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Mask Efficacy |OT| Wuhan!! Got You All In Check

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I'm actually surprised at how obedient the French population has been to all those measures. Of course we had some people complaining about the lockdowns and curfews, but everybody is still following the rule anyway, even those who suffer most from it. There are actually more demonstrations against things unrelated to the epidemy, but no major covid-themed one like in Netherlands, Spain or Germany.
Yup, and now we are going towards 3rd lockdown being announced on Thursday (because of course we are). In the meantime I waited over the weekend to order a box of masks FFP2, prices on Amazon went up +50%. I cannot imagine what will the prices be by the end of the week, or when inevitable our authorities will declare that only these masks can be used while in a store, public transport, etc.
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we've learned nothing...

regarding my experiences w/ the moderna shot, my arm felt like someone hit it with a baseball bat for 2 days but otherwise i felt great. a couple co-workers reported feeling tired and napped/went to bed early but was otherwise OK. not dead/zombie yet. 3 weeks until the final shot
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As predicted, as 3rd lockdown approaches in France for the first time the majority (54%) is AGAINST another lockdown. Would be interested to see what the government will decide, there is literally miscommunication happening on a daily basis between all the different government bodies - one day they say restrictions will hold till the end of April, two days later we are talking end of the summer, etc. Fun times. Vaccination speed is still shit.


As predicted, as 3rd lockdown approaches in France for the first time the majority (54%) is AGAINST another lockdown. Would be interested to see what the government will decide, there is literally miscommunication happening on a daily basis between all the different government bodies - one day they say restrictions will hold till the end of April, two days later we are talking end of the summer, etc. Fun times. Vaccination speed is still shit.
Truth is you cannot predict anything so far in the future for something that changes so fast. People seem unable to accept that there are things that we just don't know ; but any prediction you make one day can be revised the day after. We are tracking the virus evolution from day to day because it can change dramatically and we need to react appropriately.
Not that long ago all European countries were stable at low contagion, a few weeks later UK and Germany have record death counts, while France somehow keeps it "not terrible but not great either". Add to the mix the new variants that change the rules as we go, and it's obvious that things can go from bad to worse in a few days. We're all trying to keep our kites flying in the middle of a storm, let's not pretend that we can control them, we'll be lucky enough if we can keep them from crashing or snapping their rope.
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we've learned nothing...

regarding my experiences w/ the moderna shot, my arm felt like someone hit it with a baseball bat for 2 days but otherwise i felt great. a couple co-workers reported feeling tired and napped/went to bed early but was otherwise OK. not dead/zombie yet. 3 weeks until the final shot
godspeed out there, loss of life sucks


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
Finally, no this country (the United States) is not well equipped to deal with a pandemic. We never have been and it's kind of a tradeoff of our design. We are a nation of 50 sovereign states with very different populations, climates, and economic realities. We have an awesomely powerful federal government, sure, but they do not control everything that goes on within the country and cannot force the individual states to do whatever they please.

Actually, the federal government can. The president can actually commandeer private companies to manufacture things we need in crisis. It's what Biden is going to do on a larger scale and Trump did on a small scale. They can take over local law enforcement. Force national entities to distribute the vaccine while taking over administration of local efforts. And more.

There are plenty of concurrent powers between the states and the feds, but if something needs doing, the feds can easily take over. I'm not trying to be rude, but are you an American? It sounds like you don't understand how things actually work here.


There is some trashtalking going on right now between the EU and Astrazenica.

AZ have had to slow down production due to demand, EU started bitching and suddenly there are reports out of Germany to say that the Oxford/AZ vaccine has an efficacy as low as 8% for over 65s, which has already been strongly dismissed by AZ.

The politics and drama of supply of the vaccines has well and truly started.


There is some trashtalking going on right now between the EU and Astrazenica.

AZ have had to slow down production due to demand, EU started bitching and suddenly there are reports out of Germany to say that the Oxford/AZ vaccine has an efficacy as low as 8% for over 65s, which has already been strongly dismissed by AZ.

