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Mask Efficacy |OT| Wuhan!! Got You All In Check

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Gold Member
This isn’t the flu.

“... The British Medical Journal released new guidance for health providers in August on how to treat long-haul COVID-19 patients, estimating that up to 10% of all people who have tested positive could develop a prolonged illness. The guidance includes specific blood tests to perform, possibly referring patients to pulmonary rehabilitation and having them use pulse oximetry at home to measure oxygen saturation in the blood.

Results like these fly in the face of a narrative that took hold early in the pandemic, in which many medical professionals believed that the average COVID-19 patient would be sick for a couple weeks, clear the virus and be fine afterward.”

The percentage of people who’ll end up with long-term damage to their bodies is completely unknown at present - but it’s asinine to believe this virus is no different than the flu, and to deny the possibility that a significant percentage of people who get this disease will end up with lifelong problems.

Anecdotal, yes - but I have three colleagues at work who all got sick with Coronavirus way back in February, before we knew it was even in the building. All three have taken sick leave multiple times throughout the summer, all saying the same thing, that they just feel ‘very unwell’. One is a 26-year-old male who used to be an avid cyclist - he says he can’t even ride four blocks without ‘feeling ill again’. He was sick with Covid19 in February. I even remember the day he left early, saying he felt sick. I wouldn’t see him again for three months.

It’s bizarre that so many people believe this virus is either fake, or that it really isn’t that much worse than the flu. Hopefully, the number of people who suffer from long term damage will be low - but the early evidence doesn’t actually support that. Either way, we simply don’t know yet.

We need to science this. Not just dismiss this virus as being ‘like the flu’. Personally, I haven’t ruled out the possibility that this virus is from a lab. That alone should cause people to re-think the notion that this virus is ‘normal’.

Also, about masks. If I’m wearing a mask... a proper mask, not a cloth one, but a nurse‘s mask, or an N95... and you’re wearing a mask... then the chances of transmission between us are low. What’s so difficult to understand about this?

Again, anecdotal - but my girlfriend is the Dietician at our facility, and way back in February one of her workers went into her office coughing like crazy, saying she needed to leave early because she felt terrible. My girlfriend said the coughing was so bad she just assumed it was theatrics. Nevertheless, she told her worker to go home. This worker was someone who, pre-pandemic, always wore a mask, and thankfully was wearing one that day. There were two others in the office. Had my girlfriend’s worker not been wearing a mask it’s a near certainty that everyone in the small office room would’ve gotten Covid19, which is what the worker had. (The outbreak at our facility would be discovered and declared 48 hours later.)

This idea that masks are a threat to your liberty is asinine.

Until proven otherwise the by far most likely explanation for this long haul covid shit is hypochrondia exacerbated by the stresses of long periods of isolation and constant fear.

From the article:

Twelve weeks after patients were released from the hospital, 74% of them reported symptoms, including breathlessness and excessive fatigue.

Despite these symptoms, however, 104 of the 110 patients in the study had normal basic blood test results, with just 12% showing an abnormal chest X-ray and 10% showing restrictive lung function through spirometry tests.

Nobody wants to say it, and definitely no one in the media, but this is part of that "the response to the disease is worse than the disease" thing so many of us said all that time ago.
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I see people making the point about masks being effective by citing the mild covid conditions in Japan, a country where culturally, wide-spread mask use is part of everyday life. However, just last year Japan suffered a major outbreak of Flu. This undermines the idea that mask use is a defining reason for Japan's covid situation.

Japan is suffering a serious influenza outbreak. During the week from January 21 to 27, an average of 57.09 influenza patients per facility was reported among the roughly 5,000 designated medical facilities nationwide, marking the highest level since statistics were first kept in 1999. An average of 30 patients per facility is the criterion for prefectures in Japan to issue an influenza-outbreak warning. The influenza strains detected over the past five weeks have been divided roughly equally between the type-A strain that caused a global pandemic in 2009 and type-A Hong Kong Flu.

I've read elsewhere a potential reason behind the mild conditions in Japan and also S Korea is due to previous exposure to the Sars outbreak in 2002-04. This possibly left large sections of society with cross t-cell immunity to Sars Covid 2.

Next, we showed that patients (n = 23) who recovered from SARS (the disease associated with SARS-CoV infection) possess long-lasting memory T cells that are reactive to the N protein of SARS-CoV 17 years after the outbreak of SARS in 2003; these T cells displayed robust cross-reactivity to the N protein of SARS-CoV-2.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Carl Heneghan, Epidemiologist and Director of the Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine in Oxford University was talking during a special meeting in the Irish Parliment a while back. He makes some good points about the lack of clinical data on the effectiveness of masks.

