if HCQ works. All I know is that the evidence at the moment is that it doesn't. It seems that article was written several weeks ago and was just now published, because it appears that the doctor is not aware that we actually have several RCTs that show no benefit to HCQ. As I'm sure he knows, RCTs are superior to non randomized control trials or case series, which is the evidence he cites in his article and opinion piece.

There are still several RCTs still in the works for HCQ. Its possible that with larger studies we will be able to see a benefit, although the RECOVERY trial was quite large. We shall see, but there certainly isn't any reason to start using it as a treatment outside of these studies at this point in time.
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Gold Member

Comments are quite good too. Don't listen to the hysteria, jury is still out. Chances are, unless COVID-19 is a bioweapon designed to circumvent our immune system, it will work the same way everything else does.
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Really? I thought that was it...
T cells are longer lasting. They essentially destroy virus infected cells before they can replicate the virus.

Then there are B cells. B cells produce antibodies. Even after the antibodies have disappeared, B cells remain.

The point is the immune system has multiple levels and while a person may not have complete immunity to an illness they’ve had before, often times repeat infections of a healthy immune system will be more mild. This is because the body can recognize the illness and react more quickly.

Cutty Flam

Got tested for SARS-CoV-2 today. Very simple procedure, you just drive through the designated area, there’s like three pit stops and at first you just give your conformation #, ID, they extend to you instructions and a number to put on your dashboard.

Then you pull up to second area and more nurses hand you the actual test kit (plastic ziplock bag, test tube with liquid, and cotton swab for inside the nostrils) and you take your test

Then the last nurses will see if you need help performing test, help instruct if needed and collect the test. Takes like 72 hrs to receive the results

I’ve had a fever for three days only when I sleep mostly, little bit of fatigue, and muscle and joint stiffness. I also made an appt with a vein doctor on August 5th but will probably cancel since it is out of network. But I’ve been concerned about the possibility of blood clots since I have a couple of the symptoms and have now for a week or so actually. One day I had a very strange sort of pain in my foot upon waking one morning. I just chalked it up to joint pain but I've never had joint pain at the pad of my foot before. And I didn’t do anything out of the ordinary regarding training or walking routine...Hopefully it’s all in my head and nothing, but I’ll definitely see my primary if I test positive and get checked for possible clot dysfunction going on. I’m a healthy dude, have always been conscious about dietary choices and exercise, rest, all kinds of health related things but I also know this disease can be very vicious for some who have it, so I will be living even healthier than I have been, always looking to improve. Ever since Covid-19 pandemic like 2 months deep I’ve been taking diet extremely serious. Exercise as well. Even have been training my vascular system with cold water in the shower. I need every advantage I can get since I live with an autoimmune disease that will attack the nerves and muscles sometimes, so I’m preparing for anything these days through healthy lifestyle change. Next I’ll have to work on my temper/mood. Studying a ton seems to help in that regard so more thought will be needed

Sorry for the dear diary post, just wanted to makes sure I got this out somewhere. Very odd virus I have right now, I’ve had it three times in a row now. But hope everyone here takes care of themselves and others and can avoid the virus/disease. A lot have lost their lives, some just have alarming symptoms and then they kick it, others are very healthy and when they get it it just wrecks them and hospital bills for decades being in there over 100+ days. It’s all too variable for comfort or any reassurance; my best advise it to be cautious. Better that and being a little uncomfortable and a little lonely in isolation than fucked up in the hospital relying on others for your survival


Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
T cells are longer lasting. They essentially destroy virus infected cells before they can replicate the virus.

Then there are B cells. B cells produce antibodies. Even after the antibodies have disappeared, B cells remain.

The point is the immune system has multiple levels and while a person may not have complete immunity to an illness they’ve had before, often times repeat infections of a healthy immune system will be more mild. This is because the body can recognize the illness and react more quickly.
Just dont read up on antibody dependant enhancement (ADE) of infection!


Well, thats why theres 70-80k new infected every day and the death rate is picking back up to the thousands.
100% agree. American Patriotism run wild is what I call it: Our Governor wont even issue a mask mandate but in his defence its because his following dont believe in them. We've made a piece of cloth political and now Florida is being called the coronavirus epicenter. Our deaths today hit a new high of 186, a far cry from Canada with only 11 deaths in a population twice our size.

America wants to bicker over small things other countries have figured out weeks or months (or years) ago. :(


A really good video on the testing logistics for COVID:

I didn't realize pooled testing had been approved and if it's just Quest Diagnostics doing pooled. However, it's quite possible to cut corners and save time, technicians are doing "dry testing" (ie. Pooled sample is positive, rather than doing individual tests afterwards, everyone in that pool is classified as positive).

Technicians in testing labs are often judged on throughput and it's conceivable something like I described is happening. It's not malicious intent or anything - just laziness and trying to meet and exceed a KPI. And, no, it's not implausible - it actually does happen in the diagnostics industry...not super rampant, but it does happen.


Here's a site that is gathering and tracking all of the Hydroxychloroquine COVID-19 studies:

COVID-19 Treatment

The aggregate shows Prophylactic and Early treatment as being very positive, while Late treatment is mixed-to-slightly positive.


Uruguay - No lock down. 35 deaths. A little over 1200 cases. Even if they don't describe it as such, they basically took the herd immunity approach....without the nursing home genocides.

Why is the rest of South America so impacted with high death tolls and really strict lock downs? In Peru/Colombia they locked down at the same time as USA. If anything they got a head start. I saw multiple travelers trapped in Peru videos from March where they seemed to be far more strict about the virus - even in cities which had very few cases.
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