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Mask Efficacy |OT| Wuhan!! Got You All In Check

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Got my FEMA pandemic supplemental unemployment bonuses back pay from Trump's order today (however you want to call it). Only Federal in my state so $300 instead of $400 per week. I thought I read somewhere it would be for 3 weeks in August or something but they hit me up for 6 weeks worth, 6x$300. Guess they really want me to get some PS5 launch titles.

Hey I'm doing my part and haven't been inside another building since April.


Gold Member

This article was removed from the site it was originally hosted on because of the “current climate”, proving that real actual science cannot stand up to hysteria and panic

All droplet shills should read that. Remember they’re talking about the uselessness of properly made masks when used by trained professionals for a limited time in clinical/dental settings, not every single person on earth wearing a shitty made in China cloth mask 24/7.
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This article was removed from the site it was originally hosted on because of the “current climate”, proving that real actual science cannot stand up to hysteria and panic

All droplet shills should read that. Remember they’re talking about the uselessness of properly made masks when used by trained professionals for a limited time in clinical/dental settings, not every single person on earth wearing a shitty made in China cloth mask 24/7.
And this is what people don’t get. Most people I see in public are walking around with the equivalent of a fucking T shirt pulled over their nose and mouth. That isn’t doing anything.

If everyone had access to multiple layer surgical masks they were able to change daily, maybe there would be some utility in that. But I mostly see people wearing either cloth masks or masks so old they are visually dirty at this point.

All these “studies” about how many lives will be saved by mask mandates are complete horseshit. There are 1,000,000 variables when it comes to masks. To pretend we can make even a single concrete prediction about their effect is nonsense.
What a pathetic crock of shit.

THerE's nO fEar mONgeRinG guYs!

No agenda here at all!

Piss off.

P and B sounds are known as plosives which means they shoot out more air than any other letter. It's literally a part of speech, you'll have to ban speaking those letters in general since it's not just limited to singing. Fantastic study from the university of dumbasses


P and B sounds are known as plosives which means they shoot out more air than any other letter. It's literally a part of speech, you'll have to ban speaking those letters in general since it's not just limited to singing. Fantastic study from the university of dumbasses

So saying Black Lives Matters spreads the virus? Got it.

BLAMTIFA are literal grandma killers.

Interesting that they lead with Happy Birthday as the danger, but not BLM, Black, or Palestine. HMMMM


I think the thing you're missing here is that testing numbers vary wildly and you're suggesting you can draw current conclusions from old data. Plus, the theoretical you're putting forth doesn't apply, because it's the opposite of what's actually happening and what's actuallly happening cannot be omitted from the conversation, unless you hope to draw a conclusion that's only relevant to your theoretical, non-existent scenario. This isn't hard to get--the virus spreads wider and wider, infecting more people as it goes. The infection runs its course in each person, meaning an increasingly greater percent of people are carrying dead virus. A few of those people get tested, and the virus is no longer a new case, but it's presented as such. The case data gets more and more skewed the further we go down this road because some varying percent of those "increasing" case numbers are going to be anywhere from days to weeks to months old and not indicative of the current reality. So if you see a bump in rising cases, it could mean cases rose 3 months ago, or they could be currently rising, or maybe somewhere in between.
Ok, so if there was a bump three months ago, we will see a higher total number of positive cases now than we would have done without the bump. (Assuming the PCR test can detect cases that far back since the RNA fragments degrade over time) But does the bump three months ago mean we will see an even higher proportion of people infected when we run the same test again tomorrow, and a still higher proportion the day after? Or is it the case that the historical cases are constant, and growth is driven by new cases between each round of testing?

Joe T.

Isn't it funny how Fauci spends so much time in that Wired segment above saying the "new" studies/experience in favor of masks are so clear, yet doesn't cite a single one? Clarity is not this doctor's strong suit.

Then he brings up the reverse psychology trick again about how they lied to save them for health care workers which further muddies the water. "Oh, so that's why we weren't being told to wear masks, makes sense" with the uncritical eye figuring they must be really effective if they're protecting nurses/doctors. Let's just ignore the hundreds of thousands of lives, millions of infections and trillions of dollars those "effective" cloth masks could have spared had they not lied.

