Mass murderer Breivik threatened hunger strike over Rayman Revolution

Where do I say that? Jeez.
I'm saying that we can't break our current system and principles because of this monster. He's never going to be rehabilitated, but he still has basic rights that we need to follow.

I'm sure he does.

But you can live a perfectly fine life without playing videogames (I am aware of the irony of posting that on a videogame forum).

When it comes down to it, for me, they could either be giving the theoretical console to this person, or spending that money in some manner on a law abiding citizen, it isn't even a choice.


Oh you want action, Breivik? Well, lets see here...

Here, this should be perfect for you!

*hands Action 52*

Starve to death for all I care, asshole
I suspect that answer varies depending on who you are. For me, it was the actual act of feeling no more malice toward the perpetrators - and then finding a way for me to wish them good will in the future, even success. And the way I knew it worked was because it was like a huge weight was lifted off my shoulders, I no longer stayed up thinking about it or even had it on my mind very often. It was one part of the many things I had to do to move past the crushing depression I went through when my girlfriend committed suicide right when i graduated high school. Here's the steps I had to take:

1. Truly move on from my past - forgive those who trespassed against me completely, to the point where I even wished them success

2. Get rid of my drug addiction, which I did finally last year with the help of NeoGAF (1 year clean now)

3. Finally feel comfortable enough to enter into a serious relationship (I became a sort of social hermit after my high school sweetheart killed herself, so this was big for me). Now I am engaged, and feeling fulfilled

All these met, alongside getting an extremely successful job and doing good work there, finally allowed me to move off the depression that had been stifling all my growth. But it was the forgiveness I'd have to say was the most important of all.

It took nearly ten years to finally get there. It was not easy. The true test came when I had to actually eat dinner with the man who had raped my mother. He sat across me at the table, and I almost began to regress with my anger and hate... but then I corrected myself. Me and my mother together talked aside, and we both put on the happiest face, I shook his hand and hoped him a good life, and I simply left and never saw him again. We forgave him, in the true sense.

I can't even imagine what sort of hell that's been and still must be. But either way, thank you very much for your openness. You've given me some things to think about.


Oh no, someone threatened a mass murderer with a bad videogame. ;_;

nah man, wishing a prisoner starves to death! Rayman Revolution is a good game, he should be ashamed for having such shit taste in videogames. He'd be banned from neoGAF for such an opinion!


nah man, wishing a prisoner starves to death! Rayman Revolution is a good game, he should be ashamed for having such shit taste in videogames. He'd be banned from neoGAF for such an opinion!
Actually "starve to death for all I care" means that he doesn't really care about the prison conditions of this particular guy, not the same as "I hope the prison starves him."

Also good job on defeating your depression and drug addition. Reading some of that was intense.


Actually "starve to death for all I care" means that he doesn't really care about the prison conditions of this particular guy, not the same as "I hope the prison starves him."

Also good job on defeating your depression and drug addition. Reading some of that was intense.

True enough, there is a distinction. I just wish we could all understand how horrible his crimes are without the revenge lust that goes with it, the media would stop reporting the absurd things he says, and Norway can go back to having a proper rehabilitative prison system without scrutiny from individuals who may not yet understand why the system works the way it does (so successfully, I might add).

I appreciate your thoughts too. Believe me when I say every day it remains a struggle, so whenever I hear people encourage me on the score, it does help. I've got so many friendly NeoGAFers who still send me PMs month after month to check up on my progress from rehab and the like, it helps immeasurably. I don't think I would be able to stay strong on my own ...


True enough, there is a distinction. I just wish we could all understand how horrible his crimes are without the revenge lust that goes with it, the media would stop reporting the absurd things he says, and Norway can go back to having a proper rehabilitative prison system without scrutiny from individuals who may not yet understand why the system works the way it does (so successfully, I might add).

I appreciate your thoughts too. Believe me when I say every day it remains a struggle, so whenever I hear people encourage me on the score, it does help. I've got so many friendly NeoGAFers who still send me PMs month after month to check up on my progress from rehab and the like, it helps immeasurably. I don't think I would be able to stay strong on my own ...
My anger comes from the fact that his complaints about the prison is that the videogames he gets to play aren't as fun as the ones the other prisoners get to play.

It's like if he was saying "This prison sucks! The icecream they give me is only vanilla!"

