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Mask Efficacy |OT| Wuhan!! Got You All In Check

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Dems already REEEing over Trump wanting to close the Southern Border. They're going to impeach him for election interference over it.

I'm not yet sure who this will benefit. Since this came from abroad it might help Trump, but they're kind of screwing up the message so who knows.


The will push the narrative that Trump did this because he hates blacks and LGTBQPS1. See Corona virus is racist and effects poor POC's and the oppressed. Face masks are made for Rich WHYTE people noses, while blacks and LGTBQXBOX360's have faces that make face masks ineffective.

Its all part of Trumps plan. He released the virus in China because of his secret trade deals with China and then spread it back in the US so he can close the border and erect more Civil war statues.


A sizeable amount of stocking up going on here now. Canned food and pasta shelves noticeably less filled. The normies know.


Like the Chinese freaked out.



The idiot got something wrong because it didn’t directly involve him? I’m shocked!

Too bad that the CDC also spoke of a woman in the beginning and Trump only took over the information. But I think he can still be impeached for it. Adam Schiff's putting together the necessary resources to do that right now. I think CNN is also working on some "bombshell discoveries" and "exclusive" stories for it and Elizabeth Warren is already doing blood tests to prove that her ancestors could heal COVID-19 without any problems. Stay tuned!
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Went out shopping today. All noodles gone basically all canned food. They restocked noodles 3x time in two days they said. They have never seen that and I also.
The employees made fun laying down tacking pictures where the noodles should have been.






  • CDC says "no national spread of coronavirus in US"
  • US reports first death from Covid-19 (in Washington State)
  • Washington declares state of emergency
  • US Surgeon General says "stop buying masks"
  • Trump blasts media/Dems for 'hoax'-gate
  • South Korea's Shincheonji Church members found 1557 out of 1900 tested positive for virus
  • Germany boosts border controls
  • Italy tops 1000 cases (1,128, with 29 possible virus-linked deaths)
  • France bans large gatherings

I would like to point out i see less and less information on the virus.
Even on my twitter hub all information got replaced by orange man bad and how he will kill the us with pence. Standard lefty shit.

So the only 2 explanations are cover up is in full force or things are getting better.


Too bad that the CDC also spoke of a woman in the beginning and Trump only took over the information. But I think he can still be impeached for it. Adam Schiff's putting together the necessary resources to do that right now. I think CNN is also working on some "bombshell discoveries" and "exclusive" stories for it and Elizabeth Warren is already doing blood tests to prove that her ancestors could heal COVID-19 without any problems. Stay tuned!
Yeah, not like he's the fucking president or anything. Facts are hard!
OTHER PLACESCasesDeathsNotesLinks
South Korea3,1501710 critical, 24 recoveredSource
Italy1,12829105 serious, 46 recovered Source
Diamond Princess705636 serious, 10 recoveredSource
Iran59343123 recoveredSource
Japan241*520 serious, 32 recoveredSource
Singapore10207 critical, 72 recoveredSource
Hong Kong9324 critical, 2 serious, 18 recoveredSource
Germany7902 critical, 16 recoveredSource
United States6811 serious, 7 recoveredSource
France10028 serious, 12 recoveredSource
Spain4501 serious, 2 recoveredSource
Thailand4202 critical, 28 recoveredSource
Taiwan3915 recoveredSource
Malaysia25017 recoveredSource
Australia25015 recoveredSource
United Kingdom2308 recoveredSource
UAE1902 serious, 5 recoveredSource
Vietnam16016 recoveredSource
Canada1603 recoveredSource
Macau1006 recoveredSource
Oman601 recoveredSource
Philippines312 recoveredSource
India303 recoveredSource
Finland301 recoveredSource
Russia202 recoveredSource
Nepal101 recoveredSource
Cambodia101 recoveredSource
Sri Lanka101 recoveredSource
Belgium101 recoveredSource
Egypt101 recoveredSource
North Macedonia10Source
San Marino101 seriousSource
New Zealand10Source
Ecuador101 criticalSource
TOTAL6,719107204 serious/critical

Note: Just a Mild Flu


3 new cases in Canada annouced today. Getting real close now. The infected from Iran just keep comin.

CV theme song

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You are either a troll or just grown up with a very limited gift for thinking.
Yeah that must be it. Never mind we already knew before Trump spoke that it was a male who died and yet he still got it wrong. Let's blame lefties and the press for that! You continue to dazzle me with your intelligence.


...hate me...
A Spanish writer, Luis Sepúlveda, was tested positive in Spain, 6 days after being in Portugal.

Portugal so far has ZERO positive cases reported... extremely suspicious.

Either the tests are shit, they aren't testing enough people, or they are hiding the truth to protect tourism revenue.


Yeah that must be it. Never mind we already knew before Trump spoke that it was a male who died and yet he still got it wrong. Let's blame lefties and the press for that! You continue to dazzle me with your intelligence.

Take it easy, buddy. Sadly, you're forcing me to publicly expose your stupidity and ignorance here.

"President Donald Trump, speaking to reporters in Washington, D.C., initially identified the patient as a woman, but CDC Director Robert Redfield later tweeted that the agency had mistakenly identified the patient as female when briefing the president and vice president."



A Spanish writer, Luis Sepúlveda, was tested positive in Spain, 6 days after being in Portugal.

Portugal so far has ZERO positive cases reported... extremely suspicious.

Either the tests are shit, they aren't testing enough people, or they are hiding the truth to protect tourism revenue.

Or he got infected in Spain. Incubation period can range from just 2 days up to 27. Median is 5-7.
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...hate me...
Or he got infected in Spain. Incubation period can ranged from just 2 days up to 27. Median is 5-7.
It is a possibility but it is suspicious regardless. I truly don't buy that Portugal has zero cases, irrespective of the writer situation. Lots of travelling going on there, and very poor protective measures being taken so far.
Not trying to be obtuse but have any countries suffered from a shutdown of the plumbing?

No harm in buying up emergency supplies like water and food (perfect opportunity to learn how to cook from scratch!), but is a lack of water one of the issues affecting countries with high coronavirus rates?


Not trying to be obtuse but have any countries suffered from a shutdown of the plumbing?

No harm in buying up emergency supplies like water and food (perfect opportunity to learn how to cook from scratch!), but is a lack of water one of the issues affecting countries with high coronavirus rates?

I think this is more a US issue. The water from the tap there should not be drunk for a long time, because of the high chlorine content. At the end of the day, most people don't necessarily want to leave the house to get water.
In most European countries, however, you can drink water from the tap without any problems and it is subject to higher quality standards than water you can buy.

An epedemic or pandemic will generally not affect the water supply (as already mentioned in older posts here with studies and predictions of pandemics).

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Welp, that Kirkland, WA facility is miles from where I live and work, so I'm just going to assume I've already caught it.
I think this is more a US issue. The water from the tap there should not be drunk for a long time, because of the high chlorine content. At the end of the day, most people don't necessarily want to leave the house to get water.
In most European countries, however, you can drink water from the tap without any problems and it is subject to higher quality standards than water you can buy.

An epedemic or pandemic will generally not affect the water supply (as already mentioned in older posts here with studies and predictions of pandemics).
Lot of areas use chloramine now instead of chlorine, which is more stable and has far fewer byproducts when digested. Vitamin C, ultraviolet light, or a good ol' carbon filter take care of it as well.

Not saying I can't understand why people want to stock up on water. I get it. Just wondering if water was actually hard to come by or if the panic to buy was was "standard disaster prep" rhetoric.
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