Mass murderer Breivik threatened hunger strike over Rayman Revolution


Yeah thats what I was trying to convey to you..

Than I don't understand your point. Yes it is worse that he killed children than adults. Why are you defending him anyways? Why do you believe it is ok for him to have any kind of enjoyment in life? Yes scientifically speaking he is a human being but in my eyes he is lower than a grub. Lower than dirt on the ground. He murdered 77 people. Is that better?


I can't value the life someone who shows outstanding evidence that s/he doesn't value the life of other humans. And that's not morally inconsistent as some would like us to believe.

He could rot in a sewage pipe and I'd be OK with that.
Than I don't understand your point. Yes it is worse that he killed children than adults. Why are you defending him anyways? Why do you believe it is ok for him to have any kind of enjoyment in life? Yes scientifically speaking he is a human being but in my eyes he is lower than a grub. Lower than dirt on the ground. He murdered 77 people. Is that better?
If murder is murder, then why is him killing children any worse than killing adults? I'm defending him because he is just human at the end of the day, he does deserve basic human treatment, no matter what he's done. I don't see how treating him like he's nothing but dirt benefits us in any way.


If murder is murder, then why is him killing children any worse than killing adults? I'm defending him because he is just human at the end of the day, he does deserve basic human treatment, no matter what he's done. I don't see how treating him like he's nothing but dirt benefits us in any way.

I do think killing children is worse. Maybe its because I feel they are more innocent. Maybe its because its basic human instinct to protect children. Cant really pinpoint why but it is worse to me.


I'm amazed at the hoops people are jumping thru in this many of you are certain that brevik will be locked in for life, while proclaiming it a victory over the american system, which would have done the same thing.

Well except Americans wouldn't give him videogames.

Man should get a PS3 and 4. He has every right to them.


I'm Norwegian. My mom and girlfriend at the time were 1 block away in Oslo when the bomb went off, the window of the shop they were in exploded. Hope the fucker starves to death.

On a more interesting note though, Norwegian media didn't really focus on his whole "using COD to train" thing, dismissing it as a pointless and irrelevant detail in a much larger pile of determining and motivating factors.


If murder is murder, then why is him killing children any worse than killing adults? I'm defending him because he is just human at the end of the day, he does deserve basic human treatment, no matter what he's done. I don't see how treating him like he's nothing but dirt benefits us in any way.

He serves time in a Norwegian prison, he has basic human rights, and then some. He earns money in jail and can buy his own appliances, food, entertainment ect (within reason). He's complaining that he isn't given it for free, like some other (less violent or not at all violent inmates are).


Give him a launch 360 with a dodgy-looking power supply which incinerates the fucker's cell.

"Other inmates have access to adult games while I only have the right to play less interesting kids games.

I really don't want to find this funny considering the circumstances but it's hard not to.


I'm amazed at the hoops people are jumping thru in this many of you are certain that brevik will be locked in for life, while proclaiming it a victory over the american system, which would have done the same thing.

Well except Americans wouldn't give him videogames.

Man should get a PS3 and 4. He has every right to them.

Our system has its flaws, the American system has its flaws. I dont know which one is less flawed.


'murica would have killed him ... after 70-80 years or so ... costing huge amounts of money.

most people on death row never die, and multiple appeals would have given him decades of life, essentially the same thing happening to Brevik.

Especially since so many people are sure he won't be allowed free...which is ridiculous, since the entire point of their system is rehab and letting him go. What is the difference between a "life in prison" sentence that barbaric american would give and a life sentence that we pretend might lapse every 20 years?


Everything is moe to me
most people on death row never die, and multiple appeals would have given him decades of life, essentially the same thing happening to Brevik.

Especially since so many people are sure he won't be allowed free...which is ridiculous, since the entire point of their system is rehab and letting him go. What is the difference between a "life in prison" sentence that barbaric american would give and a life sentence that we pretend might lapse every 20 years?
the people arguing that he will never be free are doing so from the position that Brevik is sufficiently disturbed to be incurable; not that Norway just wont release him out of spite.


most people on death row never die, and multiple appeals would have given him decades of life, essentially the same thing happening to Brevik.

