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Mask Efficacy |OT| Wuhan!! Got You All In Check

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You absolute fascist bootlicker. At this point it’s quite clear you are not here for honest discussion, you are here to troll, pedal bullshit and wank over fascism. You’re there, tugging that tiny todger, reaching a state of ecstasy as you climax thinking of Stalin doing us all up the arse. You are a truly disgusting human being.
Wtf are you on , man you are angry .. go do something to relax a bit .. just because someone disagrees.. and has a different view on stuff .

You can be angry all you want , lock downs and measures to lower the spread in what form will be the norm until they aren’t needed any more


anyway seems the vaccine will be great here in the Netherlands.. 10k doses available per month .. on a 17 million population.. will only take a couple of years to reach 60-70 % herd immunity.
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What China says happened in Wuhan, and their own totals now, make no sense. Just because they leaked a few videos of fainting nurses or welded doors doesn't mean that is what actually happened. Their numbers, especially now, are not to be trusted based on what we know in our own countries.

7%, your economy is like a baby, ours jumped up 33% post-lockdown, but still that is not enough, many people are still struggling, and the subsequent problems they face are worse than what COVID could do to them.

Well, they're both the flu. Of course they followed the same trends.
Except COVID. is not the flu ... inFLUenza is flu .. 🤣 see how the word InFLUenza contains the word Flu, COVID is A CORONA VIRUS , which cause colds in general for ages/decades around the world.

something to read:https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/general-information.html

So what we have now is a new type of corona virus , just like the Spanish Flu was a new type of Influenza.. which now causes one of our seasonal flus.

Your fellow countryman doing some good work:

you have nut cases in all layers of a society 🤣 even higher educated ones ..
Not saying they are ..
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Joe T.

you have nut cases in all layers of a society 🤣 even higher educated ones ..



We have our Dutch CDC team this morning already damage controlling the vaccine and how little available vaccines can still help but with measures in place ... and preparing the Dutch people for disappointment begins 🤡
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Unconfirmed Member
Wtf are you on , man you are angry .. go do something to relax a bit .. just because someone disagrees.. and has a different view on stuff .

You can be angry all you want , lock downs and measures to lower the spread in what form will be the norm until they aren’t needed any more


anyway seems the vaccine will be great here in the Netherlands.. 10k doses available per month .. on a 17 million population.. will only take a couple of years to reach 60-70 % herd immunity.
Yes I am angry - that someone can take such delight in lives ruined by lockdown and the economic destruction caused by it. I don’t mind people having a different opinion but I don’t like the attitude that goes with yours. You’re like a less intelligent TaySan. So how much are China paying you or are you just this retarded for free?
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Yes I am angry - that someone can take such delight in lives ruined by lockdown and the economic destruction caused by it. I don’t mind people having a different opinion but I don’t like the attitude that goes with yours. You’re like a less intelligent TaySan. So how much are China paying you or are you just this retarded for free?
You just have to put him on ignore. Only a very sad person would act like that honestly. So he’s either a troll or his life is pathetic. Either way, better to ignore him.

I’ve never used it for anyone before, but there’s just nothing to be gained from talking with him.
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Yes I am angry - that someone can take such delight in lives ruined by lockdown and the economic destruction caused by it. I don’t mind people having a different opinion but I don’t like the attitude that goes with yours. You’re like a less intelligent TaySan. So how much are China paying you or are you just this retarded for free?
Dude is probably some jobless stoner with no social life anyway.

Just ignore him.


Our dumbass governor is threatening to lock down bars, restaurants, and gyms next week if we don't turn it around. Even though two weeks ago he said those aren't the places where spread is happening. Courts already ruled that shutting down gyms (in some cases) was unconstitutional here in the state.

Can't wait to see how this plays out.


Dude is probably some jobless stoner with no social life anyway.

Just ignore him.
I presumed you guys are , with all the shit talking and not obeying the rules to tackle the spread 🇳😆

I actually have 2 jobs , my own business and I work for a company, my own business I started in COVID times .. because shouting all day that economy is terrible and being negative won’t help anyone .. so I took measures on my own ! Work is plenty ! Enough opportunities. Socially I have a family and a little boy that we care for .

but with this little guy and these times there is less social interaction.

now you guys !
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I presumed you guys are , with all the shit talking and not obeying the rules to tackle the spread 🇳😆

I actually have 2 jobs , my own business and I work for a company, my own business I started in COVID times .. because shouting all day that economy is terrible and being negative won’t help anyone .. so I took measures on my own ! Work is plenty ! Enough opportunities. Socially I have a family and a little boy that we care for .

but with this little guy and these times there is less social interaction.

now you guys !