The man doesn't have a shred of credibility left nor does this entire pandemic response. The Danish mask study completed months ago still hasn't been published, you'd figure a matter of this importance impacting billions would get printed right after being peer reviewed.

Just watched Quebec's daily briefing and even the younger, usually less inquisitive women on both the French and English side of the press were expressing displeasure with the ambiguous responses - bilingual Q&A started with it in French, 38:25 mark on Youtube, and just about ended with it in English, 1:08:00 mark. Health "specialist" Horacio Arruda admitted there is no scientific backing for the strict measures they're using (same YT video, in French at 58:45 timestamp), but like all the other relevant details since January that will get brushed under the rug by the mainstream so as to not pierce the "we're following the science" narrative. They're already talking about the public preparing themselves for wave 3 and 4, too. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


The Danish mask study completed months ago still hasn't been published, you'd figure a matter of this importance impacting billions would get printed right after being peer reviewed.
A few weeks ago when idiot bootlickers on Twitter started doing preemptive damage control with regard to the Danish mask study I figured its release was imminent. But I guess somebody with enough influence managed to put the kibosh on its release, at least so far.

It must be REALLY damning for them; if it wasn't, they'd have just quietly allowed it to be released and then had their media accomplices assist in sweeping it under the rug and getting it out of the news cycle as quickly as possible. Makes me think that the implications of the study results will be impossible to ignore even for the mainstream.
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So what happened with the Russian vaccine? I read a little bit that they were still finishing up trials, but did the country turn into Zombies? Also saw that it was 75% effective?


former Navy SEAL
Ok, so if there was a bump three months ago, we will see a higher total number of positive cases now than we would have done without the bump. (Assuming the PCR test can detect cases that far back since the RNA fragments degrade over time) But does the bump three months ago mean we will see an even higher proportion of people infected when we run the same test again tomorrow, and a still higher proportion the day after? Or is it the case that the historical cases are constant, and growth is driven by new cases between each round of testing?

You don't know what you're getting is the point, only a potentially random output of increasingly fuzzy data. People are invested in being afraid and justifying their positions and emotions, though, politicians are left in increasing need for justification and authority, the media needs their billion dollar story--all of this leading to a wholesale abandonment or refusal to recognize that hospitilizations and deaths are stable and relatively low. Those two metrics coming down as far as they have and stabilizing where they have is great news, which is why the focus turned to case data, where a bit more fear, outrage, and morbidity can still be ginned up, even though the basis for that data isn't terribly substantial.


Isn't it funny how Fauci spends so much time in that Wired segment above saying the "new" studies/experience in favor of masks are so clear, yet doesn't cite a single one? Clarity is not this doctor's strong suit.

Then he brings up the reverse psychology trick again about how they lied to save them for health care workers which further muddies the water. "Oh, so that's why we weren't being told to wear masks, makes sense" with the uncritical eye figuring they must be really effective if they're protecting nurses/doctors. Let's just ignore the hundreds of thousands of lives, millions of infections and trillions of dollars those "effective" cloth masks could have spared had they not lied.

The man doesn't have a shred of credibility left nor does this entire pandemic response. The Danish mask study completed months ago still hasn't been published, you'd figure a matter of this importance impacting billions would get printed right after being peer reviewed.

No one hates Fauci more than me.....but I'm curious, what is the Danish mask study? I must have missed this one.

Joe T.

No one hates Fauci more than me.....but I'm curious, what is the Danish mask study? I must have missed this one.

It's a randomized trial using 6,000 participants, documentation here:

Hypothesis The use of surgical facial masks outside the hospital will reduce the frequency of COVID-19 infection.

All participants will follow authority recommendations and be randomized to either wear facial masks or not. The participants will be screened for antibodies at study start and study end. They will perform swab-test if they experience symptoms during the study as well as the end of study.


I've just rebooked the holiday that I had cancelled in March.

Hopefully nothing will be cancelled, 5 weeks to wait and hope.


You don't know what you're getting is the point, only a potentially random output of increasingly fuzzy data.
That's exactly we have the idea in statistics of a hypothesis. If case counts are growing exponentially (doubling every X number of days), then the question is why is that?

1.) Because we are testing exponentially more people?
2.) Because we are finding exponentially more virus concentred parts of the population to test?
3.) Because the difference in case counts are actually explained by natural variation in the data?
4.) Because the incidence of the virus in the population is increasing exponentially?