Multiple appeals in this situation? You must be kidding.
In US several innocent people were killed by death sentence. If what you are saying was true, then such cases could not have happened at all.

Especially since so many people are sure he won't be allowed free...which is ridiculous, since the entire point of their system is rehab and letting him go.

the entire point of their system isn't about letting him go. It's about letting people go, who are not a danger to society anymore and also not killing them out of blutlust.

btw. what is US getting out of killing people? Will that turn back the time? Would it make it easier for parents to handle the death of their child? I don't think so.

What is the difference between a "life in prison" sentence that barbaric american would give

'murica wouldn't have given him "life in prison". It would have been the death sentence. Sure, that's "somewhat" also "life in prison".

and a life sentence that we pretend might lapse every 20 years?

One country kills people. The other does not.
For people, who got falsely convicted, that's quite a difference. And US has proven, that death sentence doesn't stop people from killing other people. Which means it's absolutely useless.


Fuck this asshole! Why does he even have that amount of comfort? IMHO he doesn't have any rights. He should be in a small, dark room in straitjacket for the rest of his fucking life!


the people arguing that he will never be free are doing so from the position that Brevik is sufficiently disturbed to be incurable; not that Norway just wont release him out of spite.

where's the proof of that? the guy isn't throwing shit at walls. He lacks remorse but he doesn't appear even slightly crazy. I don't remember the case but wasn't he found sane by a psycharist but just incredibly narcisstic and hostile?

Multiple appeals in this situation? You must be kidding.

No, just stating a truth you stubbornly refuse to accept. The average wait time for someone on death row is over 25 years, and that also depends on the state. For example in some places the wait can last past 50 years. Charles Mansion is still alive.

the entire point of their system isn't about letting him go. It's about letting people go, who are not a danger to society anymore and also not killing them out of blutlust.

btw. what is US getting out of killing people? Will that turn back the time?
That's what I said. Rehab and let them go. They want to let them go. Thats the goal.

May'be they will be judged as still being dangerous. Maybe they won't. Is rehabbing turning back time. Will buying this guy a PS3 bring back any of the 77 kids?

Which let me state again, the guy should absolutely get the console and games. He has a right to them. I'm surprised so few people are actually talking about the fact that the norweigan government is mistreating him, while proclaiming Norway to be so civilized.
Justice isn't about turning back time. Justice is about giving you the punishment you deserve. Rehabilitating you is the process is the government's social responsibility if your deserved punishment leaves room for it.

Sticking a guy who killed 77 people into jail with amenities such as a PS3 with the hopes of rehabilitating him is neither justice nor social responsibility.

What this guy needs is to be put on a stake and left there to bleed out and die slowly, making sure he survives to feel the pain for as long as possible.

That would be justice. What he's getting now are luxuries half of the world can't even dream of having. That, is not justice.


Justice isn't about turning back time. Justice is about giving you the punishment you deserve. Rehabilitating you is the process is the government's social responsibility if your deserved punishment leaves room for it.

Sticking a guy who killed 77 people into jail with amenities such as a PS3 with the hopes of rehabilitating him is neither justice nor social responsibility.

What this guy needs is to be put on a stake and left there to bleed out and die slowly, making sure he survives to feel the pain for as long as possible.

That would be justice. What he's getting now are luxuries half of the world can't even dream of having. That, is not justice.

This is your definition of justice. Norway doesn't agree with you and doesn't think that justice = retribution.


If this would have happened in Sweden on the other hand, the guy would walk free in 10 years no doubt about it!

I know it's hyperbole due to our generally lower sentences. But all scandinavian countries keep dangerous people locked up if they're not deemed fit for release.
Holy crap, people are for real on Breivik side in this thread? I guess going by some of the stuff that gets posted in the political themed threads around here that I shouldn't be shocked being how extreme left a lot of you guys are but man it still hits me like a punch to the gut.
This is your definition of justice. Norway doesn't agree with you and doesn't think that justice = retribution.

