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Mass Effect 3 Multiplayer |OT| Rich, deep online role playing

Just remembered how great this MP was, I need to play it again soon.

I hope to god ME4 is just a newer version of it with more stuff. If they turn it into PvP I'll be stupid sad.


Just remembered how great this MP was, I need to play it again soon.

I hope to god ME4 is just a newer version of it with more stuff. If they turn it into PvP I'll be stupid sad.

I'd rather they'd spin off the MP to be its own game (something like a Live Arcade release). Wouldn't have to get ME4 for more MP goodness, if they do keep the core as it was.
I'd rather they'd spin off the MP to be its own game (something like a Live Arcade release). Wouldn't have to get ME4 for more MP goodness, if they do keep the core as it was.

If they built it with scalability in mind a standalone MP could be fantastic. Editable race appearances, Armor unlocks, etc


That, and microtransactions are my greatest worries.

As long as they work like ME3 micros, and they don't make gathering credits to take unreasonably long in order to push micros, i wouldn't worry.
I found ME3 MP reward rate to be good, if only the matches were slightly shorter (i think my average matches took near 20 minutes, under 15 would be good).


As long as they work like ME3 micros, and they don't make gathering credits to take unreasonably long in order to push micros, i wouldn't worry.
I found ME3 MP reward rate to be good, if only the matches were slightly shorter (i think my average matches took near 20 minutes, under 15 would be good).

Yeah, I have no problem with ME3-like microtransactions, but I wouldn't be surprised if EA tried to change it for the worse.

About 20 minutes was the average for me as well.


If I still had my 360 hooked up, I'd play a few rounds with you.

After all this time, I'd probably suck though.


Got a Bonus Multiplayer Items code here for anyone who wants it.

Bought a model replica of the SR-1 and got the code free.


Time to dust off the ME3 multiplayer. I'm gonna play this on N7 day. The 7th.

Xbox gamertag = Ronabo

I have a maxed out inventory and can do Gold/Plat. So if anyone wants to join me send me a message or friend request.
While I'd like a whole remaster trilogy for the current gen consoles, I'd love if they'd just bring the ME3 MP over as a stand alone download.


With the hype for Dragon Age my buddies and I played some multi last night. What an amazing 5 hours. Game is still one of the best multiplayer experiences I have ever had.


With the hype for Dragon Age my buddies and I played some multi last night. What an amazing 5 hours. Game is still one of the best multiplayer experiences I have ever had.

Definitely is fucking awesome. I should get back to playing the PC version again cause all my unlocks are mostly on PS3. Helps to be in a party though, but the players in this game tend to be competent.


Definitely is fucking awesome. I should get back to playing the PC version again cause all my unlocks are mostly on PS3. Helps to be in a party though, but the players in this game tend to be competent.

Played with some rando's on pc this morning and went well.


With the hype for Dragon Age my buddies and I played some multi last night. What an amazing 5 hours. Game is still one of the best multiplayer experiences I have ever had.

I played a few games for N7 Day and it was still awesome.

Honestly I don't really have any interest in Dragon Age...but I will probably buy it for it's multiplayer since it's touted as being ME3 with an actual scenario.


I played a few games for N7 Day and it was still awesome.

Honestly I don't really have any interest in Dragon Age...but I will probably buy it for it's multiplayer since it's touted as being ME3 with an actual scenario.



(I hope there is no rule against bumping old threads...)

I recently got an itch to play this again, I had a lot of fun in Multiplayer before. Anyone know if it still has an active scene? Judging by the inactivity of this thread, assuming not...
(I hope there is no rule against bumping old threads...)

I recently got an itch to play this again, I had a lot of fun in Multiplayer before. Anyone know if it still has an active scene? Judging by the inactivity of this thread, assuming not...

What system you on? I'm assuming the 360 still has a pretty active community since I never have trouble getting into a game whenever I jump on


(I hope there is no rule against bumping old threads...)

I recently got an itch to play this again, I had a lot of fun in Multiplayer before. Anyone know if it still has an active scene? Judging by the inactivity of this thread, assuming not...

It's always active bruh. Just because GAF threads are dead doesn't mean the game is. You should'nt have a problem finding a game.


Might as well put up this info here too, since probably a lot of you are still subbed to this thread...as I am!

Andromeda Multiplayer info from Shinobi's thread :

-More evolved and refined form of ME3
-Card based economy where you earn XP and credits
-There are microtransactions but no real world money is required, you can unlock normally
-You still set the map, enemy, as before but you can also activate modifiers that can give you decreased health (for greater reward) or more damage (less reward)
-Bioware also plans to release custom crafted missions with unique modifiers that players can't change themselves
-These custom missions give you a 3rd currency, "mission funds" which allow you directly purchase items and weapons vs the mercy of random card packs; however these items are only available for a limited time in the store and can change often
-In MP, you play as the "Apex Force", a militia strike team from the Nexus
-Different enemies require you to use different tactics (some are shield heavy, some use heavy biotics etc)
-Playing MP will have advantages for the single player but it absolutely does not affect the ending of the game
-New "Prestige" mechanic added: With several types of characters, you earn regular XP and prestige XP. The prestige XP goes into every character of that 'type', for example 'tanky' characters. Earning enough prestige can grant you added health for all tank characters, etc.

This all sounds good. I just hope they're going with a more robust match system than the shitty peer to peer stuff they were using in ME3.


I actually tried playing on PC this summer, was able to find games. Was having lots of fun. I cant wait for andromeda MP, its gonna be so good.


I just want to know how weapon acquisition will work in the new ME multi. So long as it's more like ME3 and absolutely nothing like Dragon Age Inquisition I'll be happy.
can we must morph this into the andromeda multiplayer topic?

i've extracted gold about 20 times now. annihilation field speced for radius and shield recharge is great, get that and two vanguards to charge into the field, and an engineer for objectives, and you can wreck gold

also maxing basic packs took me about 40-45 games, it was worth it though, got a lot of consumable max upgrades from it, i'm at 4/5/5/5 now which makes me think the new cap is 5.


can we must morph this into the andromeda multiplayer topic?

i've extracted gold about 20 times now. annihilation field speced for radius and shield recharge is great, get that and two vanguards to charge into the field, and an engineer for objectives, and you can wreck gold

also maxing basic packs took me about 40-45 games, it was worth it though, got a lot of consumable max upgrades from it, i'm at 4/5/5/5 now which makes me think the new cap is 5.

I kinda want a new OT for MEA multiplayer, just so we can be in Gaming for a while and see some new faces


Kinda have to get a new OT, I mean we're on a new gen of consoles even! Sad I won't be able to probably play until the weekend. Multi in it looks tight.


Ah right so we're doing this here, all good for me.

Really digging it guys, forgot how much I liked it. That Z axis movement changes everything though!


wants to fuck an Asian grill.
How is your guys' connections to other players holding up?

The rubberbanding was bad for me in the early access.


How is your guys' connections to other players holding up?

The rubberbanding was bad for me in the early access.

Yeah it was terrible in the trial period. I'm European and I was playing late at night so I guess I was being grouped with people from across the ocean. It's much better now, I guess the player base expanded and there's plenty of people closer to me.


How is your guys' connections to other players holding up?

The rubberbanding was bad for me in the early access.

Today was the first day I got to play, and in my 4 hours I had no lag. I had a nightmare of a time with ME3 with server problems, mainly all because of Time Warner. So glad I have google fiber now.
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