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Mask Efficacy |OT| Wuhan!! Got You All In Check

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Lucky. I wish we were fully open.
We are not fully open. But many many businesses in my area are basically ignoring any restrictions at this point besides requesting masks be worn. Restaurants spread people out until they get pretty full. I know people who’ve been to bars were the “must buy food” requirement is completely ignored. All gyms was supposed to close for 3 weeks around Christmas. Most never did, including mine. And that was in cooperation with local law enforcement. Kids have been going to school in person. My son hasn’t missed one day of kindergarten all year.

I’m sure Philly is still pretty tight. But other than the masks, life is essentially back to normal where I live.
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Joe Biden is president for 3-4 days and suddenly no one cares about covid anymore. Restrictions are being eased all over the country and the tone in the media has already shifted. No one even posts in this thread. For 18 hours. I’m betting by the end of March, covid is barely being discussed.

Biden should’ve kept his mouth shut about not being able to do anything about the pandemic over the next few months. Now he won’t be able to take credit (not like he won’t do it anyway).

Cutty Flam

It’s likely Covid-19 hit China in October of 2019 so when do you guys think the U.S. was impacted?

I have been thinking that a lot of us Americans were already mostly infected by late December. Is there any evidence to support this or have any scientists speculated around this topic? I just can’t figure out how this virus comes about in October and it doesn’t get to the U.S. by Mid-November or start of December (this is just guesswork)

All it takes is one infected individual coming back from a trip in China and from there it starts to snowball out of control right? I’m trying to figure out if I caught it in the past and was just asymptomatic. I had a really strange bout with some kind of virus that affected my upper respiratory system on Dec. 25th that I suspect could have been Covid-19. But it only affected me greatly that one day, and slightly the next I was a little off but that was it. It could be that because I’m usually sick like 2-4 times a year that I have some immunity to coronaviruses that helped? I guess I’ll never know...

But I want to know what people think about the SARS-CoV-2 virus possibly being widespread across the U.S. undetected before 2020 even began...I think a lot of us probably had it despite even knowing, before official sources started to emerge

What do you guys think?

edit: got dates mixed up, corrected
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Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
i was sick in late 2019, around early december w / headache, light cough, chills

last time i got that sick was 2001 around september

35 now

In March I experienced a spell of feeling "out of it", for lack of a better explanation, that health experts warned against. That occurred in the middle of a week in which I had to take DayQuil for terrible cold-like symptoms, and was waking up in the middle of the night coughing up phlegm. Talking from deep sleep to wide awake the cough was so bad.

Makes me wonder. I didn't bother to get tested because I was already locked down and the symptoms went away after six or seven days. It never progressed to a fever either.


according to webmd, studies taken of blood samples for antibodies indicate a possible october to november arrival in china

there's papers released about wuhan leaks caused by rats and other anomalies ...

Mobile Suit Gooch

Grundle: The Awakening
Joe Biden is president for 3-4 days and suddenly no one cares about covid anymore. Restrictions are being eased all over the country and the tone in the media has already shifted. No one even posts in this thread. For 18 hours. I’m betting by the end of March, covid is barely being discussed.

Biden should’ve kept his mouth shut about not being able to do anything about the pandemic over the next few months. Now he won’t be able to take credit (not like he won’t do it anyway).
Fauci now claims that we'll be back to normal by Fall...Press X for doubt.



Somebody tell this guy correlation is not causation. What's his hard evidence for the logic? It's almost certainly too soon for the vaccination campaign to have reduced hospitalizations.

This'll be the same logic as the lockdown enthusiasts have used. Taking credit for any improvements, and claiming it would have been even worse if there aren't improvements.
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Oh I think he’s right. Covid has taught me one thing for certain. The people who are used “running things” will only let us live normal lives if they get to be in charge. And now they are in charge again.
It's become crystal clear that Democrats in power all over the place deliberately tanked their economies to hurt Trump. Now this doesn't entirely explain much of the rest of the world also running around looking like a bunch of monkeys fucking a football (except for the WHO; their behavior makes sense as getting rid of Trump meant the resumption of their US taxpayer $$$ gravy train).