Exactly. There are a lot of interesting hypotheses around masks, but there is an overwhelming lack of actual evidence as to their effectiveness in the general population, especially when people are touching them constantly and reusing them.

Joe T.


I want to see a lot more of this around the world. Quebec and Canadian governments were both sued over their restrictive measures, but haven't heard much about the cases since. Been following one of the lawyers on Twitter and he's quite outspoken about this whole pandemic:

A local media personality, Lucie Laurier, became the face of the anti-government push here participating in a large march this weekend in Montreal that mainstream and social media tried to dismiss as some sort of pro-Trump rally full of conspiracy theorists. French 24/7 news network LCN had a criminologist smack down the host for making that claim and it was beautiful to watch, "everything that goes against the establishment today is labeled a conspiracy."

They were chanting liberty in French, not USA, but there was a lot of Trump support.


Joe T.


The murder-suicide from early May pops back into mind with the professor at that same university who was supposedly about to make "very significant findings" (source: CNN).

That headline is garbage and those officials will get absolutely no sympathy from me. There would be no anger directed at them if all they were doing was "educating the public." There is a ton of deception in today's mainstream reporting working to prevent this beautiful ship full of hysteria from crashing.


I’m worried about Covid spreading like crazy in Oregon. 40000 were evacuated in close quarters while breathing in hazardous air for days because of wildfires.

Mixing days of hazardous air with a respiratory disease could cause huge issues.


The murder-suicide from early May pops back into mind with the professor at that same university who was supposedly about to make "very significant findings" (source: CNN).

That headline is garbage and those officials will get absolutely no sympathy from me. There would be no anger directed at them if all they were doing was "educating the public." There is a ton of deception in today's mainstream reporting working to prevent this beautiful ship full of hysteria from crashing.

Ya I remember that Pittsburgh announced something ealry on. I even made a thread about it LOL.

Thats the one from April


Gold Member
Finnish top health authority saying that the virus isn’t as dangerous as assumed in the spring, that approach should be reassessed

Corona is not as deadly a disease as was feared in the spring.

A smaller proportion of reported cases now require hospitalization. The number of deaths in the corona has fallen since the spring peak.

- Corona is still a serious disease, but for a much smaller proportion of those infected than initially estimated, says Mika Salminen, Director of THL's Department of Health and Welfare .

THL's Salminen says the overall impact of the corona needs to be reassessed. In the spring, corona looked like a much more dangerous disease than it has been proven. In the spring, there was no picture of Finland, which is the spectrum of symptoms.

- What corona looked like in the spring is not quite true. In the spring, it seemed that the people with Corona were pretty sick.

According to him, usually in emerging diseases, serious cases are initially highlighted. An image emerges that the disease causes higher mortality in the population than the reality is.

Shocking news

FWIW, the Finnish authority is very conservative, while Sweden stayed open Finland locked down an entire state of the rest of the country
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It will take years to vaccinate the whole globe , if there will be a good enough vaccine.

Besides that , research here shows the virus is still as it is 6 months ago , lethal or in healthier people damaging . Only thing that has changed is that it’s better treatable.

And that all measures are working , to bad we have a all time high infection rate today!

Beware winter is coming !

Now you only need 8 days on the IC, enough days to fuckup your life as you can have all kinds of weird shit when they put you in a coma.

I suppose 8 days is better than 22 .
It will take years to vaccinate the whole globe , if there will be a good enough vaccine.

Besides that , research here shows the virus is still as it is 6 months ago , lethal or in healthier people damaging . Only thing that has changed is that it’s better treatable.

And that all measures are working , to bad we have a all time high infection rate today!

Beware winter is coming !

Now you only need 8 days on the IC, enough days to fuckup your life as you can have all kinds of weird shit when they put you in a coma.

I suppose 8 days is better than 22 .
I do enjoy the updates from Chicken Little here. How far has the sky fallen today?
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I do enjoy the updates from Chicken Little here. How far has the sky fallen today?
Just as far as in my post , how are the conspiracy theories today? Any alien government plans uncovered?

See you all 😎😎😎😎😎in winter and the next couple of years with measures 🤣 and I bet you will all be pushing the same political bull shit .

Nature doesn’t do politics btw.
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It will take years to vaccinate the whole globe , if there will be a good enough vaccine.

Besides that , research here shows the virus is still as it is 6 months ago , lethal or in healthier people damaging . Only thing that has changed is that it’s better treatable.

And that all measures are working , to bad we have a all time high infection rate today!

Beware winter is coming !

Now you only need 8 days on the IC, enough days to fuckup your life as you can have all kinds of weird shit when they put you in a coma.

