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Mask Efficacy |OT| Wuhan!! Got You All In Check

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Video: The Victims of the Eviction Moratorium (2/23/21)
"A coalition of Chinese immigrant landlords in New York say they're on the verge of losing everything because of tenants who have stopped paying rent."
"...[landlords] don't have the god-given right to collect rent. As the hotel industry doesn't have the god-given right to profit off the tourism industry, and bars and restaurants don't have a god-given right to serve people dinner and wine." (Cea Weaver, Campain Coordinator, Housing Justice for All)

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former Navy SEAL
This looks at the lack of correlation between lockdowns and covid in the U.S. If we could find correlation between lockdowns and covid reductions, it wouldn't prove anything, but it would at least provide a little hope that this stuff is working and require further study. But the outright lack of any correlation between lockdowns and viral spread clearly demonstrates that lockdowns are not working.



They/Them A-10 Warthog
Finally got the moderna vaccine yesterday (first jab). My arm is sore as shit. Most of the people getting the vaccine with me were under the age of 50 and looked in good shape. I don't think they were all healthcare workers either. Some were obviously college kids, and others were wearing plumbers uniforms and stuff. I thought that was a little odd. Seems they are having low vaccine turnouts in Texas and will vaccinate whomever signs up (in order of sign up time). The lines were also shorter than I expected.

For reference I am 37 with a bmi of 31 (and dropping!) and hypertension and I was one of the first 10,000 vaccinated in my county (300,000ish people).
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This looks at the lack of correlation between lockdowns and covid in the U.S. If we could find correlation between lockdowns and covid reductions, it wouldn't prove anything, but it would at least provide a little hope that this stuff is working and require further study. But the outright lack of any correlation between lockdowns and viral spread clearly demonstrates that lockdowns are not working.

I don't think lockdowns were every going to work the way everyone imagines they would. The biggest reason being that. even if social establishments were closed down, a lot people were still going to go and see others privately regardless of a lockdown in place or not. There's nothing that the state governments could do to enforce it because it's just infeasible to do so. It's up to the citizens of each location how much they want to adhere to it at that point. That's part of the reason why there isn't that great of a difference between California and Florida despite their approaches, IMO. I think that article brings up adherence a bit but I'm not really sure about the data, and thus the examination of it, they're using without looking closer at it myself.

It's also interesting because California isn't the only location with lockdowns or restrictions but it is the one that shows the most alarming data relative to its population size. I think that it could point more to something about Californian's attitudes as a group than that of the effectiveness of lockdown potentially. No disrespect to any Californians here. :lollipop_grinning_sweat:

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
It's been absolutely wild to see both daily new cases and daily deaths dramatically decline globally since the January peaks. Especially cases, since this is basically the first time since the pandemic outbreak that we've had a consistent decline in new cases.

It's been absolutely wild to see both daily new cases and daily deaths dramatically decline globally since the January peaks. Especially cases, since this is basically the first time since the pandemic outbreak that we've had a consistent decline in new cases.

Starting to plateau and even rise slightly. I don't think this is cause for alarm but its gonna suck seeing everyone proclaim doom forever as it spikes march-may before dying off in the summer. It's waves have been following the Spanish flu basically beat for beat since the start and history shows us they had one last little flare up the spring after their big winter surge then the pandemic was done after that.

We'll see what happens. I'd be lying if I said the slight spikes in the USA, Europe, and worldwide graphs didn't make me a little anxious but I'm trying to be rational. Plus many testing centers opened after the winter storm so.


Neighbours from Hell
I was able to book an appointment for a relative of mine who's high risk. Yesterday I tried and some locations had some available times. I clicked and all them said "sorry, this appointment has already been taken."

And I got frustrated and just smashing the Next button like 50 times and it finally went through and they got the confirmation email and everything.

I just hope it isn't like retail stores where if you are able to checkout on a sold out item and you get an email a couple days later that says sorry this item is not available we're canceling your order.

I'll see. Next time I'm gonna try for me. I have a question though.