Like, okay, I don't want him pulled apart by horses but c'mon, at least make him read.

...Then again, the framerate in Rayman Revolution was pretty awful.


I wonder what drives a man to end the life of so many people.

And how far does the concept of forgiveness extend? I do see where ami is coming from, and your story is truly touching. I never got into drugs, but I did come up in an abusive household, and understand how much of a struggle depression can be. I absolutely sympathize with your opinion.

But honestly, that's because I don't know any of the victims. If my girlfriend was in that crowd, i'm not sure that I would be capable of forgiving this man, unless he showed extreme remorse for what he did. I really just don't see repentance in this guy :/

Am I wrong? Is there something he said that contradicts me?
You're right, the Norwegian prison system is a joke. The punchline is that everyone complains about it for the same reasons that it works better than theirs.

Read my post. I said "European countries, including mine, Spain". Spain has a joke of a penal system where lots of criminals are released into the streets literally days after they're apprehended, if they're even apprehended in the first place. Some rack up crime counts in the triple digits (!) and are still out.

Prison isn't a very effective deterrent no matter how you spin it. A person who is that maladjusted or desperate simply does not care.

A person who is maladjusted is sent to a mental institution rather than prison. A person that is desperate shouldn't be sent to either. Your argument conveniently forgets those that are neither, and without any sort of deterrent, what's keeping anyone from doing whatever they want? I'm the first one to defend that inmates should always be treated humanely and be provided reasonable security (and US prisons do an incredibly bad job of that), but denying that fear of prison (or fines) is what keeps a huge number of people from committing crimes, serious or minor, is simply delusional.

You have to treat the problem at its source, not hit it with a stick and hope it sorts itself out. By treating people like human beings you send a message to would-be criminals that you care about their plight, and you give people like Breivik a chance to learn from their mistakes and recant.

What about those that are in no plight? What is Breivik's "plight"?

He will never be free,

That remains to be seen, see below.

but there's still a chance that we can change his mind and cross him off the list of people that would be crusaders can look up to.

OK, let me ask you something. Here's the man that murdered in cold blood 77 people because he felt like it. A couple of years later, we hear from him. Is he wrecked by guild? Sobbing for forgiveness? No, he's asking for his PS2 to be replaced with a PS3.

Excuse me if I express skepticism about your expectations or even hope for this human being becoming a caring member of society.

Even if we can't, we can learn a lot from him to help future preventative efforts and we can't do that if he's dead or stir-crazy.

He will never be anything else than stir-crazy, and I for one am not advocating for death penalty. All the same I'm not sure what you intend to learn from him that we don't know from other mass murderers in history.

The posts. Read them.

I have, thank you very much; I'm simply skeptic about them. Again, my views might be skewed from living in an European country where rapists and murderers are sentenced to anything from 20 to 100 years, then left out after a handful of years from good behavior (and many immediately go back to crime). Powerful individuals like corrupt politicians don't even go to jail. I hope that Norway's system is as strict as those posts make out to be.


I somehow feel like he asks just for a PS3 so he can pull the same thing with a PS4 later. I think he's more bent on exploiting the system and showing his imaginary control over it including pissing off the public, than to get better games.
21 years for killing 77 people? Jesus, Norway.

I'm sure this has been addressed earlier, but if not I'll step in on this.

His punishment was 21 years followed by a review in which it is determined whether or not he is safe to be released into society. Norway isn't even discussing it because it's a foregone conclusion he'll never be released.

What Norway has designed is an incarceration system that front-loads the assumption that a criminal can be rehabilitated, and then provides a safety mechanism for those who cannot.

It is infinitely superior to the system we have in America, where we incarcerate non-violent offenders in droves in non-rehabilitative environments where they learn hard criminal tactics for corporate profits, paid for by taxpayers, which are then partially used to fund elections for politicians who craft laws to funnel even more people, preferably minorities, into those prisons.

It's the reason why Norway is one of the safest countries in the world, and why America looks like a fucking penal colony in comparison to the rest of the world.


May I have a cookie?
The alternative is simply revenge for revenge's sake. It is not logical, and it helps only to serve our baser instincts. And I understand the desire. God, do I ever. But understand that it does not help anyone to simply behave off the back of sheer emotion.