The politics and drama of supply of the vaccines has well and truly started.
halp computer

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
are you an American?

Right back at you. When was the last time the federal government got something done that needed doing on a national scale? Especially in a unilateral capacity and without coordinating with states first as you seem to be implying they don't need to do?
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Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
Right back at you. When was the last time the federal government got something done that needed doing on a national scale?

We could cite any natural disaster that didn't include the W Bush admin I guess, to start.

Rebuilding after World War II

Expanding the right to vote

Squashing previous pandemics

Strengthening the national highway and transit systems

improving water quality

Enhancing workplace safety

Increasing access to post secondary education

Reducing exposure to harmful wastes

the Affordable Care Act granting healthcare to tens of millions

Stabilizing agricultural costs and pricing

Reforming welfare in impoverished areas

Just off the top of my head.


Yup. It's miracle Monday!!!

If it's the INNOVA test, even the box notes say results only work in a very narrow time frame (the '30' minute result is actually a bit misleading, you're not supposed to read the test result AFTER 30 minutes - the guidance actually recommends discarding the test cartridge after 25 minutes).

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
We could cite any natural disaster that didn't include the W Bush admin I guess, to start.

Rebuilding after World War II

Expanding the right to vote

Squashing previous pandemics

Strengthening the national highway and transit systems

improving water quality

Enhancing workplace safety

Increasing access to post secondary education

Reducing exposure to harmful wastes

the Affordable Care Act granting healthcare to tens of millions

Stabilizing agricultural costs and pricing

Reforming welfare in impoverished areas

Just off the top of my head.

Fair enough, but other than infrastructure stuff we used to do well over a half a century ago, I feel like a lot of that stuff is just passing laws and requiring the states (or corporations) to conform.

The federal government rolling out sweeping restrictions of individual freedoms across a country this large and populated and also incorporating effective track & trace programs seems like it would be a whole 'nother level of complexity. It's kind of like as we're seeing with the mask mandate. The president does not really have the authority to require people to wear masks everywhere. I don't think there would have been any scenario where US-wise restrictions could have been possible and enforceable.


So, more than 200 people have died in Japan from Covid due to not being able to get admitted to a hospital. This includes people dying at home, in ambulances and even 1 or 2 cases of people found dead on the street (since last March).

Its odd because they clearly have less cases and deaths than the West, but hospital capacity in many areas, such as Tokyo already seem breached.

Cutty Flam


Purchased these just now. Not fucking around anymore, I have to get a CAT scan. I've been dealing with chest pain since January 8th and have since taken NSAIDs for the first time in many years, had a trip to the ER, dealt with frightening pain (angina) and inflammation near the heart. I've gotten my blood pressure taken twice, have been using a pulse oxyemeter I bought months ago to monitor heart rate and oxygen levels daily, got blood work done, ECG done, x-ray of the chest done <------all those at the ER, and one of the best cardiologists in my area performed an ultrasound and found nothing wrong. He couldn't believe that the hospital didn't order a Covid-19 test while I was there. It takes a minute or two and it's done. All this pain in my chest could be Covid-19 related he said. So he and I suspect thrombosis might be the issue; it's a possibility and would explain some things. Could be that, I'll have to wait and see, my doctor that I saw today ordered a CT scan. So in a few days or so I'll get the scan and get the readings of it all from him and that should bring me to a conclusion finally

Ordered a Covid-19 test / Pixel by LabCorp earlier yesterday so hopefully today it arrives today

Bottom line is that if this issue I am dealing with is in fact caused by the new coronavirus that I might have contracted, then it is truly a fucked virus that potentially threatens its hosts with a very troublesome and serious disease. Luckily I don't feel completely fucked, but I do feel there is some issue going on around the left side of my chest area near the heart. Is it vascular? Is it possibly some very tiny cancer growth that all the other tests have not been able to detect? Idk at the moment, but the Covid-19 test and the CAT scan could reveal the answer for me. If those show nothing, then I have essentially ruled out mostly everything save for a rare disease or condition of some sort

