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Mask Efficacy |OT| Wuhan!! Got You All In Check

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What is the general consensus in America on stocking food beforehand not knowing if things will in fact go south?
Is it considered something people should do? Is it considered a normal cautious thing to do? Or is it met with mockery by the general population?

People in my country think it's a crazy thing to do, laughable and absurd even... I don't get it.
Who cares what other people think? If you feel the need to prepare, prepare. You can't eat and drink opinions if shit hits the fan. Stock up. If it blows over without consequence, you'll have a nice food supply and don't have to buy shit for a few weeks.
So did you all die yet? Are we all dead? Is this a computer simulation.

I'm pretty certain I had this virus at least twice. Relax guys, just don't be an old fart and you're fine.


Who cares what other people think? If you feel the need to prepare, prepare. You can't eat and drink opinions if shit hits the fan. Stock up. If it blows over without consequence, you'll have a nice food supply and don't have to buy shit for a few weeks.

It's not so much about what they think, it's more about how they view and approach the situation that I find interesting...


It's not so much about what they think, it's more about how they view and approach the situation that I find interesting...
Ah, I see. Well, I live just outside Chicago, and I think it's only common sense to have some kind of contingency stash, especially for something like this that at least has the potential to be seriously disruptive.

I wouldn't think anyone odd or abnormal for wanting to take care of themselves and their family. Better to have it and not need it, than need it and not have it.


God would never let the Pope die. God needs him to keep living a lavish life from all the money funneled upward by poor people who have no choice but to believe in something more.
OTHER PLACESCasesDeathsNotesLinks
South Korea3,1501710 critical, 24 recoveredSource
Italy8892164 serious, 46 recovered Source
Diamond Princess705636 serious, 10 recoveredSource
Iran59343123 recoveredSource
Japan241*520 serious, 32 recoveredSource
Singapore9807 critical, 69 recoveredSource
Hong Kong9324 critical, 2 serious, 18 recoveredSource
Germany7902 critical, 16 recoveredSource
United States6601 serious, 7 recoveredSource
France5721 serious, 11 recoveredSource
Thailand4202 critical, 28 recoveredSource
Taiwan3915 recoveredSource
Malaysia25017 recoveredSource
Australia25015 recoveredSource
United Kingdom2008 recoveredSource
Vietnam16016 recoveredSource
UAE1902 serious, 5 recoveredSource
Canada1603 recoveredSource
Macau1006 recoveredSource
Philippines312 recoveredSource
India303 recoveredSource
Russia202 recoveredSource
Spain4501 serious, 2 recoveredSource
Oman601 recoveredSource
Nepal101 recoveredSource
Cambodia101 recoveredSource
Sri Lanka101 recoveredSource
Finland301 recoveredSource
Belgium101 recoveredSource
Egypt101 recoveredSource
North Macedonia10Source
San Marino10Source
New Zealand10Source
TOTAL6,42798154 serious/critical

Updated post
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OTHER PLACESCasesDeathsNotesLinks
Diamond Princess705636 serious, 10 recoveredSource
South Korea2,9311710 critical, 24 recoveredSource
Italy8892164 serious, 46 recovered Source
Japan236*520 serious, 32 recoveredSource
Iran3883473 recoveredSource
Singapore9608 critical, 66 recoveredSource
Hong Kong9324 critical, 2 serious, 18 recoveredSource
United States6601 serious, 7 recoveredSource
Thailand4102 serious, 15 recoveredSource
Taiwan3415 recoveredSource
Malaysia25017 recoveredSource
Australia25015 recoveredSource
Germany4802 critical, 16 recoveredSource
Vietnam16016 recoveredSource
UAE1902 serious, 5 recoveredSource
United Kingdom2008 recoveredSource
France5721 serious, 11 recoveredSource
Canada1603 recoveredSource
Macau1006 recoveredSource
Philippines312 recoveredSource
India303 recoveredSource
Russia202 recoveredSource
Spain3201 serious, 2 recoveredSource
Nepal101 recoveredSource
Cambodia101 recoveredSource
Sri Lanka101 recoveredSource
Finland301 recoveredSource
Belgium101 recoveredSource
Egypt101 recoveredSource
North Macedonia10Source
San Marino10Source
New Zealand10Source
TOTAL5,93889154 serious/critical
Uk now has 1 death :(


People always say religion is harmless - no it fucking isn’t.