This should be a huge scandal, but unfortunately they all have enough plausible deniability that nobody will ever be held accountable for all the damage they've done.
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Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
This thread isn't intended to be political, guys, which is why it's not located in the Politics forum. It's for news and updates about the pandemic. Furthermore, lockdowns and restrictions are not a conspiracy against Trump. They're happening around the world for health and safety reasons. Users engaging in partisan politicization, conspiracy theories, etc. will be removed from the thread on sight.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
This thread isn't intended to be political, guys, which is why it's not located in the Politics forum. It's for news and updates about the pandemic. Furthermore, lockdowns and restrictions are not a conspiracy against Trump. They're happening around the world for health and safety reasons. Users engaging in partisan politicization, conspiracy theories, etc. will be removed from the thread on sight.

Of course it's not a conspiracy against Trump, since this is a worldwide issue, but surely we can all agree that the decision to lock down or implement specific restrictions is a very political one, since all governments have access to the same science for the most part but are making very different decisions depending on who is in charge.

I just don't see how you remove politics from this discussion since 90% or more of COVID news is about how governments around the world are deciding to craft and evolve their response to the pandemic and how people are reacting to those decisions.


Of course it's not a conspiracy against Trump, since this is a worldwide issue, but surely we can all agree that the decision to lock down or implement specific restrictions is a very political one, since all governments have access to the same science for the most part but are making very different decisions depending on who is in charge.

I just don't see how you remove politics from this discussion since 90% or more of COVID news is about how governments around the world are deciding to craft and evolve their response to the pandemic and how people are reacting to those decisions.
It seems more a Western society issue. Life is back to normal here in Mexico.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
It seems more a Western society issue. Life is back to normal here in Mexico.

Which kind of proves my point if what you're saying is true. Numbers-wise, shit is just about as fucked in Mexico as it is in the US if you go by deaths per 1M population.

Meanwhile, the Japanese government got pressured into declaring a state of emergency and shutting down their economic stimulus programs despite having like 1/33 the deaths per 1M population as the US and actually having fewer deaths to COVID-19 in 2020 than they had influenza deaths in 2019, which was even a pretty light year for them.
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Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
Which kind of proves my point if what you're saying is true. Numbers-wise, shit is just about as fucked in Mexico as it is in the US if you go by deaths per 1M population.

Meanwhile, the Japanese government got pressured into declaring a state of emergency and shutting down their economic stimulus programs despite having like 1/33 the deaths per 1M population as the US and actually having fewer deaths to COVID-19 in 2020 than they had influenza deaths in 2019, which was even a pretty light year for them.

The reality of this pandemic for the US is terrible any way one tries to spin it - even with cherry picking and disingenuous analogies born from ignorance. Let's please, after over 400k deaths and a death rate that doesn't seem to be able to find a peak and healthcare networks still hitting capacity and vaccine distribution stalling and etc, etc, etc, etc - acknowledge the truth. No more of these conspiracy theories and science denials.

Other nations shutdown and re-step up contact tracing as soon as the whiff of an outbreak is detected because that is what science and history dictates a country should do. It works. You don't do this? Like how the previous administration never even tried? You end up being the richest, most well-equipped nation in history to deal with a pandemic and yet still end up with the most dead and infected with no end in sight until a new president was elected. Now there's finally light at the end of the tunnel and people are still preaching anti science vomit.


Which kind of proves my point if what you're saying is true. Numbers-wise, shit is just about as fucked in Mexico as it is in the US if you go by deaths per 1M population.

Meanwhile, the Japanese government got pressured into declaring a state of emergency and shutting down their economic stimulus programs despite having like 1/33 the deaths per 1M population as the US and actually having fewer deaths to COVID-19 in 2020 than they had influenza deaths in 2019, which was even a pretty light year for them.
I hear Mexico has also been pressured to have tighter restrictions by WHO. Mexico's president has called covid restrictions "dictatorship". And he is a leftist.