That's not true, a person that kills a billion people is still a person. They don't magically transform into piles of excrement, nor does it benefit society to pretend they do. The only path that benefits society at large is one with a rehabilitative stance. That is supported by the statistics. Therefore by definition the one who is not following reasoned studies to their logical conclusion and is being driven by sheer emotion is more likely to be taking "crazy pills."

First of all let me start by saying I've read some of your other posts in this thread and I'm terribly sorry you and your family had to go through the horrendous events which you described. I also admire how you dealt with the very difficult task of rebuilding your life and rehabilitating yourself emotionally, and hope life will bring you nothing but satisfaction and that you continue to be a loved, contributing member of society.

But I must object to your approach that society has an obligation to support and rehabilitate every person, regardless of what their crimes were and regardless of the cost of this rehabilitation to society. It is an idea that is disconnected from reality in the sense that it assumes we have the amount of resources required to do this for every person on the planet, and worse than that, it completely belittles our ability to make assessments about others based on their actual real world actions. In both of these senses it is illogical.

Furthermore it is an extremist point of view, one that discourages exercising judgement based on inquiry and consideration of the facts. Your statement that a death penalty can only be justified by people's desire for revenge or people's (incorrect) belief that it is a good deterrent is also plain wrong. In terms of providing a logical justification, it is easy to make the argument that resources spent on keeping a mass murderer alive would be put to much better use if spent on improving the lives of actual contributing members of society, and that spending these resources on someone with such low chances of recovery and reintegration is effectively damaging to society.

A rational approach would be to start with recognising the current limits of our ability to solve or improve certain problems in the world, and focusing our best efforts on dealing with the problems that are most likely to be improved by the tools we currently have.
The good thing about this approach is that as time goes on and science and knowledge progress, so grows the scope of problems that can be dealt with. Claiming a mass murderer has a fair chance making of a successful recovery and reintegrating into society is basically claiming that we posses tools and knowledge that has been proven to be effective in rehabilitating mass murderers in the past (at least to a reasonable extent). It's simply not true, just like it would be not true to tell a terminal cancer patient that a new experimental treatment has a fair chance of saving their lives.

And the reason I make this comparison is precisely because it demonstrates the naivety of your approach. In the vast majority of cases a terminally ill cancer patient who has lived their lives according to the law and contributed to society will be denied any experimental treatment on the basis that society can't afford to pay for something with such a limited chance of success. In short, they are left to fend for themselves, be it by attempting to raise the funds for such a treatment or by any other measure they see fit. But a mass murderer, someone which empirically has equally slim chances of rehabilitation, somehow deserves to be supported by society for years on end? These people are aware of the fact that their only hope at a normal life is if they make their best efforts to change as individuals and use the resources of the prison system to recover their humanity, yet at no time is it reasonable to review them and see if they've actually made serious attempts to change? We should just continue supporting them indefinitely despite not having any evidence that this will yield results?

In what way is it logical to give these people the benefit of the doubt, especially when their own actions were the very thing that brought them into this situation to begin with, as opposed to someone born with a disability that requires he be cared for his entire life. And once again I bring up this type of comparison because as much as we value the need to help the disabled, we still make a distinction between being born to unfortunate circumstances and making actual aware choices to harm others.

So in summing:
1) Spending significant resources on problems we know we don't know how to solve at the expense of equally significant problems we can solve is illogical.

2) Intentions matter, but so do actions, and until the day comes when we invent the tools to cure evil people from their evilness, we have to account for both.

edit: I missed your lengthy post from the last page, so these are some additions:
It matters not if an individual kills one person or a million; the crimes are only that of scale.
Saying that scale doesn't matter is essentially ignoring the fact that we operate in a world with finite resources and that there is no room for our ability to exercise judgment as to what is more urgent at any given moment, just as I said above.
Furthermore, I'd love to know if you have any information on studies done in prison systems which attempt to correlate chances of rehabilitation with severity of crime. Do such studies really show no correlation? Are mass murderers equally likely to reform as single time murderers or lesser criminals? And what is the cost to society to reform a mass murderer VS the cost to rebuild a small business that was financially ruined, or help provide minimum wage families with better quality of life, or any other common issue that's not related to crime?


Keep up the good work Norway. I mean that sincerely. Norway has an extremely low re-offence rate so the prison system is clearly doing something right. Unlike the US obviously.


