just accept the virus, give the risk group better masks and tell them that they may die if they catch it. most are retired anyway, its easy for them to isolate themself (if they want to)Nothing is wrong ! Fake news !
Told you guysThis is what happens if you do nothing , it festers and boom sky high . You lost track of the virus , to many asymptomatic cases ..
that’s why Asia comes into action with only 10 cases.
Which country will you guys champion now? Instead of accepting the nature of this virus and sadly the actions that are needed..
Yet again lock downs will save the day!
ROME (Reuters) - The new coronavirus was circulating in Italy in September 2019, a study by the National Cancer Institute (INT) of the Italian city of Milan shows, signaling that it might have spread beyond China earlier than thought.
The World Health Organization has said the new coronavirus and COVID-19, the respiratory disease it causes, were unknown before the outbreak was reported in Wuhan, central China, late last year. But it has said “the possibility that the virus may have silently circulated elsewhere cannot be ruled out.”
The WHO said on Monday it was reviewing the results from Italy and additional information published there at the weekend and was seeking clarification.
Italy’s first COVID-19 patient was detected on Feb. 21 in a small town near Milan, in the northern region of Lombardy.
The Italian researchers’ findings, published by the INT’s scientific magazine Tumori Journal, show 11.6% of 959 healthy volunteers enrolled in a lung cancer screening trial between September 2019 and March 2020 had developed coronavirus antibodies well before February.
A further SARS-CoV-2 antibodies test was carried out by the University of Siena for the same research titled “Unexpected detection of SARS-CoV-2 antibodies in the pre-pandemic period in Italy”.
It showed that four cases dating back to the first week of October were positive for antibodies, meaning they had got infected in September, Giovanni Apolone, a co-author of the study, told Reuters.
Just desperate to get the blame on anyone else, huh?Can we change the topic title from Wuhan to Siena Italy?![]()
Just desperate to get the blame on anyone else, huh?
I don't see bats on that list. This virus came from bats. You know who has a documented history of eating bats?Italy virus. Dirty italians eating habits
1. Maggot Cheese (Casu Marzu, Sardinia)
Basically, the decomposition these maggots cause to Sardinian sheep milk aged pecorino cheese creates a soft and pungent aged cheese. There was a period where the E.U. Food and Safety Commission banned the production of this infested cheese (and rightly so). Then, there – of course – developed a black market for the stuff, which cost double the price of the non-rotted, non-maggot-filled version of pecorino. Now the ban has been lifted, but the cheese is still held in cultural regard. Would you pay more for maggots in your cheese?
2. Cow Guts (Lampredotto, Tuscany)
In Florence, you will find (cleaned) guts stewing in broth and slung into bread rolls, or on a plate with spicy or herbed sauces (you’re going to need some flavor enhancer!), along with a cheap glass of Chianti on the side of the road or in a piazza. It’s actually quite good. You can even request it on our Food Tour in Florence!
3. Stuffed Mice with Mince (Dormice, Rome)
Yes, they are still eaten. Today, these mice are a protected species, but in ancient Roman times, they were stuffed with mince meat, nuts, herbs and spices. Yum! It is reported that this ancient delicacy is still consumed (in the tens of thousands!) in a small village located in the Southern Italian region of Calabria.
4. Tuscan Chicken Liver Crostini (Tuscany)
Okay, so this is like a pate, but some recipes use anchovies and chicken hearts in addition to chicken liver. It is not as fancy and smooth, like French pate; there are definitely bits and chunks of liver in this stuff. But the locals love it. As Hannibal Lecter suggests, it goes great with a glass of Chianti.
5. Pani ca Meusa (Sicilian Spleen Sandwiches)
This is the epitome of (weird) Mediterranean street food – not a normal sliced meat panini or burger – this is the cow spleen served with either caciocavallo (stretched curd cheese) or ricotta, with lemon juice wedged between Sicilian bread.
6. Pork Blood Cake (Tuscany)
Sweet bloody pie? Well, if you can make it look like chocolate and taste like a cake, then what’s the harm? “Never waste a drop of anything” is the philosophy in the Tuscan kitchen.
7. Songbirds, Brescia (Lombardy)
These little birdies are not just the ones that sing to you in the morning – but the ones that also get stuffed with random meat bits (including pork, beef, rabbit, and even other bits of little birds!). Then, they are slow broiled on skewers! It is traditionally served with polenta.
I don't see bats on that list. This virus came from bats. You know who has a documented history of eating bats?
Nothing is wrong ! Fake news !