This thread isn't intended to be political, guys, which is why it's not located in the Politics forum. It's for news and updates about the pandemic. Furthermore, lockdowns and restrictions are not a conspiracy against Trump. They're happening around the world for health and safety reasons. Users engaging in partisan politicization, conspiracy theories, etc. will be removed from the thread on sight.

The fact so many in America genuinely think people are deliberately falsifying evidence and blatantly lying about this pandemic to serve their own political ends shows just how poisonous and filled with conspiracy the US political discussion has become.


The fact so many in America genuinely think people are deliberately falsifying evidence and blatantly lying about this pandemic to serve their own political ends shows just how poisonous and filled with conspiracy the US political discussion has become.

The fact that this all starts on the social media platforms, shows where the real problem is. Treat the cause not the symptoms. Shut them all down, they're nothing but poison, feeding the basement dwelling lunatics of the world.
The fact that this all starts on the social media platforms, shows where the real problem is. Treat the cause not the symptoms. Shut them all down, they're nothing but poison, feeding the basement dwelling lunatics of the world.
The problem is that many real facts are mixed in with all the other nonsense, and the fact the MSM tries to paint a particular narrative and ignore or lie about some facts doesn't present a good light. IF MSM and Big tech didn't take a political stance and tried to paint a narrative ignoring facts and distorting truths, people wouldn't have to resort to alternative media to get the full picture.

Most mainstream social media sites have also tried blocking conspiracies and even nonconspiracy content from one side of the political spectrum, while allowing calls for violence and conspiracies from the other side of the political spectrum, in addition to allowing cp to remain onsite even after complaints and human review.

In my opinion things have to be out in the open, and debunks and counter debunks have to occur. There can't be a ministry of truth that says what is the truth and what is not, especially not one that lies.
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The problem is that many real facts are mixed in with all the other nonsense, and the fact the MSM tries to paint a particular narrative and ignore or lie about some facts doesn't present a good light. Most mainstream social media sites have also tried blocking conspiracies and even nonconspiracy content from one side of the political spectrum, while allowing calls for violence and conspiracies from the other side of the political spectrum, in addition to allowing cp to remain onsite even after human review.

The inaccuracies on MSM are nowhere near the non stop avalanche of bullshit on social media.
The inaccuracies on MSM are nowhere near the non stop avalanche of bullshit on social media.
Twitter heavily censors conservatives, reddit deplatformed TheDonald, facebook even tried to permanently ban the last president of the United States. There is a political slant to MSM and Big tech, any conspiracy from one side is allowed while anything from the other side is heavily censored, especially if it has any semblance of truth.


Twitter heavily censors conservatives, reddit deplatformed TheDonald, facebook even tried to permanently ban the last president of the United States. There is a political slant to MSM and Big tech, any conspiracy from one side is allowed while anything from the other side is heavily censored, especially if it has any semblance of truth.

Lunacy. The man and his followers incited an insurrection, that’s why he got banned, and you have zero evidence that conspiracies are allowed from one side and not the other.

Most of the disinformation, conspiracy and lies thrown about around covid come from disgruntled Trump supporters who just can’t let go of the fact he was so wrong about it. It’s got to stop. People are suffering and dying all in the name of protecting one man - a man who isn’t even important anymore.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
The reality of this pandemic for the US is terrible any way one tries to spin it - even with cherry picking and disingenuous analogies born from ignorance. Let's please, after over 400k deaths and a death rate that doesn't seem to be able to find a peak and healthcare networks still hitting capacity and vaccine distribution stalling and etc, etc, etc, etc - acknowledge the truth. No more of these conspiracy theories and science denials.

Other nations shutdown and re-step up contact tracing as soon as the whiff of an outbreak is detected because that is what science and history dictates a country should do. It works. You don't do this? Like how the previous administration never even tried? You end up being the richest, most well-equipped nation in history to deal with a pandemic and yet still end up with the most dead and infected with no end in sight until a new president was elected. Now there's finally light at the end of the tunnel and people are still preaching anti science vomit.

