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Mask Efficacy |OT| Wuhan!! Got You All In Check

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There was a video that spread out on facebook a few months back when the virus was just starting to spread, I think it was a doctor that went live and told everyone that it was the chinese government who planned this whole thing. lol the video was indeed taken down a few days after.


There was a video that spread out on facebook a few months back when the virus was just starting to spread, I think it was a doctor that went live and told everyone that it was the chinese government who planned this whole thing. lol the video was indeed taken down a few days after.

FB is unreliable AF.


Over here in Mexico it no one seems to care much beyond wearing masks. And the covid stats here are amongst the worst in the world. and yet the people here are generally sociable and going about their lives....wtf....

This annoying girl says it right here. I don't agree with her bashing people who feel demoralized and unmotiviated. I mean considering that many of us are having dystopian and apocalyptic thoughts - how can you not understand why many people have no will to open up a small business

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An Australian Cannabis pharma, MGC Pharmaceuticals, which seems to specialise in 420 based medical treatments has a cytokine storm inhibiting drug in trial that cleared phased II on Covid patients. Results on a small sample size looked really promising and it'll enter phase III soon.

One to keep an eye on.



I suspect this may creep up as we hit the younger age ranges, but this is another bit of great news.

As I’ve said before, I’ll end up getting it. I want to travel and a country will want proof before entry. My mom gets her first dose tomorrow and know of other people(healthcare workers) and older people have already gotten it.


Gold Member
Pretty remarkable how much cases have dropped here in AZ and the rest of the US. I live near one of the larger testing sites and there were only 2 cars there this morning. Last month the line of cars was probably well over 50 at any given time.


If Michael Osterholm's predictions are accurate, the United States is about to be hit by the worst wave (the 4th) of all the waves so far. This means that our nation will go into full lockdown again in the next couple of weeks. Hope he is wrong.

"Michael Osterholm, director of the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy at the University of Minnesota, discusses the CDC's new school guidelines, the potential dangers of new COVID-19 variant strains, and vaccines." (2/15/21)

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If Michael Osterholm's predictions are accurate, the United States is about to be hit by the worst wave (the 4th) of all the waves so far. This means that our nation will go into full lockdown again in the next couple of weeks. Hope he is wrong.

I'm sorry, I know this is random internet guy vs experienced expert with much higher education blah blah blah but there is no. goddamn. way. this (completely hypothetical and assumed) spring wave tops the late October-early January surge. I mean seriously can anyone conceivably see that? I would eat my damn shoe if that happened. I'm not even that *inset blind optimist who ignores facts here* kinda guy, I've been in the gray area of trying to be a realist through this whole thing and there is just no fucking way. This is gonna age like when they thought there would be millions upon millions of deaths in the USA alone last march. Sometimes, its rare, but sometimes, hope just wins out.

Lets look at facts, the study published that said it will be the dominant strain by march was and is still non peer reviewed, and when it was published they said by march. Now guys that is in less than 2 weeks. Currently, yes it is undercounted almost certainly, but currently theres just over a thousand UK variant cases in the whole country. We don't even have all 50 states reporting one yet. Does anyone here see it taking over by march? Hell by April? I sure as hell don't.

Second fact, the main two states hit by this ultra scary variant, Florida and California, are having their cases drop like a fuckin rock. He said in the interview that you look at Europe and the Middle East and see they got rocked by it but... I don't know if he has internet access or not but if he does he should google cases for both of those now. They had a huge winter spike like just about every single place on earth, and now cases are plummeting and have been for the past month. Leading one to think that was a seasonality related uptick more than a variant one.

Last fact, unlike the Brazil and South African variants, natural immunity is still protective again the B117 UK strain. And don't even get me started on the vaccines, which, by the way have accelerated at a absolutely tremendous pace, and we just secured hundreds of millions of more doses, enough for 80% of adults by the end of July potentially, still respond very well to this variant. There was not a significant drop in efficacy like the South African one. So I'm just not seeing it. Yeah he's smarter than me sure but with everything at hand I think this man has slipped into doom and gloom a tad.
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The over half is having her jab on Friday, only 23yo and has no idea why she's been selected other than being coeliac, going with her hopefully having a leftover jab (seems to be a running theme that people aren't turning up to our local one, so a lot are wasted by the friday)


55,000 new cases in USA on the 15/02/21.
Mate, Black Widow should be a lock in for May at this rate!