Apart from the millions of people who die every year from sectarian violence, there are multiple examples in which people suffer directly from religious practice - and in this case if you privilege faith over reason, and superstition over science, then when a virus like this hits your theocracy it’s going to hit fucking hard, and the rest of us are going to have to suffer as the result.

Why does Egypt only have one case of this disease? - because they fucking don’t. We’re going to see multiple epicentres around the world, and the most volatile ones will be in theocracies.
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Might i just point out this is a load of overblown fucking bollocks, brought on by a generation of snowflakes, nae, absolute brain dead pussies.


You sleep through Disease Transmission 101 in Pope School, you're gonna have a bad time.

Doesn't matter.

Not that you activly seek out getting infected, but scaring away from praying for people because you're scared you get infected just means you're in the wrong profession/still lack in your relationship with god. I would do the same and I still have a long fucking way to go.

That's a little sacrifice if anything.
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What is the general consensus in America on stocking food beforehand not knowing if things will in fact go south?
Is it considered something people should do? Is it considered a normal cautious thing to do? Or is it met with mockery by the general population?

People in my country think it's a crazy thing to do, laughable and absurd even... I don't get it.

Name one good reason not to always keep a few weeks of food and supplies on hand. It's being prepared, not paranoid.


Ok, this is epic.

that's a bit too much panic even for BEST KOREA

It had been suggested last week that the patient had left quarantine to visit a public bath, and was killed for doing so. The victim caught the virus in China, then brought it back to NK. Pyongyang reportedly told the WHO that it had tested 141 suspected cases of coronavirus, and that all came up negative. source

if true that is fucked up. Not sure if I believe it. But I can understand not taking a quarantine serious when your goverment lies and downplays the thing. If you did not tell him he was sick why shoot him for wanting to go take a bath?
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if true that is fucked up. Not sure if I believe it. But I can understand not taking a quarantine serious when your goverment lies and downplays the thing. If you did not tell him he was sick why shoot him for wanting to go take a bath?

He was in a quarantine zone. You can't leave just becuse "well I'm not sick!".

That's not how quarantine works.

Shooting him was a message to everyone else not to leave.

If the story is even true.
Eh, yes and no.

I mean people were shot or just plain murdered over fear of contagion during the course of history. Not that thats remotly a good thing.

We really should try to do better. I don't mean the dumb shit like praying for the sick and catching a deadly virus to become a Saint. But we should stop shooting people because they want to take a bath.

Still when you live in a land, you should know the laws of the land. If Best Korea says Stay, you STAY.
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We really should try to do better. I don't mean the dumb shit like praying for the sick and catching and deadly virus to become a Saint. But we should stop shooting people because they want to take a bath.

Still when you live in a land, you should know the laws of the land. If Best Korea says Stay, you STAY.

I'm gonna ignore that and just rephrase it as *We should pay more attention to the sick, raise medical expertise and facilities around the globe (especially) and in general care more for our sickly friends, families and even strangers so we always see them as humans, not only as danger*.

I which case I agree fully.
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I'm gonna ignore that and just rephrase it as *We should pay more attention to the sick, raise medical expertise and facilities around the globe (especially) and in general care more for our sickly friends, families and even strangers so we always see them as humans, not only as danger*.

I which case I agree fully.

I agree would be nice

cosmic wizard

Neo Member
Might i just point out this is a load of overblown fucking bollocks, brought on by a generation of snowflakes, nae, absolute brain dead pussies.

Doesn't help that a lot of people have a Vitamin D deficiency and have poor diets.

Plus you have a medical industrial establishment that downplays the effectiveness of large Vitamin C dosages in pneumonia and viral infections.