Well, when total cases numbers are low, the first 3 may all be possibilities. But when cases double and double and double again, and keep doubling, and testing is not keeping pace, and we're not changing how we're testing, these explanations become less and less likely. And then say, if we reach a point where there is a 5% chance factors 1-3 can explain the case counts we are seeing, do we really say, well the data is fuzzy, and we can't be sure, so lets just ignore 4.) as a possibility?

Those two metrics coming down as far as they have and stabilizing where they have is great news, which is why the focus turned to case data, where a bit more fear, outrage, and morbidity can still be ginned up, even though the basis for that data isn't terribly substantial.
It is great news and I think at least partly reflects the fact we are at the beginning of the curve, not right up the slope like we were in March. So we have enough time to stop the virus from completely exploding, if the reproductive rate can be kept below 1, so it doesn't grow exponentially.
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It's a randomized trial using 6,000 participants, documentation here:

I read a tweet that someone said the study ends up being busted and they didn't have enough infections. Wonder if thats the case. China had to stop doing trials on theraputics because they ran out of infected people.

So I am curious if the study is just having issues with one of its cohorts and couldn't find enough infected people to come up solid statistical relevant results.

I wonder what would be worse saying there aren't enough infected people to test masks or saying they don't work. Well I guess saying they don't work would be worse technically, but they could then just pivot to saying the Danish are really MAGA's and Trump used his influence on the Danes to have them make a fake study.

Ya that sounds about right, its DRUMPFS fault.

Joe T.

It is great news and I think at least partly reflects the fact we are at the beginning of the curve, not right up the slope like we were in March. So we have enough time to stop the virus from completely exploding, if the reproductive rate can be kept below 1, so it doesn't grow exponentially.

I've been saying this since spring, but this "second wave" was a foregone conclusion because given the low testing standards in place and continued push for higher testing capacity during the cold/flu season the case numbers were naturally going to climb. Positive case numbers under these circumstances may make some people feel good for one reason or another, but in no way, shape or form should they be used to justify a return to lock downs or stricter mitigation measures. Hospitalizations and hospitalizations alone should be the deciding factor.

The argumentative, political side of me finds it both telling and ironic that 150-200 hospitalizations and 20 or so ICUs was enough for a Canadian province of 8.5 million to claim the health care system was in a fragile state (weeks ago). It says a lot more about the Canadian health care system than it does the virus.


Gold Member

Yea no shit. The theme parks are PISSED when the guidelines leaked last night.

Pelosi's brain-damaged nephew wants to let them reopen at 25% capacity AND restrict ticket sales only to residents local to the parks. Meaning no one out of state or from Northern California could go to Disneyland.


This thread has become an ocean of ignorance, stupidity, and belligerence,

Maybe if any of this bullshit made sense it wouldn't be that way. Too bad for the ones who started this narrative.

Make a bullshit narrative and fuck over 95% of people to suit less than 1% then what the fuck do you expect?

Over where I am (at the very least) this has been blown completely out of proportion and it's fucking cringe how pathetic it is.
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Maybe if any of this bullshit made sense it wouldn't be that way. Too bad for the ones who started this narrative.

Make a bullshit narrative and fuck over 95% of people to suit less than 1% then what the fuck do you expect?

Over where I am (at the very least) this has been blown completely out of proportion and it's fucking cringe how pathetic it is.

If, after all this time, you still don’t understand the implications of a novel coronavirus, then I’m sorry, but you’re completely ignorant.

I’m not even going to bother providing links for you. It’s up to you to educate yourself about the world. Spain is at 12,000 cases per day and their hospitals are about to be over-run. What the fuck don’t you understand about this. Elective surgeries are being canceled. This, in a country that’s still taking precautions.

I mean, whatever, dude. You just keep on screaming away about your fake pandemic.
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Joe T.

If, after all this time, you still don’t understand the implications of a novel coronavirus, then I’m sorry, but you’re completely ignorant.

I’m not even going to bother providing links for you. It’s up to you to educate yourself about the world. Spain is at 12,000 cases per day and their hospitals are about to be over-run. What the fuck don’t you understand about this. Elective surgeries are being canceled. This, in a country that’s still taking precautions.

I mean, whatever, dude. You just keep on screaming away about your fake pandemic.

