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Mask Efficacy |OT| Wuhan!! Got You All In Check

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Gold Member
Switzerland, one of the most advanced countries in the world has now run out of ICU beds...

Just the flu, bro

Can't speak to Switzerland but this is actually quite common for flu season.

Hospitals don't spend millions of dollars on these fancy ICU units and leave them 90% unused, they're calibrated to average capacity. A bad flu year can swamp hospitals and it happens all the time. Here in New York, which I know is a rather primitive place compared to Switzerland, ICU capacity is like 80% full on a normal day. It does not take much to make them spill over.

That said... honestly we are like 8 months into this shit. If these places have not been able to free up capacity and what not, that's on them.
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Joe T.

Not many countries were anywhere near the level of today’s testing in the spring. 10-20k tests a day was massive back then compared to nearly every where else. Most other countries didn’t have the equipment or anything back then. France where I am is now is supposedly testing over a million per week. Plus, most of the west by March had let it get out control. Their much criticized testing was the result of running behind the wave.

Listen I am not from the US, and therefore have no political agenda. The US has tested massively, and Trumps China ban were both commendable. His Euro ban was also a good thing. At least he tried at the beginning. The UK and Europe looked the other way.

Again, when you have it under control, and the hospitals are not filling up , and you have solid testing and tracing, and any flare ups are localized, you don’t need to(but it would also be good to) test en mass.

Unlike the northern hemisphere which is in the shit now, where mass concentrated testing would be a great thing. Instead of waiting for the symptomatic people or their contacts.

The emboldened is a common misconception fueled by the propaganda I pointed out. We didn't let it get out of control any more than South Korea did. There are some very large differences that led to the discrepancies in the "case" numbers and between countries, the biggest, most obvious factor being testing numbers.

You can introduce mass testing - real mass testing, not the lie sold to us by Bloomberg and other media outlets - into a perfectly healthy population today and find hundreds or thousands of positive test results because their Ct value is absurdly high and essentially worthless for detecting infectiousness. Governments and media then report 100% of those positive test results as infectious cases that all require isolation, contact tracing, etc and enact lock downs which we know for a fact do not work to mitigate or stop the spread.

The hospitalizations and deaths are an entirely different beast that, while also subject to poor reporting/misattribution, were pumped up because of panic fueled by propaganda. That panic caused chaos and led to many unnecessary deaths, both with and without covid. Health workers were afraid to go to work, hospitals were (and remain) reorganized with entire portions closed off entirely, etc,.

I brought it up in a tweet recently from a Nobel laureate that said this tear in our social fabric, this sudden and drastic change to the way we live our lives, will do a great deal of damage. It definitely did when lock downs were first introduced.

The "success" we see from countries has absolutely nothing to do with containment and everything to do with the manner in which they live their lives. The freer, more chill the country, the better the results. Sweden did a great job demonstrating this, up until now anyway.

We're in a war, an information war, and in order to see the truth you have to push past the fog (re: propaganda, obfuscation of facts). That's not easy for most to do because they don't have the time or willingness to dedicate to it, they simply rely on the information provided to them from the mainstream news or their governments and that often isn't enough. Much of the mainstream media wants to keep this narrative running for financial reasons and governments have their own self-serving interests.

Measuring success or failure in terms of public health has to go well beyond a "covid zero" strategy, especially when the experts have admitted this virus will remain with us long after vaccines arrive.

You say mass testing is a good thing in the northern hemisphere because "they're in the shit" without bringing up the fact they're in that shit every year - hospitals always get filled up this time of year. Ergo, mass testing is doing more harm than good, it is propagating unsubstantiated fear. The southern hemisphere isn't in the shit because this virus is exhibiting seasonal behavior. Most regions in the northern hemisphere were in that same space in summer.

Dr.Guru of Peru

played the long game
The NWO/Great Reset scum want to turn our family gatherings into a fraught mess of paranoia and fear, as part of their stated mission of destroying families. Sadly, mission accomplished for many. Even if I think it is bullshit, perhaps other extended family do not, and I have to be respectful of them.

I thought the purpose of COVID19 was to get Biden elected? You people need to get your stories straight.


I thought the purpose of COVID19 was to get Biden elected? You people need to get your stories straight.
They love blaming others and conspiracy theories, that’s sadly the state of this thread ( and in some extend the state of mental health in society, since the start of this pandemic)
pfizer is coming out and saying their vaccine is 95% effective (last week it was 90%) after Moderna came out and said theirs was 95%....just looks shady as hell


Temp Banned for Remedial Purposes


Gold Member
I thought the purpose of COVID19 was to get Biden elected? You people need to get your stories straight.
The Great Reset, which is hardly a conspiracy theory or whatever at this point since everybody is talking about it, goes far beyond Senile Joe, although his election is part of it.

If you don’t want to get a fever and a cough for a week, murder your dog. It’s the only way.
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former Navy SEAL
Spanish study published by Endocrine Society's Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism finds 80% of hospitalized Covid patients are vitamin D deficient. However, their threshold for deficiency is at <20 ng/ml, which is lower than the deficiency threshold for most testing, which is <30 ng/ml. At the 30 threshold, 97% of those patients are deficient, which is too strong a correlation to be ignored given the role that vitamin D is known to play in fighting respiratory infections.