Told you guysThis is what happens if you do nothing , it festers and boom sky high . You lost track of the virus , to many asymptomatic cases ..
that’s why Asia comes into action with only 10 cases.
Which country will you guys champion now? Instead of accepting the nature of this virus and sadly the actions that are needed..
Yet again lock downs will save the day!
I think Christmas will be cancelled this year for two reasons:
1. Eid and Diwali were disrupted by Corona virus. To open everything up for Xmas will give the wrong message of solidarity.
2. Cancelling xmas is the biggest scare to push people towards a vaccine. "you want a normal xmas next year, right?"
Come on man! Put your money where you're mouth is! You're the loudest "this is bullshit" voice in the thread, throughout! (Unless it's your family trying to make you stay away, in which case, okay I guess.)I actually am probably not going to see my family for it
Sweden has a bit more reporting delay than other countries, so the deaths are still likely rising, see this:The death chart, the actual important one (that's assuming the deaths are by and large accurately reported and attributed, which is in question) showed a climb after the long flatline that already seems to be abating, with the 7 day moving average dropping for the past 7-10 days.
Come on man! Put your money where you're mouth is! You're the loudest "this is bullshit" voice in the thread, throughout! (Unless it's your family trying to make you stay away, in which case, okay I guess.)
We are hosting a modest 13 person gathering for Thanksgiving. Though even that is above the current private gathering limit in CT (10). Fuck 'em all.
It was my understanding that all countries had reporting delay, and that deaths don't get backdated upon report as the graph you linked showed. I've never seen worldometers do this for any country. I don't think those numbers for the past 10 days (where the decline is seen) will be retroactively updated. Whatever gets reported late will show up in the numbers in the coming days as always. I guess I could be wrong, but I've been following this for months and hadn't seen any backdating done in the reporting contrary to what your link seems to imply.Sweden has a bit more reporting delay than other countries, so the deaths are still likely rising, see this:
Reported Covid-19 deaths in Sweden
This page contains graphs and statistics related to the Covid-19 outbreak in Sweden.adamaltmejd.se
However I agree that it's not as bad as in most other European countries honestly, though the other Scandinavian states seem to be doing a bit better.
The NWO/Great Reset scum want to turn our family gatherings into a fraught mess of paranoia and fear, as part of their stated mission of destroying families. Sadly, mission accomplished for many. Even if I think it is bullshit, perhaps other extended family do not, and I have to be respectful of them.
The deaths on the Swedish worldometers page were backdated before, I mean you can plainly see that my link with the explicit reporting delay matches the death graph on worldometers for the peak in the spring. I think the difference is that that the figures released by the Swedish authorities include the specific reporting delay, whereas other countries have a reporting delay but don't track it the same way. There was even a gif showing this but I can't find it now, because the Swedish curve always looked like it was declining, even as it kept growing.It was my understanding that all countries had reporting delay, and that deaths don't get backdated upon report as the graph you linked showed. I've never seen worldometers do this for any country. I don't think those numbers for the past 10 days (where the decline is seen) will be retroactively updated. Whatever gets reported late will show up in the numbers in the coming days as always. I guess I could be wrong, but I've been following this for months and hadn't seen any backdating done in the reporting contrary to what your link seems to imply.
Schools are staying open because closing them would be catastrophic for the economy. Parents that have to stay at home can’t work, thus large swathes of the economy would have to be shut down.
The European strategy now is to protect the old and people vulnerable, and try to limit the spread in offices and public transport with white collar worker lockdown/home working. Sacrifice the hospitality industry, pretending kids don’t contaminate to telling people with kids in school to not eat together at home and for everyone to wear a mask at home also. And crossing their fingers that a vaccine will be produced with enough doses to bring about collective immunity.
Europe is lost
Myopic opinion. What I see are countries in Asia that have already tamed COVID and are back to living normally with fully functioning economies and low death rates because they pursued aggressive suppression strategies. That haven’t chosen to live with the virus.Looks like the scientists aren’t doing what you want them to do. Turns out “living with the virus” was the right answer all along, huh? They’re trying to find a balance because contrary to your myopic opinion, there are other things in the world that need to be considered besides covid.
Myopic opinion. What I see are countries in Asia that have already tamed COVID and are back to living normally with fully functioning economies and low death rates because they pursued aggressive suppression strategies. That haven’t chosen to live with the virus.
Compared to Europe that has chased this thing since the beginning and made poor decisions all the way. But go ahead and think that this was the right thing to do.
But do spare a little thought for the mountain of cadavers that their mismanagement has produced. I ram sure that their families didn’t think that “living with the virus” turned out the right thing to do eh..