I suppose 8 days is better than 22 .

Finland says the post didnt age to well.
Just as far as in my post , how are the conspiracy theories today? Any alien government plans uncovered?

See you all 😎😎😎😎😎in winter and the next couple of years with measures 🤣 and I bet you will all be pushing the same political bull shit .
Are you sure we will be here for the next couple of years? Aren’t you presuming a lot with COVID. Winter is coming, right? I thought you took this thing seriously....

Just give it up man. Accept the good news. You know it’s true. Things are turning out better than you thought. It’s ok to be wrong sometimes.


Are you sure we will be here for the next couple of years? Aren’t you presuming a lot with COVID. Winter is coming, right? I thought you took this thing seriously....

Just give it up man. Accept the good news. You know it’s true. Things are turning out better than you thought. It’s ok to be wrong sometimes.
The problem is , everything is restricted so it’s not weird that numbers are lower , thats not to say the virus is less harmful , there is a difference.

How am I wrong ? Name in country that let this run it’s course with no measures at all?

What likely happened is that there where much more infections .. And now with measures less, and people watch out for the more prone of getting ill.

Just agree that I could Be right .

Yes next couple of years to tackle this beast .
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The problem is , everything is restricted so it’s not weird that numbers are lower , thats not to say the virus is less harmful , there is a difference.

How am I wrong ? Name in country that let this run it’s course with no measures at all?

What likely happened is that there where much more infections .. And now with measures less, and people watch out for the more prone of getting ill.

Just agree that I could Be right .

Yes next couple of years to tackle this beast .


Also your neighbor just said the virus is getting less deadly check the few posts above yours.

Also give me some of that good netherlands weed bro. Hook a GAF bro up.



Also your neighbor just said the virus is getting less deadly check the few posts above yours.

Also give me some of that good netherlands weed bro. Hook a GAF bro up.
Sorry even they implemented measures ...

We can’t ship over seas, but you could come to Amsterdam.
The problem is , everything is restricted so it’s not weird that numbers are lower , thats not to say the virus is less harmful , there is a difference.

How am I wrong ? Name in country that let this run it’s course with no measures at all?

What likely happened is that there where much more infections .. And now with measures less, and people watch out for the more prone of getting ill.

Just agree that I could Be right .

Yes next couple of years to tackle this beast .
It will take longer than years. COVID is permanent. It’s going to be added to the list of circulating Coronaviruses that we already deal with. And it’s a shitty virus. It makes some people pretty sick and kills some people.

Fortunately, we know mostly who those people are: the elderly and chronically sick. For the rest of us, it generally a mild illness, comparable to many other viral infections.

We are fortunate that true mortality rate for infections is not 4 or 6 or 8%. That’s where we were back in March. That’s when things were really scary.

The news has gotten so much better. Yes, some level of mitigation will hang around for a while, but we should feel better now than we did at the beginning of the summer.
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It will take longer than years. COVID is permanent. It’s going to be added to the list of circulating Coronaviruses that we already deal with. And it’s a shitty virus. It makes some people pretty sick and kills some people.

Fortunately, we know mostly who those people are: the elderly and chronically sick. For the rest of us, it generally a mild illness, comparable to many other viral infections.

We are fortunate that true mortality rate for infections is not 4 or 6 or 8%. That’s where we were back in March. That’s when things were really scary.

The news has gotten so much better. Yes, some level of mitigation will hang around for a while, but we should feel better now than we did at the beginning of the summer.

This. I feel that some folks are absolutely refusing to accept that it’s getting better on its own, as if that is absolutely not possible.

Los Angeles (where I live) is less restricted now than it has Been for months. Cases are falling, hospitalizations are dropping off a cliff. You could argue that testing is lower (which it is) but I view that as a positive in this environment. The panic is subsiding and folks aren’t getting tested without reason any more. I’ve been ridiculed and even banned at other forums for suggesting that the virus is burning out on its own. Why do people want the apocalypse? I don’t understand why this wouldn’t be anything but good news for all.
This. I feel that some folks are absolutely refusing to accept that it’s getting better on its own, as if that is absolutely not possible.

Los Angeles (where I live) is less restricted now than it has Been for months. Cases are falling, hospitalizations are dropping off a cliff. You could argue that testing is lower (which it is) but I view that as a positive in this environment. The panic is subsiding and folks aren’t getting tested without reason any more. I’ve been ridiculed and even banned at other forums for suggesting that the virus is burning out on its own. Why do people want the apocalypse? I don’t understand why this wouldn’t be anything but good news for all.
Cases will rise and fall for a while. It's inevitable. We just need to do our best to protect the elderly and the sick. Those of us under 50 who have our health need to get a little courage and get on with living. We're going to be OK. The idea society needs to be shut down over this is asinine. Maybe, MAYBE, we needed to do all this back in March because we just didn't know what we were dealing with. We were operating literally out of ignorance and fear, but to continue to allow ignorance and fear to control us is foolish. We know so much more than we did six months ago. Its time for us to start acting like it and for our leaders to do the same.