Honestly it all makes sense now.

So basically you are doing great during this pandemic, even took advantage of it to start you own business. Never let a crisis go to waste.

I am going to assume your business has something to do with people being lockdown or wearing masks?

You have a job, started your own business, making good money all off the lockdown and then want us to take you seriously when you come in and berate everyone for not following the rules.

Are you Nancy Pelosi or Chris Cuomo?
One thing I know for sure... the initial lockdown was totally political. My area has 10x the amount of covid now than it has ever had. Yet there’s no lockdown. Schools are open. We’re just going about our business. But back in the spring, we shutdown from March until June. Why so long? We stopped so-called elective surgeries while our hospitals were empty. Now they are packed, yet surgeries continue. All businesses are basically open.

How can that be when in the spring we closed for months? Tell me that had nothing to do with tanking the economy before the election.
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One thing I know for sure... the initial lockdown was totally political. My area has 10x the amount of covid now than it has ever had. Yet there’s no lockdown. Schools are open. We’re just going about our business. But back in the spring, we shutdown from March until June. Why so long? We stopped so-called elective surgeries while our hospitals were empty. Now they are packed, yet surgeries continue. All businesses are basically open.

How can that be when in the spring we closed for months? Tell me that had nothing to do with tanking the economy before the election.

Its clear as day.

Why was Pelosi pushing mail in voting back on April 1st. That was 8 months ago and she was already pushing for mail in voting

Also notice how every other country the leaders are not blamed for everything Corona. Italy/Spain/Canada etc... No one says every death is on their hands and they did everything wrong.

Meanwhile in the US the media basically spent the entire time saying everything Trump did was wrong. I wont say he was correct 100% of the time, but the media acted like an arm of the DNC propaganda to blame Trump for the entire COVID stuff.

The DEMS spent Jan/Feb denying COVID telling people its the flu go to Chinatown, and then a light went off where the realized they could destroy Trump while also stealing the election and they went into COVID overdrive.


Unconfirmed Member
You just have to put him on ignore. Only a very sad person would act like that honestly. So he’s either a troll or his life is pathetic. Either way, better to ignore him.

I’ve never used it for anyone before, but there’s just nothing to be gained from talking with him.

Dude is probably some jobless stoner with no social life anyway.

Just ignore him.

Tbh I think he's crossed the line for me - the same one that TaySan crossed when he was cheerleading arson.


Just let this shit run through without any tests and restrictions.
Mainly it kills the elders and that would solve a fuck ton of problems.

I don't know if this is serious or not, but I have to say, I have come to the point where I believe that if we did not have social media, or even if we did and it was not quite what it is today (say 10 years ago) none of this would have played out the way that it did. There would have been no lockdowns, no mask wearing. None of it. We got videos posted online of hospitals being overwhelmed in Italy and the videos of people being welded into their homes in China and people lost their mind. I had so many people texting me in fear over those videos. These are all people under 40 with no health conditions, and today they are still completely fearful of COVID.

I'm telling you. Without social media COVID is a bad strain of flu and life today is exactly as it was a year ago.


I don't know if this is serious or not, but I have to say, I have come to the point where I believe that if we did not have social media, or even if we did and it was not quite what it is today (say 10 years ago) none of this would have played out the way that it did. There would have been no lockdowns, no mask wearing. None of it. We got videos posted online of hospitals being overwhelmed in Italy and the videos of people being welded into their homes in China and people lost their mind. I had so many people texting me in fear over those videos. These are all people under 40 with no health conditions, and today they are still completely fearful of COVID.

I'm telling you. Without social media COVID is a bad strain of flu and life today is exactly as it was a year ago.

You are absolutely right. I'm fairly certain that without social media, this would have played out very similarly to how we're discussed here: Once the data started to roll out that it mainly targeted the elderly and the obese, I believe the news would have focused on protecting older people and telling people to "shape up" to avoid death.

Right now, the narrative in so many circles regarding kids being in school is still "I'd rather my kids be home than dead." MOTHERFUCKER NO KIDS ARE DYING FROM THIS SHIT, for the millionth time.


I don't know if this is serious or not, but I have to say, I have come to the point where I believe that if we did not have social media, or even if we did and it was not quite what it is today (say 10 years ago) none of this would have played out the way that it did. There would have been no lockdowns, no mask wearing. None of it. We got videos posted online of hospitals being overwhelmed in Italy and the videos of people being welded into their homes in China and people lost their mind. I had so many people texting me in fear over those videos. These are all people under 40 with no health conditions, and today they are still completely fearful of COVID.

