PC/Origin ID = NeoStar9X
So I finally picked this up. Went with the Mass Effect Trilogy (PC-Digital) on Amazon.com. They had it for $9.99. In fact as of right now it's still priced that. I do wish I had the Wii U version for my collection but the lack of players is a concern. I might grab it if I can come across a used copy for 10 dollars or something or if i have money to burn just to have it when I don't fee like turning on my PC.
So I installed ME3 and went directly to the multiplayer. I'll finish downloading ME1 and 2 tonight as I want to have the saves carry over. Should be easy to breeze through ME1 since I've played that a few times. ME2 I haven't played even though I found a copy on the 360 for $10 a few years. Just never bothered to open it as I got really into playing Wii games. I didn't expect to feel so weak playing right away though. I knew I had to level up but still. So the first match I did on Bronze I was level 1 while others were 10 to 15. We died on wave 10. I went down a few times as well. Not knowing the layouts, etc.
Interesting learning experience. The next two matches were significantly better. Had enough credits to buy a few packs and got a few items, mods, and some new weapons (one was an uncommon Phaeston I assault rifle and the other was a ultra rare N7 Eagle 1 pistol). Switched from a Solider to a Engineer after a little bit. I did unlock a Turian Sentinel and a Drell Vanguard. So will give those a try and see how they feel. Getting used to the controls helped. Was so used to playing Mass Effect with a Xbox 360 controller.
At what point should you move from Bronze to Silver and from Silver to later levels? Character levels? Just when you feel you need more of a challenge? Does difficulty scale depending on the level ranges of characters in the group regardless of the type of match searched?
I do have to say from the few matches I did play I was enjoy myself. I had a feeling I would. I've come to feel this type of multiplayer is more my style (ala Extinction in CoD: Ghost or solo in Metroid Blast in Nintendo Land)I don't mind playing against other players. I'm even decent at it. However this is isn't as stressful and just simply more fun. So at the moment if ME4 has this as apart of it I'll be there day one and will likely be one more game to push me to getting a PS4 or XBO depending on player population.
So far I didn't have any trouble getting matches last night. What the population was like on the PC side of things had worried me. Especially on the Bronze level. I figured if there were people playing they'd all be much higher. I wish there was text chat though.
Couple of great questions. I used to be a big time regular on this thread and the multiplayer - hopefully I can help out. I couldn't resist opening the thread when I saw it revived.
The Eagle is not the greatest weapon in the game, but it is decent after they buffed it. Use it over the Phaeston - less recoil, so more shots will hit - but you will need to unlock a better weapon. Most of the Ultra rares are great weapons, and not all classes are created equally. The best weapons in the game depend on the class you're using, but for pistols, the Carinfex is reasonable, but I love the scorpion; assault rifles I like the Harrier, and the rest you can read up on

Also, get the know the god-tier classes. They usually have lower HP, and require lots of cover dodging, but the pay-off is tons of damage, and quick ranking up - some of the easier to use god-tier classes are Geth Soldier (flame on!), Geth Infiltrator (Cloak, Prox Mine), Quarian Infiltrator, N7 Destroyer, and the N7 Engineer who has all different types of grenades (forgot her class name). Most of the starter classes aren't great at all.
As for difficulty, get a few completions of bronze in. That should get you to level 10-13, and you should be reasonably comfortable with your character. Once you start getting better gear, silver should be able to be accomplished, but it is more difficult so expect to fail a few times. Gold comes when you have a good squad and some of the higher damage weapons and high tier classes ranked up. Platinum is incredibly tough unless you know the spawns and the maps very well. In the beginning I was comfortable around 2 games of gold, the rest silver, and then it went 3-5 games of platinum and gold to relax by the end of my run.
I almost envy you - you have the entire multiplayer progression to go. It is a grind, but a REALLY rewarding and fun grind.