First of all let me start by saying I've read some of your other posts in this thread and I'm terribly sorry you and your family had to go through the horrendous events which you described. I also admire how you dealt with the very difficult task of rebuilding your life and rehabilitating yourself emotionally, and hope life will bring you nothing but satisfaction and that you continue to be a loved, contributing member of society.

But I must object to your approach that society has an obligation to support and rehabilitate every person, regardless of what their crimes were and regardless of the cost of this rehabilitation to society. It is an idea that is disconnected from reality in the sense that it assumes we have the amount of resources required to do this for every person on the planet, and worse than that, it completely belittles our ability to make assessments about others based on their actual real world actions. In both of these senses it is illogical.

Furthermore it is an extremist point of view, one that discourages exercising judgement based on inquiry and consideration of the facts. Your statement that a death penalty can only be justified by people's desire for revenge or people's (incorrect) belief that it is a good deterrent is also plain wrong. In terms of providing a logical justification, it is easy to make the argument that resources spent on keeping a mass murderer alive would be put to much better use if spent on improving the lives of actual contributing members of society, and that spending these resources on someone with such low chances of recovery and reintegration is effectively damaging to society.

A rational approach would be to start with recognising the current limits of our ability to solve or improve certain problems in the world, and focusing our best efforts on dealing with the problems that are most likely to be improved by the tools we currently have.
The good thing about this approach is that as time goes on and science and knowledge progress, so grows the scope of problems that can be dealt with. Claiming a mass murderer has a fair chance making of a successful recovery and reintegrating into society is basically claiming that we posses tools and knowledge that has been proven to be effective in rehabilitating mass murderers in the past (at least to a reasonable extent). It's simply not true, just like it would be not true to tell a terminal cancer patient that a new experimental treatment has a fair chance of saving their lives.

And the reason I make this comparison is precisely because it demonstrates the naivety of your approach. In the vast majority of cases a terminally ill cancer patient who has lived their lives according to the law and contributed to society will be denied any experimental treatment on the basis that society can't afford to pay for something with such a limited chance of success. In short, they are left to fend for themselves, be it by attempting to raise the funds for such a treatment or by any other measure they see fit. But a mass murderer, someone which empirically has equally slim chances of rehabilitation, somehow deserves to be supported by society for years on end? These people are aware of the fact that their only hope at a normal life is if they make their best efforts to change as individuals and use the resources of the prison system to recover their humanity, yet at no time is it reasonable to review them and see if they've actually made serious attempts to change? We should just continue supporting them indefinitely despite not having any evidence that this will yield results?

In what way is it logical to give these people the benefit of the doubt, especially when their own actions were the very thing that brought them into this situation to begin with, as opposed to someone born with a disability that requires he be cared for his entire life. And once again I bring up this type of comparison because as much as we value the need to help the disabled, we still make a distinction between being born to unfortunate circumstances and making actual aware choices to harm others.

So in summing:
1) Spending significant resources on problems we know we don't know how to solve at the expense of equally significant problems we can solve is illogical.

2) Intentions matter, but so do actions, and until the day comes when we invent the tools to cure evil people from their evilness, we have to account for both.

I do not mean to discredit the effort you put into this post, but virtually every point you made here was answered by a post I made here.

It illustrates why it's cheaper to focus on rehabilitation, why it's more beneficial for society, why it's more beneficial for the prison staff who must watch inmates and for fellow prisoners who must be stuck in prison alongside fellow violent/dangerous criminals. And we absolutely do know the paths we must take - a substantial focus on education alone has proven by fact to reduce recidivism rates, inmate-on-inmate violence, prison staff violence, the list goes on and on. These are not pie-in-the-sky ideals, and they are not unproven fluff. I encourage you to go through the post I linked or simply do some of your own research. We are not in a place where a great many mysteries exist as to how to get these things done. We are only in a place where our own inaction or desire for revenge prevents us from thinking logically about how to do it, because we don't want to be the ones caught giving convicted pedophiles access to computers for learning or games.