Who ain’t testing?Nah, they have, they're just not testing.
Who ain’t testing?
Lol dear oh dearAsia. Look at the numbers dude.
E.g., South Korea: http://ncov.mohw.go.kr/en
2.8 million tests total, in a country of 51 million people. Compare to US - adjusted by population size that's the equivalent of about 18 million tests.
The USA is currently doing about 1.5 million tests *a day*, so South Korea from the start has tested less people than the US does every 2 weeks.
Lol dear oh dear
You don’t have to test en mass when you have things under control and you know who has it, and from where they got it. Fucking lol
I suppose we can also say that the reason why Taiwan has not had any cases for over 200 days is because they don’t test. What an amazing strategy! Why didn’t the western governments think of that?
But yes I’m sure there’s an organization who’s dedicated to destroying families, because obviously nobody likes families or get togethers?
Hide your porn.Apparently the new order in Ohio also states that home businesses also have to allow public health officials and law enforcement to inspect public areas anytime they wish. So I guess we're basically Nazi Germany now.....and in violation of the 4th amendment of the constitution unless we believe that COVID is reasonable.
Because you jump on it in the beginning and don’t let it become a runaway train.FFS.
The whole basis of this whole tyrant regime including mask mandates and mass testing is because this virus is asymptomatic in 50%-70% of cases.
How the fuck can they know they have it "under control" if they don't test? For all we know this thing is spreading in South Korea just as it is here (in fact that is very likely), people just stay home when sick or don't show any symptoms. Similar to what happened here in January and February.
I can't be the only one who thinks the way they seem to be calculating "vaccine effectiveness" is patently absurd?
Pfizer: 94 out of 43,.000 people in the study contracted COVID and 85 of those were in the placebo group, therefore vaccine is 90% effective?
Moderna: 95 out of 30,000 people in the study contracted COVID and 90 of those were in the placebo group, therefore vaccine is 95% effective?
This can't be how effectiveness is determined. They have no idea how many people in each group were "exposed". And of those who were "exposed" they have no idea how many of the vaccine recipients did NOT contract COVID who otherwise would have if they hadn't had the vaccine. How do you use an effective sample size of 85 or 90 people to make such a determination (and in turn justify injecting billions of people with this shit).
And I also can't be the only one getting the heeby jeebies from the idea of artifically repurposing our cellular machinery to manufacture virus proteins for our immune system to attack. Especially when these are lightning speed rushed propositions, and nothing of their kind has ever been approved for use in humans to date.
Because you jump on it in the beginning and don’t let it become a runaway train.
They had their chance in the west, especially in Europe. Lockdowns and stuff. The strategy was wrong and billions were spent, and it was all for nothing.
Please, don’t cofuse 10s of daily cases in South Korea to 10s of thousands of daily cases in any western country and say that it is spreading out of control.
Because you jump on it in the beginning and don’t let it become a runaway train.
They had their chance in the west, especially in Europe. Lockdowns and stuff. The strategy was wrong and billions were spent, and it was all for nothing.
Please, don’t cofuse 10s of daily cases in South Korea to 10s of thousands of daily cases in any western country and say that it is spreading out of control.
I am completely stunned that Wolf hasn't already announced state wide restrictions. If he hadn't so thoroughly botched the first lockdown, I'd almost respect him for not cave already this time.Lockdowns in Philly again
Philadelphia's New COVID-19 Restrictions Target Indoor Gatherings, Gyms and Dining
Philadelphia announced new coronavirus restrictions on Monday that aim to combat a lack of mask wearing and social distancing indoors at public spaces, restaurants, gyms and inside private homes.www.nbcphiladelphia.com
Will probably spread over to my area soon after
Southeastern Pennsylvania suburbs worrying about tighter COVID-19 restrictions
Philadelphia health officials urged its collar counties to follow suit in imposing tighter restrictions to combat the resurgence of the coronavirus.6abc.com
I am completely stunned that Wolf hasn't already announced state wide restrictions. If he hadn't so thoroughly botched the first lockdown, I'd almost respect him for not cave already this time.
But I'm sure indoor dining and gyms will be ordered to close by next week. The lockdown drums are starting to beat again and I just don't think Wolf has the strength or desire to resist them.
Yep, I'm expecting Wolf to announce something soon. Restaurants here just got done redoing their insides with plexiglass and spacing things out more since it is colder and they can't do outdoor dining now. Now they will get closed down again. I wonder how many more empty stores I will see after this lockdown as even more places go out of business.