People pretending it doesn't exist are ridiculous, I agree. The pandemic is terrible for sure, but the response can end up being even more terrible if we're not careful.

With that said, if you truly cared about "the science" you would want to look at more than just COVID cases and deaths when evaluating the effectiveness of any measure to combination of measures. I think history is going to be very unkind to the lockdowns and I will not be surprised if a lot of countries find that they ended up killing more people, and definitely ruining more livelihoods, through draconian interventions than if they had taken more light-handed ones that did not restrict freedoms and access essential resources.

Finally, no this country (the United States) is not well equipped to deal with a pandemic. We never have been and it's kind of a tradeoff of our design. We are a nation of 50 sovereign states with very different populations, climates, and economic realities. We have an awesomely powerful federal government, sure, but they do not control everything that goes on within the country and cannot force the individual states to do whatever they please.


Lil’ Gobbie
I think history is going to be very unkind to the lockdowns and I will not be surprised if a lot of countries find that they ended up killing more people, and definitely ruining more livelihoods, through draconian interventions than if they had taken more light-handed ones that did not restrict freedoms and access essential resources.
you have to change the paradigm you are seeing this from. history will mock the flock of misguided and misinformed people who believe this has been a conspiratorial effort to restrict your freedoms and deny your civil liberties

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Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
you have to change the paradigm you are seeing this from. history will mock the flock of misguided and misinformed people who believe this has anything to do with restricting freedoms and denying civil liberties

I disagree. History will only mock these people if the CCP style of authoritarianism ultimately wins out in the end. You cannot compare a country like the United States to places like Taiwan or South Korea or even Japan. These countries have social cohesion and a propensity for obedience and order that the United States does not have and I do not think ever will have.

We are one of the only countries in the world that was formed purposefully with a set of lofty ideals about guaranteeing the rights and freedoms of the individual and opposing the tyranny of the majority. We haven't always lived up to those ideals, obviously, but for better or worse, they have informed just about every single facet of our society. As a result, and due to a variety of other factors (massive landmass, immigration from all sorts of countries and cultures, sovereign states where the laws and norms differ depending on where you are in the country), we simply do not have the social cohesion that other nations enjoy and distrust of authorities is baked into our system. It's a tradeoff, but a consciously made one.

It absolutely has everything to do restricting freedoms and denying civil liberties, because that is what is happening. That may not be the intent or the goal of said measure, but even if it's just a side effect, it is definitely happening and the effects have been devastating in many cases. It would be a terrible folly to avert our eyes from this reality and instead choose to look at only the beneficial effects of the draconian measures as if COVID cases and deaths are the only things that matter anymore. We must always be wary of allowing governments the power to arbitrarily destroy people's livelihoods and restrict freedoms in the name of the "greater good."

Finally, it's not even clear that these overly draconian measures taken by some governments around the world are the better choice, even when taking the myopic view that COVID-related cases, hospitalizations, and deaths are the only measure of success.
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Lil’ Gobbie
I disagree. History will only mock these people if the CCP style of authoritarianism ultimately wins out in the end. You cannot compare a country like the United States to places like Taiwan or South Korea or even Japan. These countries have social cohesion and a propensity for obedience and order that the United States does not have and I do not think ever will have.

We are one of the only countries in the world that was formed purposefully with a set of lofty ideals about guaranteeing the rights and freedoms of the individual and opposing the tyranny of the majority. We haven't always lived up to those ideals, obviously, but for better or worse, they have informed just about every single facet of our society. As a result, and due to a variety of other factors (massive landmass, immigration from all sorts of countries and cultures, sovereign states where the laws and norms differ depending on where you are in the country), we simply do not have the social cohesion that other nations enjoy and distrust of authorities is baked into our system. It's a tradeoff, but a consciously made one.