All my doctors told me I'm in the 1A category because of a preexisting condition and I'm immune compromised. Do I need to prove that though if I go into an appointment? I don't even know what to bring. They'll see someone who looks young in there and I assume anyone could just lie about that and be selfish.


Gold Member
I was able to book an appointment for a relative of mine who's high risk. Yesterday I tried and some locations had some available times. I clicked and all them said "sorry, this appointment has already been taken."

And I got frustrated and just smashing the Next button like 50 times and it finally went through and they got the confirmation email and everything.

I just hope it isn't like retail stores where if you are able to checkout on a sold out item and you get an email a couple days later that says sorry this item is not available we're canceling your order.

I'll see. Next time I'm gonna try for me. I have a question though.

All my doctors told me I'm in the 1A category because of a preexisting condition and I'm immune compromised. Do I need to prove that though if I go into an appointment? I don't even know what to bring. They'll see someone who looks young in there and I assume anyone could just lie about that and be selfish.

No. You don't need to provide anything other than an ID and your appointment number.
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Neighbours from Hell
I got an appointment for the vaccine for next week for myself. The location I got told me they’re doing Pfizer.

I clicked randomly and this one location had every single time slot available, which made me think it was a system glitch again. Kinda like when you go to check if some super hard to find video game is in stock and if it’s in stock you assume it’s a glitch.

But anyway it went through and I got a confirmation number. It’s only a 30 min drive.


I am leaving in 30-minutes to get my 2nd one. Will update later if I had side effects.

A few hours after the second shot (Thursday the 25th) I got some chills but they went away. However, 10-hours after my shot, I became fatigued, had extreme chills, and had a fever that reached 101.1 throughout that evening. That evening I had some of the worst sleep I have ever had with a headache that would not go away (regardless if I took Tylenol or not). Yesterday, I slept throughout the day but no matter how much I slept it never felt like it was enough and I had a headache throughout most of the day and until the early morning hours. I finally feel somewhat normal but not 100%.
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A skeptic would say that those who are furloughed in the UK are doing all they can to keep this going by trying to make things spike again.

Very few of the furloughed people I know, follow any sort of social distancing, or staying home/local etc.

Best of both worlds, enjoy a holiday with 80% of their wage where the 20% is essentially their work travel costs anyway and ignore all other Covid rules by living life as normal (Just without the pubs and non-essential shops).

I've even seen people say they won't be able to cope with work then they have to return next month and will want a "phased return" or potentially take sick "stress" leave.


Neighbours from Hell

So I'm scheduled for the vaccine this upcoming week. They told me on the phone they're doing Pfizer. I mentioned before a handful of weeks ago my doctor wanted some data for those who take biological meds that I take with the vaccines first and there's some data on it now, not a ton, but ultimately he thinks it should be good.

Any chance the pharmacy I'm going to would spring the J&J vaccine on me last minute when I get there, since they're supposed to ship this week? I really didn't want to take one that didn't have any data on it yet for my meds.


Gold Member
Movie theaters in CA are expected to open next month. Someone REALLY doesn't want to get recalled:

Warners posted these numbers on Tom & Jerry in a current exhibition landscape where roughly 50% of all theaters are still closed, as well as No. 2 chain Regal, with New York City set to open this coming Friday. Moviegoing is only going to get better: Los Angeles is expected to reopen within the next month as well, and then we only have to wait on capacity restrictions easing.



So I'm scheduled for the vaccine this upcoming week. They told me on the phone they're doing Pfizer. I mentioned before a handful of weeks ago my doctor wanted some data for those who take biological meds that I take with the vaccines first and there's some data on it now, not a ton, but ultimately he thinks it should be good.

Any chance the pharmacy I'm going to would spring the J&J vaccine on me last minute when I get there, since they're supposed to ship this week? I really didn't want to take one that didn't have any data on it yet for my meds.

I think you're in a position where you can state you were on specific meds, and that you were led to expect Pfizer, and can state your doctor would prefer you to have that based on your treatment.

I would suggest if they think otherwise, call up your doctor there and then and pass the handset over..
"Much of the public messaging focused on offering a series of clear rules to ordinary people, instead of explaining in detail the mechanisms of viral transmission for this pathogen."