Frankly, most of your points have ignored the commentary made by others in the topic, along with the evidence they have provided. For example, your commentary implies that you believe we think that many of the worst mass murderers or pedophiles can be truly reformed/rehabilitated in the sense that one day they could be properly released back into society. Again, this is not the case. Odds are these people are mentally deficient to the point where they will always have to be imprisoned, but that is not a determination you or I get to make, nor should we put arbitrary requirements on how severe a crime must be before we stop trying to see if someone can be rehabilitated.

But, and here's the important part, none of that matters. Rehabilitation is not just for inmates with a possibility of getting out. And it's also not just for inmates that have a real chance of changing their criminal proclivities. It is for the entire prison industrial complex, to change the environment for the betterment of society.

Again, I will walk you through the steps

1. A prison system that is driven by rehabilitation (plenty of education, access to some entertainment, access to counselors and visitors, job re-entry programs etc) is one that has net benefits for society, and this has been borne out by every study that has been done on the subject.

2. In a rehabilitative prison system, instances of suicide go astronomically down. Instances of treatment for severe mental disabilities go down, saving tax payers money. Instances of violent crimes on other inmates go down, also saving tax payers money. Instances of violent crime against prison staff go down, also saving tax payers money.

3. In a rehabilitative prison system, criminals who do have a shot at getting parole do not also risk as severe level of mental degradation, and have literally 60-80% better chance at leaving prison and reintegrating into society in a safe and responsible way. I do not even need to explain how many ways this is better for the community. The lower the recidivism rates, the less criminals we have to pay to actually house in prison, the less crimes being perpetrated on members of society, the more they can hold jobs - the better society benefits as a whole. Again, this is not pie-in-the-sky idealism. It is borne out by every viable study that has been done on the subject.

4. In a rehabilitative prison system, inmates who commit crimes for which they are eligible for parole are at less risk of being negatively influenced by other criminals who have essentially gone insane by years of incarceration. Additionally, a prison system which gives most prisoners a hope for release if they are genuinely rehabilitated is one where there are far less escape attempts (saving money), far less violent crimes internally (saving money) and far more behaved consumers overall. The net result is if you give inmates a bit of hope, many just naturally behave. Again, the statistics back this up.

5. Harsher punishment has never once been demonstrated to deter serious crimes. In fact, the vast majority of the studies and statistical data point we have to look at (again, check my massive post and many of the links in it) suggests the precise opposite: states with no death penalty have lower instances of murder for example. Countries with no death penalty also have far lower instances of serious crime per capita. It's also cheaper to avoid the death penalty for tax payers. And unless you're going to set to changing the protections we have in the constitution*, it's always going to be that way.

So, what are we looking at in a society with a rehabilitative prison stance?

● Cheaper to incarcerate individuals; cheaper to house them over the long term. Making parole a real possibility because rehabilitation is a legitimate focus also saves tax payer money, since people can necessarily be incarcerated for shorter periods of times based on the idea of redemption/rehabilitation. Again, we have plenty of real-world examples of countries that do this successfully, all of them function better than we do on this score.
● Safer for prison staff; safer for fellow prisoners; better for the mental stability of the individual. This means cheaper to treat these prisoners since they are less likely to pick up lifelong mental disabilities, and less instances we have to treat prisoners and staff for injuries relating to violent inmate crime.
● Safer for the community, lower recidivism, net positive for society. When the community focuses on actual rehabilitation, inmates have a chance at reintegrating into society, and thus paying taxes, being responsible and committing no crimes in the future.

Every last point I am making is backed up by studies and statistics. And evidence is the only thing that is necessary to make the conclusions I am making.

* It's important to note that changing the constitution to make it easier to put people to death (for the sake of making it cheaper versus lifelong incarceration) is also one of the more abhorrent ideas I've ever seen posed. As the innocence project continually suggests, we NEED the ability to continually appeal death sentences. Countless innocent people have been put to death, and the easier we make that process, the easier it is for an innocent to be put to death. If even one innocent is put to death in the name of our petty blood lust, we are an inherently unethical country.


The bastard should have been put into a supermax style cell, with nothing more than a pen and some paper if he wanted to "publish" some more incoherent far right wing shit.


The bastard should have been put into a supermax style cell, with nothing more than a pen and some paper if he wanted to "publish" some more incoherent far right wing shit.