Sorry even they implemented measures ...

We can’t ship over seas, but you could come to Amsterdam.

Belarus locked down? Not from what I read. They had a 2 million person festival and still have their V day parade. All I can find is that they did a 14 day quarantine for travel and extended spring break.

Belarus has not imposed lockdown measures or social distancing rules, and kept its borders open while countries around the world have closed them.

Also Finland just said the virus isn't as lethal thats what I was referring to

Finnish top health authority saying that the virus isn’t as dangerous as assumed in the spring, that approach should be reassessed

Shocking news

FWIW, the Finnish authority is very conservative, while Sweden stayed open Finland locked down an entire state of the rest of the country

Joe T.

Cases will rise and fall for a while. It's inevitable. We just need to do our best to protect the elderly and the sick. Those of us under 50 who have our health need to get a little courage and get on with living. We're going to be OK. The idea society needs to be shut down over this is asinine. Maybe, MAYBE, we needed to do all this back in March because we just didn't know what we were dealing with. We were operating literally out of ignorance and fear, but to continue to allow ignorance and fear to control us is foolish. We know so much more than we did six months ago. Its time for us to start acting like it and for our leaders to do the same.

You would never know that if you watched the briefings from the elected leaders and health officials here in Quebec. I just finished speeding through the daily briefing and it's painfully clear that these idiots either A) haven't learned a single thing since the start of this pandemic or B) are being paid by someone to play up a second wave as best they can. There's no middle ground, the stupidity is unbelievable.

They declared most of the province a "yellow zone" for a "worrying" number of rising cases, many in Montreal coming from long term care facilities which made up about 85% of our deaths. At this rate it's not a question of if, but when we'll go orange/red and they'll wind up shutting down the metro area again because protecting those nursing homes is too difficult a task for them and everyone needs to suffer for it.

My only hope now is that they speed the process up and do it sooner rather than later, I know there's a growing segment of the population here that won't take this lightly. The government and the activists in the press need to get the message that the way they're handling this is completely unacceptable.



You would never know that if you watched the briefings from the elected leaders and health officials here in Quebec. I just finished speeding through the daily briefing and it's painfully clear that these idiots either A) haven't learned a single thing since the start of this pandemic or B) are being paid by someone to play up a second wave as best they can. There's no middle ground, the stupidity is unbelievable.

They declared most of the province a "yellow zone" for a "worrying" number of rising cases, many in Montreal coming from long term care facilities which made up about 85% of our deaths. At this rate it's not a question of if, but when we'll go orange/red and they'll wind up shutting down the metro area again because protecting those nursing homes is too difficult a task for them and everyone needs to suffer for it.

My only hope now is that they speed the process up and do it sooner rather than later, I know there's a growing segment of the population here that won't take this lightly. The government and the activists in the press need to get the message that the way they're handling this is completely unacceptable.

But the maks mandate on July 18th. THE MASK MANDATE!!!!

The only way the second wave is worse than the first is if they kill more of our elderly.


Neo Member
Greetings from Belgium, just giving my two cents about all this crazy times we're living. So I've been following along the mask wearing mouvement ( well I kinda don't have a choice if I don't want to get a ticket from the cops) and what not, and when you think about it for two seconds, our lives are about the same as before the virus, we just have a mask along for the ride and every thing is 2X more complicated to do because of all the measures. For instance, if I'm walking on the street, the government says that I have to wear a mask . But, when I pass by a restaurant or bar, everyone is on top of each other without masks. Once they leave the restaurant, they put their masks back on. That's just so ridiculous, does the virus know that you're in a restaurant and thus it doesn't attack you ? Anyway, just needed to vent, this is not a statement anti/pro mask.


Greetings from Belgium, just giving my two cents about all this crazy times we're living. So I've been following along the mask wearing mouvement ( well I kinda don't have a choice if I don't want to get a ticket from the cops) and what not, and when you think about it for two seconds, our lives are about the same as before the virus, we just have a mask along for the ride and every thing is 2X more complicated to do because of all the measures. For instance, if I'm walking on the street, the government says that I have to wear a mask . But, when I pass by a restaurant or bar, everyone is on top of each other without masks. Once they leave the restaurant, they put their masks back on. That's just so ridiculous, does the virus know that you're in a restaurant and thus it doesn't attack you ? Anyway, just needed to vent, this is not a statement anti/pro mask.

that kinda seems like the opposite you would do. Why wear a mask outside walking on the street, but not inside? Really doesn't make any sense. If they push mask wear a mask inside not outside LOL.