How many tests are Korea doing per day? They have been on top of it from the get go.Using the word "beginning" here is highly misleading, as we have seen from the past few months. Hell it was only maybe 6-8 weeks ago where people claimed the US was the big screw up and Europe did everything right and solved the problem. Now they are lumped in with us, lol.
There is no way, absolutely no way, to know for sure that South Korea has 10s of cases without a massive amount of testing. That's just objective fact. And even with mass testing, you're missing tons of cases - see the WHO saying there have been ~750 million COVID cases whereas the "official" number was around 50M at that time.
If this lockdown nonsense comes to NYC and they can't do indoor dining I expect 75% of restaurants to close, and that's not even a joke. it is going to be utter and total carnage. I would guess restaurants are going to do 0-10% of their normal revenue for 3-4 months.... for perspective, 80% of restaurants couldn't pay their bills over the summer when they had outdoor seating going full blast.
The crazy thing is that indoor dining gets the brunt of all this because of one case study from China, based on one shitty restaurant with a broken HVAC. One case study is going to lead to the closure and ruin of thousands of restaurants.
To study coronavirus in the air, all eyes on a Chinese restaurant
Two studies examine a Chinese restaurant where coronavirus infections grew, studying how air conditioning may affect how the virus moves in the air.abcnews.go.com
How many tests are Korea doing per day? They have been on top of it from the get go.
Europe turned to shit in mid-September when they opened the schools. Even with the very light contaimination rates, the opening of schools meant that each classroom potentially linked 30+ households. I am not getting into the school debate. But, Israel had already demonstrated what happens when you do the above, with the same consequences. Again the problem with everyone saying Europe had under control is clear to see that only suppression is really getting under control.
Even minor community transmission mixed with the right conditions is enough to send you into the abyss.
How many tests are Korea doing per day? They have been on top of it from the get go.
Not many countries were anywhere near the level of today’s testing in the spring. 10-20k tests a day was massive back then compared to nearly every where else. Most other countries didn’t have the equipment or anything back then. France where I am is now is supposedly testing over a million per week. Plus, most of the west by March had let it get out control. Their much criticized testing was the result of running behind the wave.No, they have not been on top of it from the get go. That is patently false. You are spreading the same propaganda the corporate media did at the start of this pandemic. An example of it here from Bloomberg:
Seoul’s Full Cafes, Apple Store Lines Show Mass Testing Success
Cafes bustled with customers, parks teemed with sunbathers, and the first Apple store to reopen outside China had lines snaking out the door as many South Koreans -- almost all wearing masks -- emerged from months of self-isolation.www.bloomberg.com
That "mass testing" they praised as the tool South Korea used to contain/mitigate the spread was on the scale of the "pathetic" numbers being criticized in the western world like the US, Canada and elsewhere. South Korea, a country of 51.5M+, was conducting between 10-20,000 tests/day in the spring (12,000/day average according to NYT IIRC) and it was praised while similar numbers were deemed a disaster in US states with smaller populations like NY and California or up here in the province of Quebec (8.5M pop) where we were doing between 7-12K/day.
The propaganda wasn't as easy to spot back then because we were all over the place wondering what was going on, talking about toilet paper and the like, but in retrospect it's easy to see how disgustingly deceptive that testing narrative was. The tests are the heart of the problem, they are being misused and irresponsibly reported. Difficult to prove with any certainty if it's intentional, but you'd have to be nearly braindead not to realize it.
Look, in a perfect world, you are right. But the world isn't perfect. And once this was embedded and widespread, the window for your strategy closed. The problem is that once its not local, but "global" in the sense that its in every community, even at low levels, then as soon as you open, the spread escalates. This cannot be avoided now.Not many countries were anywhere near the level of today’s testing in the spring. 10-20k tests a day was massive back then compared to nearly every where else. Most other countries didn’t have the equipment or anything back then. France where I am is now is supposedly testing over a million per week. Plus, most of the west by March had let it get out control. Their much criticized testing was the result of running behind the wave.
Listen I am not from the US, and therefore have no political agenda. The US has tested massively, and Trumps China ban were both commendable. His Euro ban was also a good thing. At least he tried at the beginning. The UK and Europe looked the other way.
Again, when you have it under control, and the hospitals are not filling up , and you have solid testing and tracing, and any flare ups are localized, you don’t need to(but it would also be good to) test en mass.
Unlike the northern hemisphere which is in the shit now, where mass concentrated testing would be a great thing. Instead of waiting for the symptomatic people or their contacts.