Stay safe bros and sisters. I'm 29, thought I was healthy and ready to go for training upperbody on a Friday that dayan 8th - but that morning it was angina (chest pain) and I couldn't even walk around the block like an old man without very serious discomfort and pain in my chest. I deliberately chose to amble like an old man during my walk around the block, and even then - I was very concerned about having a heart attack or something during that brief walk...No signs of heart disease from all the tests, so possibly this is caused by thrombosis aka blood clots. Will have to wait to find out. Very serious stuff, I urge people to take their health and safety into consideration with all their choices

Take your health into consideration and protect yourselves from the SARS-CoV-2 virus. Sleep at the right time ideally if you can. Limit stress, manage your stress levels. Relax more. Fix your diet and start eating to nourish your body; focus on a heart healthy, brain healthy, overall healthy diet that will ensure all the organs in your system will function well and optimally. Max your kitchen out with superfoods. Don't let negative emotions such as anger weigh you down and tax your emotional and physical well being, fight anxiety with soothing music or meditation or yoga maybe video games or a movie. Exercise but do it in such a way that yields benefits according to your personal fitness level; do not overtax your body if you can avoid it. I think all these choices we make are important in preventing damage from a possible bout with Covid-19. I think health is more important now more than ever and people should start taking their choices and actions a lot more seriously given the pandemic. Because if what I am dealing with is Covid-19 related, then I got it at some point, and was asymptomatic and yet it still managed to attack my system. Who knows what else took a hit? All I know is that I was dealt a serious reality check and now I take health more seriously than ever. I hope to share good information with others that might help them and their loved ones increase in their health, longevity, and boost their quality of life. It's a very important topic we must all discuss with each other often IMO. Health is too important to neglect


Forgive me for such a serious post, I usually like to joke around mainly and be sort of free flowing with my posts but I feel people need to start aligning themselves towards making better decisions that will directly impact their health. And immediately so. I hope people can protect themselves and others as best they can. I wanted to share some of my views at this time and hopefully some will read and this will help some here on the site and many others as well; their loved ones to some degree


There is some trashtalking going on right now between the EU and Astrazenica.

AZ have had to slow down production due to demand, EU started bitching and suddenly there are reports out of Germany to say that the Oxford/AZ vaccine has an efficacy as low as 8% for over 65s, which has already been strongly dismissed by AZ.

The politics and drama of supply of the vaccines has well and truly started.

So, The German Government & media have been found out on the 8% claim.

It's not that its only 8% effective in the over 65's but the number of people in the vaccine test group over 65 was only 8%!!

Briefing against the UK developed vaccine just to cover up their own failures in securing supplies for themselves....What a bunch of cunts.


Got the second Pfizer shot in Israel yesterday. Felt nothing, then the second day wasn't amazing. I just wanted to stay in bed. Now I am perfectly fine, so it is like my experience with every other vaccine.


Good to see USA's Covid cases dropping down. I don't give a shit what the reason is, I just hope it keeps dropping by May so Black Widow can be released and make money.


Gold Member
Murphy's Multiverse? Never heard of it and the article doesn't even mention having any insider sources. It's just guessing (wishing) at this point.

No, Variety.

But “Ron’s Gone Wrong,” the next film on the Disney slate, was moved from April to October, making Marvel’s “Black Widow” the follow-up to “Raya” in the first week of May.

Far more is riding on “Black Widow” than “Ron,” the latter of which is an animated carry-over from 20th Century’s slate back when Fox was still in the film business. Moving “Ron” last week could mean “Black Widow” does have a shot at being the next film to get the Disney+ treatment alongside a diminished theatrical release – a truly sobering outcome for the theatrical market, given how
pivotal the Marvel brand has become for the box office’s health.
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