I know. It's the kind of state where the legal repercussions of a major crime and a minor felony are too narrowly set apart, which only works if you are living in a closed and highly educated, self-respecting, moral population. Given the rate of immigration and moral degradation in these social welfare states, the setting only serves to encourage more major crime. Norway is free to define justice their way, until their own people lose their faith in justice. They'll let Breivik out in 20 years, and someone's Father, now at the age of 70 and with nothing to lose, will walk up to his door, shoot him in the face, and shrug, knowing he'll only get 7 years in a prison with a PS5 to play.

I know I would. Believe me, if he had killed my kid, I would. I would actually shoot him 76 times making sure he lived through every single shot, before finally shooting him in the face.
I know I would. Believe me, if he had killed my kid, I would. I would actually shoot him 76 times making sure he lived through every single shot, before finally shooting him in the face.

I'm very glad that you've never suffered a comparable tragedy to this. If you had, you wouldn't be posting these ridiculous Dirty Harry fantasies.

It would be revenge if someone directly affected by the act did it. It would be justice if the state did it as punishment. Just because it would be what the affected want doesn't make it revenge.

Do you think the state was unaffected by this action? What other crimes would merit a Vlad the Impaler-style death?
I'm very glad that you've never suffered a comparable tragedy to this. If you had, you wouldn't be posting these ridiculous Dirty Harry fantasies.

I sincerely think it's you in this conversation who isn't even close to understanding the suffering of the relatives who lost their family in that assault. You are welcome to downplaying revenge from your ivory tower now, but I'd really like to see you speak the words and act the deed if you were in their place. The victims are who deserve the empathy here, there is no sane place for sympathy for Breivik.

Do you think the state was unaffected by this action? What other crimes would merit a Vlad the Impaler-style death?

I really doubt you understand what state means.


Justice isn't about turning back time. Justice is about giving you the punishment you deserve. Rehabilitating you is the process is the government's social responsibility if your deserved punishment leaves room for it.

Sticking a guy who killed 77 people into jail with amenities such as a PS3 with the hopes of rehabilitating him is neither justice nor social responsibility.

What this guy needs is to be put on a stake and left there to bleed out and die slowly, making sure he survives to feel the pain for as long as possible.

That would be justice. What he's getting now are luxuries half of the world can't even dream of having. That, is not justice.

Killing someone who killed people is not justice. It doesn't change what already happened and it doesn't change the fact those people lost their family members. But I mean, if you want to give him what he wants then go ahead, kill him. He wasn't even expecting to survive the day he did it, from everything I've read and heard it sounded like he was planning to be shot by the police and killed then and there.
I sincerely think it's you in this conversation who isn't even close to understanding the suffering of the relatives who lost their family in that assault. You are welcome to downplaying revenge from your ivory tower now, but I'd really like to see you speak the words and act the deed if you were in their place. The victims are who deserve the empathy here, there is no sane place for sympathy for Breivik.

Rather than assuming what it is that the relatives and survivors want, why not actually listen to them?

I'm noticing a distinct lack of calls for him to be tortured to death.
I really doubt you understand what state means.

You are aware that it was Norwegian government buildings that were bombed, and a camp run by a political youth organisation heavily connected to the Labour party that was shot up, correct?


Killing someone who killed people is not justice. It doesn't change what already happened and it doesn't change the fact those people lost their family members. But I mean, if you want to give him what he wants then go ahead, kill him. He wasn't even expecting to survive the day he did it, from everything I've read and heard it sounded like he was planning to be shot by the police and killed then and there.

Uhh yes it is. Norway does not have a monopoly on who defines justice.
"He was expecting to die, as a punishment let's not give him what he wants." is not only a completely stupid stand, but it's also completely contradictory with giving him all the nice things he requests once he's locked in.
Rather than assuming what it is that the relatives and survivors want, why not actually listen to them?