The only thing I will continue to say is that it's really irresponsible for the press to keep giving him a place to vocalize these sorts of complaints. It hurts the victims for no reason, and it's just petty nonsense.
I don't know what the standard for 'relatively comfortable' is, but the point is that extreme harsh penalties are not actual deterrents to criminals who commit crimes of this magnitude (look how little good the death penalty does, statistics prove), and since that seems to be one of the only actual real-world reasons people seem to want to continue to do these things (outside of pure revenge), I'm not sure it's sound.

This guy is probably never going to get out of prison. But what would it say about a system that itself commits to cruelty against prisoners because they can't think of a good way to rehabilitate? Studies have been done on the astonishingly negative impact that long-term confinement in prison can have on ones mental state, to say nothing of solitary confinement. It destroys the human condition over the long term, no matter how frequently you can play Rayman Revolutions.

The issue then is to try to create an environment that minimizes the dehumanizing aspects as much as possible, while still providing society with a way to be safe from criminals. To that end, it doesn't matter how "comfortable" the prisoner is relatively speaking, because as long as society is safe from them, the most important goal is being met. After that it's about ensuring that in the event the prisoner is released, they can acclimate back into society... something that's incredibly difficult if the stigma follows them in job hunts, if they've been abused by a prison system that isolated them to such a degree they can no longer function in the real world. Prisoners need to be educated, guided as much as possible, provided with conditions that do the best as possible to fight the degrading mental effects of prison, and rehabilitation needs to be the central purpose. Because it directly relates to the health of society at large.

But let's be serious, even with conveniences like watching TV and playing videogames, it's not a hotel. Prisons are usually regimented, people have to go to bed at certain times, there's no real freedom. And the loss of freedom is in of itself the punishment.

That killer is a POS, I could agree in other cases but this not , this guy deserve only a bullet in his head, he will not be good enough to be released but more important ,for its crimes he doesn´t deserve, he wasted his life along with the ones of the 77 he killed. He is costing his country the resources that could be used in any other person.

In cases like this I´m all in favor of death penalty, not because I think i couldl help intimidate other criminal (we know it doesn´t work) , its because he is a waste or resources and the families still have to know this bastard is alive.
I don´t believe he deserve to be tortured either as revenge, just a simple bullet, a practical solution for an garbage like him.

That´s my opinion, for this case and this case alone, not for the whole system.
He's not human, he's something else, a sociopathic subspecies. Once more, conventional rules do not apply here, because he is not a baseline murderer. He is something else, and while this does not call for a reform of the prison system itself, it surely begs for special circumstances.

This part right here is particularly stupid.


The only thing I will continue to say is that it's really irresponsible for the press to keep giving him a place to vocalize these sorts of complaints. It hurts the victims for no reason, and it's just petty nonsense.

I think this is the one thing we can all agree about.
That killer is a POS, I could agree in other cases but this not , this guy deserve only a bullet in his head, he will not be good enough to be released but more important ,for its crimes he doesn´t deserve, he wasted his life along with the ones of the 77 he killed. He is costing his country the resources that could be used in any other person.

In cases like this I´m all in favor of death penalty, not because I think i couldl help intimidate other criminal (we know it doesn´t work) , its because he is a waste or resources and the families still have to know this bastard is alive.
I don´t believe he deserve to be tortured either as revenge, just a simple bullet, a practical solution for an garbage like him.

That´s my opinion, for this case and this case alone, not for the whole system.

First of all, the death penality isn't cheap like you are suggesting. Just take a look at the USA - the whole thing costs the state millions. Second, you can not make a specific death penality law for "this case". You can not make a law "for people like Breivik", a law which prevents innocents from being convicted. It is impossible. You can not make laws assuming that the people in question are 100% guilty. Our justice system is not perfect. From time to time innocent people will get convicted. And if there is a law which allows the death penality, innocent people will get killed. It happened several times before in the US. So please tell me, are you still for the death penality even when you now know that innocents will die?


That killer is a POS, I could agree in other cases but this not , this guy deserve only a bullet in his head, he will not be good enough to be released but more important ,for its crimes he doesn´t deserve, he wasted his life along with the ones of the 77 he killed. He is costing his country the resources that could be used in any other person.

In cases like this I´m all in favor of death penalty, not because I think i couldl help intimidate other criminal (we know it doesn´t work) , its because he is a waste or resources and the families still have to know this bastard is alive.
I don´t believe he deserve to be tortured either as revenge, just a simple bullet, a practical solution for an garbage like him.