Do we know these mechanisms at all ? The transmission mechanics and the way the human immune systems deals with it from person to person is still a complete crapshoot. Five identical people will be in the same place, three will get infected, one without any symptoms while another gets the worst flu they ever had.

Even with vaccinations, which puts an exactly defined amount of identical virus like stuff into a set place will generate wildly different responses between seemingly similar people.
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I don't think those charts support that conclusion. But maybe I'm stupid.

The deaths graph really isnt well formatted, but the hospital admissions graph clearly shows a rate of descent quicker for over 65s vs under 65s, hence a clear gap forming between the two.
So from what I'm gathering cases are back on the decline in the USA after the mini spike but I'm still seeing a wave of "concerning spike" "all our efforts could be gone". Now I'm NOT a conspiracy guy. I trust experts, I trust science. But what is really concerning is a micro, and I mean micro 2-3 day spike after a winter storm and the media jumps on it like white on rice. But they don't bust out the pom poms for when it goes back down. I think doing the latter would actually be better for public behavior because the former just makes people give up instead of being more careful. You're starting to see they're losing even those that have been smart about it since the beginning.
So maybe I'm crazy but don't the cases/deaths falling in conjunction with the vaccine rollout confirm that the lockdowns weren't working? The whole idea was to stay at home to protect those at risk/the elderly, and they were the first to be administered the vaccine. So if the cases/deaths are falling and these people were the most sheltered, doesn't that mean our efforts to keep covid away from them failed?

Vaccine rollout has been really slow in Canada so I don't think we have conclusive evidence of how its working yet, but we had a huge problem with outbreaks in long term care facilities. When the vaccine becomes more readily available and if that causes the cases to go down, to me that suggests we couldn't keep covid out of those places.


Do we know these mechanisms at all ? The transmission mechanics and the way the human immune systems deals with it from person to person is still a complete crapshoot. Five identical people will be in the same place, three will get infected, one without any symptoms while another gets the worst flu they ever had.

Even with vaccinations, which puts an exactly defined amount of identical virus like stuff into a set place will generate wildly different responses between seemingly similar people.
Yes, this is a rubbish take. As much as I'm all for educating the public you would spend the next months being questioned by all the armchair social media whores e.g. 'You said the transmission pattern is X, I don't believe you, if you look at this totally not peer-reviewed graph I found on the Internet you can see it says exactly the opposite - YOU ARE LYING TO ME!'

So, yes - a series of clear rules is exactly what you want to have when addressing the public.
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Political immaturity from senior leadership from countries in the EU, and the demonisation of a clearly capable vaccine will cost lives. I hope this is remembered at the ballot box.



Political immaturity from senior leadership from countries in the EU, and the demonisation of a clearly capable vaccine will cost lives. I hope this is remembered at the ballot box.

Astrazenica was not recommended for people at 65 and above age.
How is that political?

The post factum news about effectiveness of anything, prove jack shit. We did NOT have evidence it helps earlier, there is nothing "political" about it, it is political to zoom out to "EU vs UK' and state otherwise.

Even after they've proved it does help elderly too, that whopping 36% chance of contracting the virus even after you are infected is too bad for elderly, I surely would not want my parents to take that, if they had mRNA option.

This looks at the lack of correlation between lockdowns and covid in the U.S. If we could find correlation between lockdowns and covid reductions, it wouldn't prove anything, but it would at least provide a little hope that this stuff is working and require further study. But the outright lack of any correlation between lockdowns and viral spread clearly demonstrates that lockdowns are not working.
Perhaps not in US.
It surely does work (to a point) in Germany.

It stagnated when... good weather (and opening schools) came. Germans struggle with staying home when it's sunny.



Oxford-AZ/Pfizer vaccines are doing an incredible job in the UK.

That Tom guy doesn't seem to understand the graph he's posting.
There are so many reasons for relative share of over 80 vs under 80 to change.
Let me list some:
  1. Running out of vulnerable "over 80" people
  2. Younger people not giving a fuck
  3. Over 80 people being the first to be vaccinated
  4. Over 80 people more likely to be given Pfizer-Biontech/Moderna vaccine
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