I'm telling you. Without social media COVID is a bad strain of flu and life today is exactly as it was a year ago.


You can see how corporations already react to minor customer complaints and Internet outrage so it makes sense this could be scaled up to governments etc.

I think something like this gives a lot of people a sense of satisfaction that they are in the right and that others are really really stupid and dumb.

The total number of cases will always go up and the total number of deaths will always go up. So as long as your stance is "people are very dumb so we will keep getting new cases" you'll always have that sense of smug superiority.

Take away social media and it becomes harder to express that all day every day and I guess people would just get bored and say "quarantine the elderly to protect them and everyone else just live as normal".

I don't think anyone cares about the virus as much as they care about berating people online and gloating about how high the numbers are getting.

The problem is that individuals just get lost in the mess and you end up with morons online basically cheering on the fact that you might lose your job then your home and then whatever comes after that. They don't care because let's be honest if John Smith who works at the local butcher kills himself over all this then it'll never reach the ears of these people. Many are pro lockdown because it really won't ever impact them.

It's kind of shameful. We're fine watching people's lives fall apart cos we can sit at home and watch Netflix then pop on social media to moan about these damn peasants not wearing masks or demanding business open up again during the credits.

Lets see what happens when the bill is due on these lockdowns etc.


Gold Member
I don't know if this is serious or not, but I have to say, I have come to the point where I believe that if we did not have social media, or even if we did and it was not quite what it is today (say 10 years ago) none of this would have played out the way that it did. There would have been no lockdowns, no mask wearing. None of it. We got videos posted online of hospitals being overwhelmed in Italy and the videos of people being welded into their homes in China and people lost their mind. I had so many people texting me in fear over those videos. These are all people under 40 with no health conditions, and today they are still completely fearful of COVID.

I'm telling you. Without social media COVID is a bad strain of flu and life today is exactly as it was a year ago.

Yep. This is 100% true. I said it in this thread. Social media has become this monster that we cannot control, it now controls us. Very scary proposition for the future.

Without social media there would have been some more caution about staying home and washing your hands, similar to what we see in regular bad flu seasons, which are every 3-4 years normally.


Unconfirmed Member
Yep. This is 100% true. I said it in this thread. Social media has become this monster that we cannot control, it now controls us. Very scary proposition for the future.

Without social media there would have been some more caution about staying home and washing your hands, similar to what we see in regular bad flu seasons, which are every 3-4 years normally.
So the big question: how do we regain control, especially when the machine seems now to have become self aware?



Gold Member
Once people get jabbed with the mystery fluid, the masks are going in the trash, just book it.

What's the fucking point of taking the vaccine if nothing changes from this dystopian hellscape Fauci has built?

So the big question: how do we regain control, especially when the machine seems now to have become self aware?

This ride ends when we get full scale Horizon Zero Dawn style collapse of the system.


Lil’ Gobbie
This guy again

“Because even though for the general population it might be 90 to 95 percent effective, you don’t necessarily know for you how effective it is.”

The Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases added that once he receives a vaccine, he still won’t feel comfortable completely letting down his guard.

“I can feel more relaxed in essentially not having the stringency that we have right now, but I think abandoning it completely would not be a good idea,” Fauci said.

Again, nothing controversial is being said here if you can make it past the non sense headline. We can keep trying though



Fucking gross.

Ya people just sitting at home in sweats eating chicken. No unemployment depression suicide loss of education loss of livelyhood etc... just stay home like us elites at your second home that you can use you mercedez to drive too. What a slap in the face to all the people who lost their business or jobs or couldnt find food

But the asian chick was pretty cute though.

Joe T.

This one's for Americans curious or worried about hospitalization numbers, a state by state comparison of November 2016-2018 vs 2020.

The wake up call saying this isn't the dangerous virus requiring unprecedented measures is going to eventually come for everyone. Take note of all the politicians, media outlets, celebrities, "public health" officials, etc that worked hard to keep this deception alive.



Darkness no more
“Because even though for the general population it might be 90 to 95 percent effective, you don’t necessarily know for you how effective it is.”

The Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases added that once he receives a vaccine, he still won’t feel comfortable completely letting down his guard.

“I can feel more relaxed in essentially not having the stringency that we have right now, but I think abandoning it completely would not be a good idea,” Fauci said.

Again, nothing controversial is being said here if you can make it past the non sense headline. We can keep trying though

Are you going to wear a mask forever? Sounds like nonsense after everyone is vaccinated.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
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