You forgot to post the image of the codex entry that says that "beings of light" can summon space magic with the power to retcon any established franchise lore and/or promised numbers of endings.
well, if they can do that, why not!?
You forgot to post the image of the codex entry that says that "beings of light" can summon space magic with the power to retcon any established franchise lore and/or promised numbers of endings.
I chose the one that lied STRAIGHT AHEAD, lol. I guess that a "synthesis" ending. Normandy has crashed and everybody had michroschemes in their skin.
My first reaction to the kid was "WTF, kid, you are supposed to be sitting in the ventilation shaft".
well, it seems that it was planned.
the image from ME1:
At that point in the series, the main motivation for the Reapers was that the mass effect and dark energy itself was harmful, not that synthetic life would destroy all organic life in the galaxy. So that's probably some aborted plot point about Reaper "machine devils", not the Catalyst trying to save people from general synthetics.
the Catalyst didn't try to save organic life from synthetics. It just ensured that not everything is harvested thus it "protected" i.e. "saved" organic life.
Beat it yesterday.
Yeah, and the reason it does so because of the supposed "threat" of synthetic life.
They should put that in their adverts. "Mass Effect 3: the game they're all saying 'huh' about."
do you think it was afraid of The Synthesis? I don't think so.
The synthesis and synthetic life are two different concepts.
EmCeeGramr said:Yeah, and the reason it does so because of the supposed "threat" of synthetic life.
then I don't understand you:
it doesn't protect them in the classic meaning of this word. The legends say that it protects organic life but that it because organic life which created these legends can't comprehend the original intent of The Catalyst which is to harvest enough to ensure that another cycle of the birth, life and death begins. It's symbolic because everything is cyclical in existence. Many civilizations lived and still live by this notion except may be the modern western civilization...
What are you talking about?
The Catalyst straight up says that it's harvesting things because otherwise the civilizations will get too advanced and develop synthetic life that will wipe out all organic life in the galaxy, and that synthetics will always rebel against organics. It's harvesting advanced civilizations to "protect" the less developed organics from synthetics.
Despite the fact that there are a bunch of logical inconsistencies with this method and motivation.
Despite the fact that there are a bunch of logical inconsistencies with this method and motivation.
What are you talking about?
The Catalyst straight up says that it's harvesting things because otherwise the civilizations will get too advanced and develop synthetic life that will wipe out all organic life in the galaxy, and that synthetics will always rebel against organics. It's harvesting advanced civilizations to "protect" the less developed organics from synthetics.
Despite the fact that there are a bunch of logical inconsistencies with this method and motivation.
I mean seriously, the Reapers (and, by extension, the catalyst) would have to be a Type III civilization construct on the Kardashev scale to even approach covering all that ground efficiently.
This was shown not to be the case in-game.
dude, while I certainly agree with your arguments if we go to this territory I can start asking why aliens act and behave like humans.
I'd seen all the endings, just not side by side. Just goes to show that Control is the best ending.
-Citadel is not destroyed
-Mass relay just collapses, does not explode
-Joker doesn't look behind him as he is fleeing
Yeah well it's the BLUE one after all.
I watched this, you are right.
but I don't see any logical inconsistencies. Two options:
1)let them live and they create synthetics which will destroy ALL LIFE.
2)let them die to preserve SOME LIFE.
They can fall back on being in some part organic, though it's open to interpretation to what degree the goop they use to construct reapers has an impact on their being.
well, it seems that it was planned.
the image from ME1:
But that proves the logic is flawed though doesn't it? The reapers are synthetic life and they don't wipe out all life.
The catalyst would have been more interesting if we saw him in his original form, not some stupid kid.
words words words
You are literally supplementing all meaning, significance, and themes from your end. Once you concede that you felt as though Hudson did not intend these things, you may as well be writing fan-fiction. And, no, the entire premise of argument is false. The synthetic-organic dichotomy is not analogous to the light-dark analogy. We know that is not necessarily chaos versus order either, because of what happened to Legion and the Geth. Your interpretation reads like an exercise of an overzealous English or Philosophy major; if you begin searching intending to find and make meaning -- you will. You can subjectively enjoy the ending, but by any serious application of criticism (in the formal sense) the ending to ME3 is rendered unequivocally terrible.Post
I wondered what I would find in the Tali thread on the bioware social forum, since her reveal was pretty awful. I found this.
Shepard: My mom abused my dad.
Tali: Let's have sex!
I wondered what I would find in the Tali thread on the bioware social forum, since her reveal was pretty awful. I found this.
Shepard: My mom abused my dad.
Tali: Let's have sex!
We're not all bad. : (I hate Tali fans.
I wondered what I would find in the Tali thread on the bioware social forum, since her reveal was pretty awful. I found this.
Shepard: My mom abused my dad.
Tali: Let's have sex!
Considering the sex was never touched upon, it wasn't as terrible as I thought it would be.I wondered what I would find in the Tali thread on the bioware social forum, since her reveal was pretty awful. I found this.
Shepard: My mom abused my dad.
Tali: Let's have sex!
... Well that is the BSN...
The Tali Song (parody of Taylor Swift's "You Belong With Me")
I obviously need to spend more time on the Bioware forums.
That's the end of my bioware social stuff, though, I swear.
I hate Tali fans.
man this thread has taken a dark turn...
Only the junior members will be left, until the day they are doomed to inevitability.It's time to begin the culling. We need to save the thread from tali fans by destroying the thread
I wondered what I would find in the Tali thread on the bioware social forum, since her reveal was pretty awful. I found this.
Shepard: My mom abused my dad.
Tali: Let's have sex!