It absolutely has everything to do restricting freedoms and denying civil liberties, because that is what is happening. That may not be the intent or the goal of said measure, but even if it's just a side effect, it is definitely happening and the effects have been devastating in many cases. It would be a terrible folly to avert our eyes from this reality and instead choose to look at only the beneficial effects of the draconian measures as if COVID cases and deaths are the only things that matter anymore. We must always be wary of allowing governments the power to arbitrarily destroy people's livelihoods and restrict freedoms in the name of the "greater good."

Finally, it's not even clear that these overly draconian measures taken by some governments around the world are the better choice, even when taking the myopic view that COVID-related cases, hospitalizations, and deaths are the only measure of success.
The science will figure it out and adapt by itself. If lockdowns are deemed ineffective empirically ; they will cease by virtue of science itself. It's not because of conservative pushback that civil liberties are being protected, so this misguided toxic crusade that ultimately does hurt everyone's freedom and trust in our system needs to stop. Likewise, it is the judicial branch that protects freedom of speech, not disenfranchised and angry conservatives. What we are seeing is a sad attempt from conservatives to confirm their worldview, nothing more. You will go as far as destroy trust in the system (see recent events) and destroy our freedoms (see recent events) in order to fulfill your prophecy
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Joe Biden is president for 3-4 days and suddenly no one cares about covid anymore. Restrictions are being eased all over the country and the tone in the media has already shifted. No one even posts in this thread. For 18 hours. I’m betting by the end of March, covid is barely being discussed.

Biden should’ve kept his mouth shut about not being able to do anything about the pandemic over the next few months. Now he won’t be able to take credit (not like he won’t do it anyway).

What are you talking about? Illinois is easing restrictions for indoor eating and stuff based on a specific set criteria that needs to be reached in regards to positivity rate and cases. We had them opened before, fucked it up, and got shut down again. Who doesn't care about covid anymore besides the dumbasses who think it's some derp state plot? I don't post in this thread cuz the title is cringe af but this was too dumb of a post not to respond.

Old Man Bad.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
The science will figure it out and adapt by itself. If lockdowns are deemed ineffective empirically ; they will cease by virtue of science itself. It's not because of conservative pushback that civil liberties are being protected, so this misguided toxic crusade that ultimately does hurt everyone's freedom and trust in our system needs to stop. Likewise, it is the judicial branch that protects freedom of speech, not disenfranchised and angry conservatives. What we are seeing is a sad attempt from conservatives to confirm their worldview, nothing more. You will go as far as destroy trust in the system (see recent events) and destroy our freedoms (see recent events) in order to fulfill your prophecy

I'm honestly not quite sure who or what you're directing this anger and frustration at. You act as if conservative-minded or pro-freedom people arguing online is the only thing holding us back as a country and things would be wildly different if they would just shut up. I don't see how that is the case... Anyway, people in power will only do what they think they can get away with, as has always been the case, so a vocal and vigilant population is necessary in an open and free society.

Also, trust in what system? When was there ever trust in our systems? Mistrust is the norm and really always has been for a variety of very good reasons.

Finally, what do you mean that the science will figure it out and adapt by itself? Science isn't some sentient and benevolent AI creature or something. What research gets pursued and promoted very much depends on the philosophy of the people with the levers of control and we've seen time and time again how they are not infallible.

Either way, we'll see which approaches win out in the end. We've got states like Florida and Texas doing their thing and then states like California. In a year or so we will be able to more objectively evaluate which worked out better for their respective societies overall.
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science is a process, a way of thinking to optimize data, scientists themselves are prone to incredible amounts of errors and divergent thinking via pollicization, philosophy, spirituality ...

even the peer review system is under scrutiny by eric weinstein - types

'follow science' if you want but don't blindly follow data without making your own calculations and determinations or you will eventually find yourself wayward into traps and ways of thinking that disagree with honed experiment
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Gold Member
The Netherlands started with a mandatory curfew yesterday, and today is the second night there are riots all over the country.