Early Large Dose Intravenous Vitamin C is the Treatment of Choice for 2019-nCov Pneumonia

Vitamin C Protects Against Coronavirus

Alongside other cures that already exist but cannot be patented for example - I would have advised people to research the effectiveness of a Chlorine Dioxide solution (single drops in water) a powerful highly selective oxidant that destroys pathogens/viruses in the human body (used normally for water purification - found to cure malaria by accident) but the rampant fake news, censorship and propaganda is insane even from the FDA - I've never seen anything quite like it.

(Research is crucial - there is way too much corruption)


The purpose of this document is to show basic scientific proofs and logic of MMS. Scientific references are given where ever possible. MMS is not a bleach, MMS is an oxidizer that kills the pathogens of many different diseases. The chemical of MMS has been used to kill pathogens for 100 years, and to purify water. This paper gives the chemical formula of MMS, explains how it works and explains the simplicity of making it. The basics of oxidation is explained, as that is necessary to understand how the MMS works. MMS kills viruses in a different manner than oxidation.

Chlorine dioxide has the weakest oxidation potential (.95 volts) of all the oxidizers. Oxygen has the next highest oxidation potentials of 1.28 volts. Those oxidation potentials of .95 and 1.28 volts can do very little damage to the human body. This is because these voltages cannot overcome the opposing oxidation potentials in the human cells and tissues. And as you can see, if oxygen does very little or no damage, then the lesser oxidation voltage of chlorine dioxide is not likely to do any damage at all. [9] Chlorine Dioxide is highly selective and does not harm stomach and intestine useful microorganisms: Chlorine dioxide is highly selective for pathogens that cause diseases in the body, and does not kill the various useful flora of the stomach and intestines. This is due to the unique properties of the chlorine dioxide molecule. Please see several explanations given in the references.

A readily available, inexpensive solution. Suppressed all because of money. :messenger_grimmacing_

Video - Proof The Red Cross Cured 154 Malaria Cases With MMS

The picture shows a successful International Red Cross operation where they proved that a new cure for malaria works in less than one day. You may already know that at this time more than 1.2 million people die from malaria each year, most of them children. None of these people need to die because there is a quick cure for malaria that takes less than a day and costs less than 25 cents US. More that 200 million people get malaria each year causing much poverty throughout the world in malaria countries. The International Red Cross knows of this quick malaria cure which they tested and proved on the 11th - 16th of December 2012.


Most of our drinking water supply is disinfected already by chlorine dioxide.

It's a sick world.



Son Tofu

uh oh. Covid-19 MIGHT be multiphasic. Essentially the virus can have points where it goes dormant in the body. Meaning that people who have tested negative MIGHT, again I stress MIGHT, actually have the virus. Scary.
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Mexico has 3rd case and Brazil has yet to add a new case so good going Brazil. And don't drop a spike on me today after I praised you for not having new cases.


If the numbers of newly infected people do not rise rocket-like soon(!), then it will be a rather short epedemic and/or pandemic. If the time window to contain the virus has recently closed for humanity quite quickly, it now looks more like that the time window for the virus begins to close. One has to admit that the governments of the countries are currently doing a pretty good job of fighting the virus. Kudos to them.
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I'm curious what number does it have to be for you to consider it a rise rocket-like?

The median R0 for this virus is something like ~2.3.

This means if let's say 20.000 were infected two weeks ago, they would have infected 46.000 other people. These 46.000 would have infected 105.800 new people and so on. The stated incubation period varies strongly, but seems to be on average 5-7 days. The numbers we're seeing are way too low right now, provided there are not tens of thousands of undiscovered cases. This again indicates that the containment is going extremely well.
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uh oh. Covid-19 MIGHT be multiphasic. Essentially the virus can have points where it goes dormant in the body. Meaning that people who have tested negative MIGHT, again I stress MIGHT, actually have the virus. Scary.
I’m feeling that it’s more likely that the test is just a bit lacking. We’ve had multiple reports of defective tests. Also, I’m getting the feeling that it produces both false positives and false negatives leading to reports of testing the same people several times (perhaps just accounting for low quality tests).
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