I'm noticing a distinct lack of calls for him to be tortured to death.

You are aware that it was Norwegian government buildings that were bombed, and a camp run by a political youth organisation heavily connected to the Labour party that was shot up, correct?

Eh, if I was one of the families, I would certainly not share my mind on what needs to be done with him, on the grounds that I wouldn't want to be the prime suspect when it gets done to him when he walks out.

Also state != government. The state is not a political party, it's not a person or a collective of people. It's a mecahnism defined by constitutional law, you can't bomb it.


"He was expecting to die, as a punishment let's not give him what he wants." is not only a completely stupid stand, but it's also completely contradictory with giving him all the nice things he requests once he's locked in.

Yeah I'm glad someone pointed that out.

Yeah and slowly torturing someone is also justice according to some people. Doesn't make it right either.
You mean the slow torture of locking somone in an apt for 21 years to life?

Torture is in the eye of the beholder
Eh, if I was one of the families, I would certainly not share my mind on what needs to be done with him, on the grounds that I wouldn't want to be the prime suspect when it gets done to him when he walks out.

This ignores the incredible unlikelihood of him actually getting out of prison, as well as assuming that everyone shares your bloodlust.

He isn't going to be walking the streets as Anders Breivik ever again. Please get real.


I can't believe he tried to say he used Modern Warfare 2 to "train".

Reading Wikipedia articles on military tactics would be better training.

As someone who has never fired a gun, I'm pretty sure, from playing video games, I could reload a weapon and fire it. I'm not sure I can say the same if I had just read a Wikipedia article.


I know it's hyperbole due to our generally lower sentences. But all scandinavian countries keep dangerous people locked up if they're not deemed fit for release.

Ye, in 96 or whatever a military swede went nuts and shot 7 ppl to death, iirc he is up for parole now after ~20 years in prison so we do manage to get it right sometimes.

But in general our sentences are bullshit and clearly not in the best interest of the general public.


Holy crap, people are for real on Breivik side in this thread? I guess going by some of the stuff that gets posted in the political themed threads around here that I shouldn't be shocked being how extreme left a lot of you guys are but man it still hits me like a punch to the gut.

No-one is on Brevik's "side." Not one single person. Seriously. What's wrong with you?

This thread is mostly people pointing out in the incredible ignorance some people have while others debate the effectiveness of the Norwegian prison system.
He doesn't deserve anything better than an Atari 2600 and a copy of ET.

I even think that as a deterrent and punishment, it's far worse to be forced to live in prison for the rest of your life before dying painfully of cancer or going insane through altzheimers or whatever kills the rest of us.
Giving him a painless martyr's death by lethal injection is probably his dream come true given his obvious messiah complex.

I think it's amazing that the victim's families are mostly calling for better techniques to identify and prevent crazy people becoming mass murderers, rather than focusing on revenge.


I know. It's the kind of state where the legal repercussions of a major crime and a minor felony are too narrowly set apart, which only works if you are living in a closed and highly educated, self-respecting, moral population. Given the rate of immigration and moral degradation in these social welfare states, the setting only serves to encourage more major crime. Norway is free to define justice their way, until their own people lose their faith in justice. They'll let Breivik out in 20 years, and someone's Father, now at the age of 70 and with nothing to lose, will walk up to his door, shoot him in the face, and shrug, knowing he'll only get 7 years in a prison with a PS5 to play.

I know I would. Believe me, if he had killed my kid, I would. I would actually shoot him 76 times making sure he lived through every single shot, before finally shooting him in the face.
In order for this to be a proper argument you need to define morality as well as moral degradation, which is more a task for a book than a forum post. Additionally, the rate of immigration to Norway as predicted by the official Norwegian Bureau of Statistics (SSB) does not show a huge increase from 2012 to 2050 (12% of population to 17% of population).

It is very unlikely that Breivik will ever get out of prison, and you are making claims about a political system you clearly know very little about.

I would give him a PC from 1995, a copy of MS-DOS and these two games only.

Burn in hell you fucking scumbag.
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