Spain's deaths at this time seem more or less in line with Florida when adjusted for population size. They both have similar numbers of total positive cases despite Spain having more than twice as many people, though Spain appears to be trying to adjust that in spite of masking and other measures. Florida is open and Spain is entering a second lock down. At a glance, wouldn't the logical conclusion here be that the American health care system far exceeds Spain's the same way it appears to far exceed Canada's?

If someone wants to dive deeper into the hospitalization numbers and differences in the way they're handling the virus I'm all ears/eyes. I spend way too much time hunting down this kind of data and watching daily briefings already as it is.

India topped the daily US "record" of 77,000 daily positive cases at the end of August and maintained it ever since with the exception of only four days. It's been a bit interesting to watch the international media fearmongers that crushed the US under mountains of criticism almost completely ignore India over this last month... almost like this was all politically motivated.
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If, after all this time, you still don’t understand the implications of a novel coronavirus, then I’m sorry, but you’re completely ignorant.

I’m not even going to bother providing links for you. It’s up to you to educate yourself about the world. Spain is at 12,000 cases per day and their hospitals are about to be over-run. What the fuck don’t you understand about this. Elective surgeries are being canceled. This, in a country that’s still taking precautions.

I mean, whatever, dude. You just keep on screaming away about your fake pandemic.
And here are the denial posts ! Was waiting for them, don’t put any effort in your posts anymore F FireFly stop posting

And Siri do the same , these jokers deserve it 🤡

They will change their tune only when they experience it first hand . To bad there are lots of these ...

Have a nice winter 🤡

Joe T.

“We conclude that the Governor lacked the authority to declare a ‘state of emergency’ or a ‘state of disaster’ under the EMA after April 30, 2020, on the basis of the COVID-19 pandemic. Furthermore, we conclude that the EPGA is in violation of the Constitution of our state because it purports to delegate to the executive branch the legislative powers of state government-- including its plenary police powers-- and to allow the exercise of such powers indefinitely," wrote Justice Stephen J. Markman in the majority opinion.

“As a consequence, the EPGA cannot continue to provide a basis for the Governor to exercise emergency powers.”

And as the data continues to come in about the effectiveness of masks in the general public:

The K-Tipp compared the infection rate in cantons with and without a mask requirement in shops. Conclusion: The picture is inconsistent, the use of the mask requirement cannot be proven.


All these studies for stuff I knew since Feb, and I didn't need to do no damn study.



If you walk into a Covid ward where I work without an N95 respirator on then you’re going to get Covid19 - are people in this thread actually going to debate that?

In five minutes you’d be infected. The N95, and full PPE, are vital. Even the manner in which the ppe is donned and then removed is vital.

If you think an N95 mask doesn’t work then you’re a blithering idiot.


If you walk into a Covid ward where I work without an N95 respirator on then you’re going to get Covid19 - are people in this thread actually going to debate that?

In five minutes you’d be infected. The N95, and full PPE, are vital. Even the manner in which the ppe is donned and then removed is vital.

If you think an N95 mask doesn’t work then you’re a blithering idiot.



This is interesting. I'm not sure why that hasn't been looked into more here in the People Republic of Victoria, Australia. I swear I heard it brought up weeks ago, but nothing since. I think a New Zealand court reached the same conclusion about their first lockdown too.

Not sure how Constitutions differ though.

If you walk into a Covid ward where I work without an N95 respirator on then you’re going to get Covid19 - are people in this thread actually going to debate that?

In five minutes you’d be infected. The N95, and full PPE, are vital. Even the manner in which the ppe is donned and then removed is vital.

If you think an N95 mask doesn’t work then you’re a blithering idiot.



I'll keep that in mind next time I'm hanging out in a Covid ward. I'll be more then happy to put one on. But out and about in the open air, I'm good thanks


I'll keep that in mind next time I'm hanging out in a Covid ward. I'll be more then happy to put one on. But out and about in the open air, I'm good thanks

Weird response to what I wrote. Is it really so difficult to comprehend? People in this thread are saying masks don’t work. Yes, they do.

Do you seriously believe that Trump and all the people around him who are now testing positive were wearing masks? They weren’t. And if they had been then they wouldn’t be positive now.