Is this seriously because of the vaccines? What's going on?
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55,000 new cases in USA on the 15/02/21.
Mate, Black Widow should be a lock in for May at this rate!

Is this seriously because of the vaccines? What's going on?
It's simply the ups and downs of the pandemic, the waves come and go.

Here in Brazil, on the contrary, the cases and deaths continue high probably due to the new variant (P1).


Neighbours from Hell
For those getting the vaccine, it seems Moderna and Pfizer are most effective. Most people just get whatever vaccine is available. Anyone here think it's worth holding out for either of those if you have the choice?

Cutty Flam

For those getting the vaccine, it seems Moderna and Pfizer are most effective. Most people just get whatever vaccine is available. Anyone here think it's worth holding out for either of those if you have the choice?
I’m still looking into it, but I think I’m going to wait for a chance to receive the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine


For those getting the vaccine, it seems Moderna and Pfizer are most effective. Most people just get whatever vaccine is available. Anyone here think it's worth holding out for either of those if you have the choice?

In the UK, you get given whatever is in stock that day. Given annual flu jabs have an effecacy of 50%, any of the jabs even administered once has a massive impact compared to that. My mum is 10 days out from having the Pfizer vaccine and she has had no after effects at all.

I'd say just get any thats available to you. The main thing is you get the jab asap if you can, so you can produce antibodies at the earliest possible moment.


I’m still looking into it, but I think I’m going to wait for a chance to receive the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine

I think you will find this helpful.
"Yahoo Finance's Seana Smith, Anjalee Khemlani, and Jessica Smith break down President Biden's vaccination rollout plans in the United States. Yahoo Finance's Anjalee Khemlani breaks down the coronavirus vaccine rollout in the United States." (2/16/21)

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Temp Banned for Remedial Purposes
55,000 new cases in USA on the 15/02/21.
Mate, Black Widow should be a lock in for May at this rate!

Is this seriously because of the vaccines? What's going on?

Nobody knows. The actual number is well under all the forecast models.


Gold Member
For those getting the vaccine, it seems Moderna and Pfizer are most effective. Most people just get whatever vaccine is available. Anyone here think it's worth holding out for either of those if you have the choice?

I would go Pfizer, if you have the choice. When I was waiting to get my 2nd dose, there was a soldier sitting in a tent by my truck talking to a nurse. He said the Army is using Moderna and they sent 8 soldiers at their base to the hospital with serious reactions the day before. He said it's been like that since they started vaccinating.

Also, your state should have a listing of vaccine locations that includes which vaccine is being offered at each site.


Over a year in, and the White House China Virus adviser can't answer basic questions and just repeats meaningless mantras.

It doesn’t sound like anyone will have the balls to admit that we probably only have a minimal (if any) impact on the spread of the virus regardless of our behavior. The CA vs FL example is a perfect one for study since they were on opposite ends of the spectrum approach-wise.

Cutty Flam

Got my first vaccine shot the other week, got the pfizer. AMA!
How did it go? Feeling any symptoms afterwards or at the moment? From what I have looked into, the body’s immune response lasts at least a couple of weeks after the shot; creating antibodies and T-cells and such


Those motherfucking, cock-sucking, son-of-a-bitch whore nuggets in our government today announced, AFTER MORE THAN A YEAR, that masks are USELESS and that you have to wear TWO of them (because useless + useless = useful? wtf) or n95 respirator otherwise you can't use public transport, go to a shop or anything. I've had fucking ENOUGH of their constant bullshit, lies and tyranny. I fucking refuse to comply any longer. I will continue to wear my mask as I used to and if anyone gives me shades I'll rip their throats out. Fuck, I'm mad as hell and I'm not gonna take this anymore!
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Temp Banned for Remedial Purposes
Hope that's right - the 1918 Spanish Flu had a third wave a few months after the second wave died down. Of course there were no vaccinations for Spanish Flu.
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