Neo Member
that kinda seems like the opposite you would do. Why wear a mask outside walking on the street, but not inside? Really doesn't make any sense. If they push mask wear a mask inside not outside LOL.
Technically you have to wear a mask inside as well, and only take it off to eat but no one does that, they just let the masks over their chin and chill. Oh and, water parks are open here but kids must wear a mask in school. So the frustrating thing for me is all the contradictory measures this Belgian government as installed, they don't make any sense. /End of vent


Gold Member
Greetings from Belgium, just giving my two cents about all this crazy times we're living. So I've been following along the mask wearing mouvement ( well I kinda don't have a choice if I don't want to get a ticket from the cops) and what not, and when you think about it for two seconds, our lives are about the same as before the virus, we just have a mask along for the ride and every thing is 2X more complicated to do because of all the measures. For instance, if I'm walking on the street, the government says that I have to wear a mask . But, when I pass by a restaurant or bar, everyone is on top of each other without masks. Once they leave the restaurant, they put their masks back on. That's just so ridiculous, does the virus know that you're in a restaurant and thus it doesn't attack you ? Anyway, just needed to vent, this is not a statement anti/pro mask.

Yea same thing in NYC. Restaurants are packing them in on sidewalks with a thin walking strip between rows of tables. The idea that the 30+ people eating, talking, laughing, etc. in this space are totally fine but a single person passing through maskless is a public health hazard just doesn't make sense.

When it comes to rona and the official policies... it is best not to think too hard.
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Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
Yea same thing in NYC. Restaurants are packing them in on sidewalks with a thin walking strip between rows of tables. The idea that the 30+ people eating, talking, laughing, etc. in this space are totally fine but a single person passing through maskless is a public health hazard just doesn't make sense.

When it comes to rona and the official policies... it is best not to think too hard.

Not surprising: https://www.npr.org/sections/corona...likely-to-have-eaten-at-restaurants-cdc-study

Places are trying to open early, even with restrictive measures, even though our federal government botched it all and we're still dying in droves while other western nations have a lid on it.

That single maskless person is a health hazard. As are restaurants trying to reopen in the US. Science isn't confused on this.


Gold Member
Not surprising: https://www.npr.org/sections/corona...likely-to-have-eaten-at-restaurants-cdc-study

Places are trying to open early, even with restrictive measures, even though our federal government botched it all and we're still dying in droves while other western nations have a lid on it.

That single maskless person is a health hazard. As are restaurants trying to reopen in the US. Science isn't confused on this.

Sad that people are still this scared, misinformed, and clueless.

Note what I did not say in that post is that COVID cases have not increased at all in NYC in months, regardless of what you or reddit tier science! thinks about the policy or how people behave. The fact is, it’s not a problem at all.

Breathing is not a public health hazard, and that study is bogus fear mongering.

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UK Media: "Nobody can get tested because of a test shortage"

Also UK Media: "There is a spike in people testing positive"

This isn't adding up.


Not surprising: https://www.npr.org/sections/corona...likely-to-have-eaten-at-restaurants-cdc-study

Places are trying to open early, even with restrictive measures, even though our federal government botched it all and we're still dying in droves while other western nations have a lid on it.

That single maskless person is a health hazard. As are restaurants trying to reopen in the US. Science isn't confused on this.
You are a joke. You have become a caricature of the most clueless COVID Karen chicken little. "That single maskless person is a health hazard." Your posts are starting to look more and more like satire.
Not surprising: https://www.npr.org/sections/corona...likely-to-have-eaten-at-restaurants-cdc-study

Places are trying to open early, even with restrictive measures, even though our federal government botched it all and we're still dying in droves while other western nations have a lid on it.

That single maskless person is a health hazard. As are restaurants trying to reopen in the US. Science isn't confused on this.
Please. Stay home. It will be better for everyone. I know you’re scared. Just stay home where you’ll be safe. Then you’ll be safe from those maskless maniacs outside and we don’t have to read your whiny bitching.
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New measures for the big cities in The Netherlands, good job citizens for not obeying the rules !

Now they can complain even more about the measures 🤣🤪

The virus spreads from human to human , pretty simple concept . Obey the simple rules, the faster you can return to somewhat normal .

To bad we have to treat even adults as small children 👶

And force restrictions 🤡
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