I should probably point out that these results look more promising than the vaccinations that are coming, especially when considering the additional benefits of not being vitamin D deficient.
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Gold Member
So real science is saying masks don't work?

But look, here's a YouTube video of a guy coughing directly on someone's face, pay no mind!

I can speak directly that NYC has basically total mask compliance, has since April, and cases are going up. Masks really do nothing on a macro level. It's been a huge distraction and a waste of time that could have been spent focused on healthy living and taking vitamins.

Spanish study published by Endocrine Society's Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism finds 80% of hospitalized Covid patients are vitamin D deficient. However, their threshold for deficiency is at <20 ng/ml, which is lower than the deficiency threshold for most testing, which is <30 ng/ml. At the 30 threshold, 97% of those patients are deficient, which is too strong a correlation to be ignored given the role that vitamin D is known to play in fighting respiratory infections.

I should probably point out that these results look more promising than the vaccinations that are coming, especially when considering the additional benefits of not being vitamin D deficient.

We would have been better off if the Feds sent a box of Vitamin D pills to every household in America and rolled out a campaign in May.
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Chronic insomniac, usually sleep about 6 hours on a good night. Fell asleep on the couch at 8 last night, woke up having no idea where I was or what time it was around midnight, got into bed and slept another 8 hours until my wife got back from walking the dog. Last time I slept that long I think was after a 36 hour marathon drive and day after in college.

Don’t get the rona folks


Video: Joe Rogan Experience #1566 - Nicholas Christakis

"Nicholas A. Christakis is the Sterling Professor of Social and Natural Science at Yale University, where he also directs the Human Nature Lab, and serves as Co-Director of the Yale Institute for Network Science. His most recent book is Apollo's Arrow: The Profound and Enduring Impact of Coronavirus on the Way We Live." (11/18/20)

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Gold Member
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There is Cali Health officials and group people in there as well it seems.

The reasonable response to COVID is: High risk people don't take risks. Healthy people don't need to be restricted in any way other than avoiding exposing themselves around high risk people.

All the shutdown worries are coming true and all the COVID nightmare scenarios are not. We are well past the point of fear as the reasonable response.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Video: Joe Rogan Experience #1566 - Nicholas Christakis

Good lord, this guy is full of shit. What a horrible guest.

Wear masks between bites and don't have Thanksgiving dinner.

Unless you're the governor.

Kids can't go to school. Too dangerous.

Unless you're the governor (or otherwise part of the Californian Aristocracy).
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Gold Member
They just shut down schools in NYC. It really is based on nothing and is totally anti-science, since there are virtually no positive cases coming from the widespread testing regime coming from schools (something like .22% positive rate). It is because of a city-wide positivity rate they dartboarded months ago with the teacher's union. It's a joke.

Of course you have twitter scum saying it's unfair because gyms and restaurants are still open. But are gyms and restaurants the problem? The city has 3000 people supposedly contact tracing, and we have to give our ph# if we sit down to eat inside. If gyms and restaurants were the problem then that tracing data would be leaked to hell and back by now.
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Wear masks between bites and don't have Thanksgiving dinner.

Unless you're the governor.

No no thats not piss in your face its just raining good sir.


They just shut down schools in NYC. It really is based on nothing and is totally anti-science, since there are virtually no positive cases coming from the widespread testing regime coming from schools (something like .22% positive rate). It is because of a city-wide positivity rate they dartboarded months ago with the teacher's union. It's a joke.

Of course you have twitter scum saying it's unfair because gyms and restaurants are still open. But are gyms and restaurants the problem? The city has 3000 people supposedly contact tracing, and we have to give our ph# if we sit down to eat inside. If gyms and restaurants were the problem then that tracing data would be leaked to hell and back by now.

It's pretty clear at this point that people are rooting for the lockdowns to get stricter and stricter to accelerate UBI so they can sit on their asses, play video games, and post woke garbage on Twitter all day long.
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It's pretty clear at this point that people are rooting for the lockdowns to get stricter and stricter to accelerate UBI so they can sit on their asses, play video games, and post woke garbage on Twitter all day long.
There are a good percentage of losers that want to drag everyone down to their level. Seeing others happy and successful aggravates their feelings of inadequacy.


So when are people are gonna admit something else is going on, that something is wrong?

You can have your little pandemic, but we've gotta admit sometime that something else is also going on somehow, somewhere.

No fucking way in hell is everything exactly as they say it is.

It may not have been planned or started this way, but it sure as shit is this way now.

The goalposts keep moving and the fear mongering agenda does not fucking stop. It's amazingly pathetic some of the shit I see in YouTube thumbnails, on the radio, coming out of some people's mouths.

Check it:




"Unlikely it'll ever go away"
"CASES 'doubling' every 13 days"
"Now you need to be scared of the hand sanitizers we shoved down everyone's throat too!"