Is this happening in any other country with a curfew right now? I'm so mindblown that this is actually happening. Unreal.


The Netherlands started with a mandatory curfew yesterday, and today is the second night there are riots all over the country.

Is this happening in any other country with a curfew right now? I'm so mindblown that this is actually happening. Unreal.
Portugal is under mandatory curfew too, but there are no riots here.


The Netherlands started with a mandatory curfew yesterday, and today is the second night there are riots all over the country.

Is this happening in any other country with a curfew right now? I'm so mindblown that this is actually happening. Unreal.
I'm actually surprised at how obedient the French population has been to all those measures. Of course we had some people complaining about the lockdowns and curfews, but everybody is still following the rule anyway, even those who suffer most from it. There are actually more demonstrations against things unrelated to the epidemy, but no major covid-themed one like in Netherlands, Spain or Germany.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
The Netherlands started with a mandatory curfew yesterday, and today is the second night there are riots all over the country.

Is this happening in any other country with a curfew right now? I'm so mindblown that this is actually happening. Unreal.

Damn, you weren't kidding.

Damn, you weren't kidding.

2 things I hate.

austin powers GIF

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I'm actually surprised at how obedient the French population has been to all those measures. Of course we had some people complaining about the lockdowns and curfews, but everybody is still following the rule anyway, even those who suffer most from it. There are actually more demonstrations against things unrelated to the epidemy, but no major covid-themed one like in Netherlands, Spain or Germany.
I think the masses in Western countries are mostly placated by tech nowadays. Lockdowns apparently aren't so bad when you can keep yourself entertained for hours, days, weeks, months at a time barely leaving home.
It’s likely Covid-19 hit China in October of 2019 so when do you guys think the U.S. was impacted?

I have been thinking that a lot of us Americans were already mostly infected by late December. Is there any evidence to support this or have any scientists speculated around this topic? I just can’t figure out how this virus comes about in October and it doesn’t get to the U.S. by Mid-November or start of December (this is just guesswork)

All it takes is one infected individual coming back from a trip in China and from there it starts to snowball out of control right? I’m trying to figure out if I caught it in the past and was just asymptomatic. I had a really strange bout with some kind of virus that affected my upper respiratory system on Dec. 25th that I suspect could have been Covid-19. But it only affected me greatly that one day, and slightly the next I was a little off but that was it. It could be that because I’m usually sick like 2-4 times a year that I have some immunity to coronaviruses that helped? I guess I’ll never know...

But I want to know what people think about the SARS-CoV-2 virus possibly being widespread across the U.S. undetected before 2020 even began...I think a lot of us probably had it despite even knowing, before official sources started to emerge

What do you guys think?

edit: got dates mixed up, corrected

I mentioned this a while ago, but I was sicker than I ever have been for 13 days starting, I believe, Nov 30, 2019. I had just gotten back from 2 weeks in Mexico on Nov 28, 2019 and I live in Canada. Horrible cough, aches and pains, loss of taste. I even got "covid toes" later on, which I found out in the spring was a thing.
I don't know if that timeline makes sense though.

I'm one of those people that (almost) never gets sick. Never took a sick day at my old job (19 year career).


I mentioned this a while ago, but I was sicker than I ever have been for 13 days starting, I believe, Nov 30, 2019. I had just gotten back from 2 weeks in Mexico on Nov 28, 2019 and I live in Canada. Horrible cough, aches and pains, loss of taste. I even got "covid toes" later on, which I found out in the spring was a thing.
I don't know if that timeline makes sense though.

I'm one of those people that (almost) never gets sick. Never took a sick day at my old job (19 year career).
I know many people (10+) who were sick between early December and early February. None of them were officially tested since it wasn’t a thing, but none of them officially got C19 any any point during the official Pandemic either. I’m in that boat as well: extreme headache and fatigue, brief loss of taste, hot and cold flashes for about 6-8 days. I was admittedly not overly careful during the pandemic, and never got sick.
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