I was, for months, surrounded by people who had Covid19. The N95 respirator is why I never got sick. Do you even know why this virus is spreading so rapidly: chiefly it’s because of pre-symptomatic spread. When the virus circulates, nobody is aware of it until its too late.

I’m glad that you’re outside getting fresh air. What does this have to do with the fact that masks work? Winter is coming. Soon people will be spending way more time together inside. Question of the month: should everyone don masks when inside and surrounded by others.

Hmm. Tricky question. Maybe think about it for a while.
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Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
Spain's deaths at this time seem more or less in line with Florida when adjusted for population size. They both have similar numbers of total positive cases despite Spain having more than twice as many people, though Spain appears to be trying to adjust that in spite of masking and other measures. Florida is open and Spain is entering a second lock down. At a glance, wouldn't the logical conclusion here be that the American health care system far exceeds Spain's the same way it appears to far exceed Canada's?

If someone wants to dive deeper into the hospitalization numbers and differences in the way they're handling the virus I'm all ears/eyes. I spend way too much time hunting down this kind of data and watching daily briefings already as it is.

India topped the daily US "record" of 77,000 daily positive cases at the end of August and maintained it ever since with the exception of only four days. It's been a bit interesting to watch the international media fearmongers that crushed the US under mountains of criticism almost completely ignore India over this last month... almost like this was all politically motivated.

I don't know how FLoridians carry themselves, but over here social customs involve a lot of close physical contact... We are what's called a high contact culture.

Additionally, here most people live in small flats and the preferred places for social gatherings are not homes but bars and restaurants where you are not required to wear a mask, so there's a ton of cross contamination going on.


Weird response to what I wrote. Is it really so difficult to comprehend? People in this thread are saying masks don’t work. Yes, they do.

Do you seriously believe that Trump and all the people around him who are now testing positive were wearing masks? They weren’t. And if they had been then they wouldn’t be positive now.

I was, for months, surrounded by people who had Covid19. The N95 respirator is why I never got sick. Do you even know why this virus is spreading so rapidly: chiefly it’s because of pre-symptomatic spread. When the virus circulates, nobody is aware of it until its too late.

I’m glad that you’re outside getting fresh air. What does this have to do with the fact that masks work? Winter is coming. Soon people will be spending way more time together inside. Question of the month: should everyone don masks when inside and surrounded by others.

Hmm. Tricky question. Maybe think about it for a while.

You're right. It was tricky working out how far you shifted the goalposts from 'Masks work in a Covid ward' (to which I agreed) to 'Masks just work'

So wheres your line for wearing them? Is there one? If you honestly think someone who is in good health, walking around outside by themselves is a risk to others then I don't know what to tell you. So long as one's not going around coughing and sneezing all over random people then I think we'll be fine. But people buy in because of all the fearmongering and politicized nature of everything and here we are. Arguing on a videogame forum about the merit of a piece of cloth covering your face to protect you from a new strain of the flu. Though you're bringing up N95s. If indeed you work around it all the time, I'd be doing the same in your shoes. Doesn't mean I would while walking the dog though.

Oh and I'm in Australia. Done with winter and just finished the first month of spring. The last 2 days were the warmest we've had for 6 months or so. These things fucking suck to wear when its hot, and I get the feeling more and more people will flaunt the rules here as it gets warmer and warmer. And yes, we are mandated here, the only state in Australia that is.

Heck, Our Great Leader Dan Andrews told off everyone who dared go to the beach yesterday after practically being under house arrest for the last 6 months, and a lot of them from what I could see on the news weren't wearing masks. But that goes beyond the mask discussion and more into, 'Why is Victoria, Australia run by a megalomaniacal socialist', so I digress.


Perpetually Offended
All of this could have been avoided (over 100 pages of differing opinions, back and forth arguing and literal sickness and death) if there weren't fifty-leven different narratives being pushed on us since February.

Take that how you want because I'm tired.
All of this could have been avoided (over 100 pages of differing opinions, back and forth arguing and literal sickness and death) if there weren't fifty-leven different narratives being pushed on us since February.

Take that how you want because I'm tired.
If you look up 'Event 201' on youtube which was a staged live exercise on October 2019 based on a response to a global pandemic. They speak of 'flooding the channels' (media, social media, health services) with information. Basically what we have been experincing since Feburary. More than a little suspect if you ask me.
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