Just fucking piss off already.


They just shut down schools in NYC. It really is based on nothing and is totally anti-science, since there are virtually no positive cases coming from the widespread testing regime coming from schools (something like .22% positive rate). It is because of a city-wide positivity rate they dartboarded months ago with the teacher's union. It's a joke.

Of course you have twitter scum saying it's unfair because gyms and restaurants are still open. But are gyms and restaurants the problem? The city has 3000 people supposedly contact tracing, and we have to give our ph# if we sit down to eat inside. If gyms and restaurants were the problem then that tracing data would be leaked to hell and back by now.
( Dutch/Belgium)research showed , we have researched a lot in these 8 months about COVID that children spread it just as much as adults , but because until a year of 14 most are smaller as adults , if they sneeze droplets don’t reach adults faces , people who go through the knees and teachers are at a higher risk. Children don’t get that sick, but spread and are often not sick. They also tough everything, here comes the often handwashing and sneezing into elbow into view.

Schools spread because they are tight communities. The children or students take it home , parents grand parents get sick, here we don’t close them otherwise none can work as they have to parent . Testing is not possible at such a low age and uncomfortable, so it’s a big blind spot to track .. hope this clears things up.

but our numbers are pretty high even with the rest of the restrictions that are tight unlike in March when schools also closed.

Bars and restaurants and working at the office , had quite a piece of the pie here in the spread, numbers showed this , so they made the call to shut them down , instead of schools because of the reasons I posted and education, everyone has that right, so those are also legitimate to shut down.

So you see ... it’s grounded in science ,even if you agree with it or not. We are much smaller country so our research is faster / earlier.

btw it’s not all conspiracy .
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Gold Member
( Dutch/Belgium)research showed , we have researched a lot in these 8 months about COVID that children spread it just as much as adults , but because until a year of 14 most are smaller as adults , if they sneeze droplets don’t reach adults faces , people who go through the knees and teachers are at a higher risk. Children don’t get that sick, but spread and are often not sick. They also tough everything, here comes the often handwashing and sneezing into elbow into view.

Schools spread because they are tight communities. The children or students take it home , parents grand parents get sick, here we don’t close them otherwise none can work as they have to parent . Testing is not possible at such a low age and uncomfortable, so it’s a big blind spot to track .. hope this clears things up.

but our numbers are pretty high even with the rest of the restrictions that are tight unlike in March when schools also closed.

Bars and restaurants and working at the office , had quite a piece of the pie here in the spread, numbers showed this , so they made the call to shut them down , instead of schools because of the reasons I posted and education, everyone has that right, so those are also legitimate to shut down.

So you see ... it’s grounded in science ,even if you agree with it or not. We are much smaller country so our research is faster / earlier.

btw it’s not all conspiracy .

the data shows a very small to nonexistent risk of schools being open... and the reality was playing out here in that way as they had lots of tests and virtually no positive cases.

again they closed schools not based on the schools but the citywide test positivity rate. It’s a NYC thing and it’s because of the teachers union and the useless city government it has too much power over. Ultimately it is the kids that suffer
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Gold Member
I honestly think that basically not teaching kids for a year+(Remote learning is not learning for 98% of kids, all but a few autodidact) and the resulting mental health effects of keeping kids away from their friends and environment, and the stress of being at home every day, all for a virus that objectively has no effect on them, is going to be an utter disaster for this generation of people, and we will have the negative consequences for their entire lives.
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( Dutch/Belgium)research showed , we have researched a lot in these 8 months about COVID that children spread it just as much as adults , but because until a year of 14 most are smaller as adults , if they sneeze droplets don’t reach adults faces , people who go through the knees and teachers are at a higher risk. Children don’t get that sick, but spread and are often not sick. They also tough everything, here comes the often handwashing and sneezing into elbow into view.

Schools spread because they are tight communities. The children or students take it home , parents grand parents get sick, here we don’t close them otherwise none can work as they have to parent . Testing is not possible at such a low age and uncomfortable, so it’s a big blind spot to track .. hope this clears things up.

but our numbers are pretty high even with the rest of the restrictions that are tight unlike in March when schools also closed.

Bars and restaurants and working at the office , had quite a piece of the pie here in the spread, numbers showed this , so they made the call to shut them down , instead of schools because of the reasons I posted and education, everyone has that right, so those are also legitimate to shut down.

So you see ... it’s grounded in science ,even if you agree with it or not. We are much smaller country so our research is faster / earlier.

btw it’s not all conspiracy .
This is literally all bullshit. Takes from your ass. Cite your sources. The burden of proof is on you to prove schools are dangerous if you're making claims like this. And I'm not interest in anecdotes. Go.

I honestly think that basically not teaching kids for a year+(Remote learning is not learning for 98% of kids, all but a few autodidact) and the resulting mental health effects of keeping kids away from their friends and environment, and the stress of being at home every day, is going to be an utter disaster for this generation of people, and we will have the negative consequences for their entire lives.

100%. I've been beating this drum since the spring once it became clear the goalposts were on the move and were never going to stop moving.
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