That´s my opinion, for this case and this case alone, not for the whole system.

Do you at least see the problematic nature of having a system that arbitrarily decides when someone is an "exception"? That randomly says "ok this crime was so bad we need to treat this criminal different from all others"? That begins to assign greater value to some victims over others, to some scale of crime over others? No system can ever be the perfect one for every single individual crime, but we can create a standardized system that provides the overall best benefits to society. While we may say "this guy admits to it, so why not a bullet in the head?", laws exist for a reason, and if we start subverting them for crimes we personally find particularly heinous, the whole thing starts to fall apart. Who then makes these determinations? Will we start to be like a mob who votes on which crime is so bad they deserve to be exceptions to the rule?

The guy will likely die in prison. The victims will never be revived, and the families will have to live with that horrible day until the day they die. There's nothing fair about that. But the reality is a system in which we arbitrarily decide someone must be treated outside the bounds that all other criminals are treated to by law is a system that does not work.

Therefore, we must choose a standardized system that provides the greatest net value/benefit to the largest number of potential victims and criminals, as well as society at large. The standardized system that provides rehabilitation potential for everyone no matter how severe their crime is the only one that has been demonstrated to work to society's benefit.

And as I said, it's not about getting released necessarily. A rehabilitative prison system functions positively even for those who will likely be in prison until the day they die.

I wish this wasn't such a sensitive subject, but it is. I know where the anger comes from, as I keep repeating. There's no easy way to discuss this, and there's no way to feel great about oneself when you're discussing giving pedophiles access to libraries and entertainment. But we should not avert our gaze because it is not easy :)


In cases like this I´m all in favor of death penalty, not because I think i couldl help intimidate other criminal (we know it doesn´t work) , its because he is a waste or resources and the families still have to know this bastard is alive.

That´s my opinion, for this case and this case alone, not for the whole system.

And how is this supposed to work out?

"Hey, this guy has raped children. I'm 100% sure. The victims have even identified him!!!1111"

"Ha! it's some POS like Breivik, kiiiilllllll hiimmmm!!!!!eleven!!111"

guy gets killed

"DNA tests have shown, that the guy wasn't the rapist, sry, mistakes happen, well he is dead now, can't do anything about it, sad mistake, cry cry etc."

There is a reason why civilized countries don't have death penalty for any type of crime w/o exceptions.


I suspect that answer varies depending on who you are. For me, it was the actual act of feeling no more malice toward the perpetrators - and then finding a way for me to wish them good will in the future, even success. And the way I knew it worked was because it was like a huge weight was lifted off my shoulders, I no longer stayed up thinking about it or even had it on my mind very often. It was one part of the many things I had to do to move past the crushing depression I went through when my girlfriend committed suicide right when i graduated high school. Here's the steps I had to take:

1. Truly move on from my past - forgive those who trespassed against me completely, to the point where I even wished them success

2. Get rid of my drug addiction, which I did finally last year with the help of NeoGAF (1 year clean now)

3. Finally feel comfortable enough to enter into a serious relationship (I became a sort of social hermit after my high school sweetheart killed herself, so this was big for me). Now I am engaged, and feeling fulfilled

All these met, alongside getting an extremely successful job and doing good work there, finally allowed me to move off the depression that had been stifling all my growth. But it was the forgiveness I'd have to say was the most important of all.

It took nearly ten years to finally get there. It was not easy. The true test came when I had to actually eat dinner with the man who had raped my mother. He sat across me at the table, and I almost began to regress with my anger and hate... but then I corrected myself. Me and my mother together talked aside, and we both put on the happiest face, I shook his hand and hoped him a good life, and I simply left and never saw him again. We forgave him, in the true sense.

I just wanted to say good for you and major kudos, Amir0x. Not everyone could do what you did (especially that last one).

As for the topic at hand -- there are far more important causes to stage a hunger strike over. Then again, when you are a mass murderer, your priorities are obviously going to be nebulous (at best).


May I have a cookie?
Thank you for the detailed and considerate reply, despite the fact that I missed your most extensive post on the topic, I should add!
I only noticed it after the fact, which is when I added the following:

edit: I missed your lengthy post from the last page, so these are some additions:
Originally Posted by Amir0x

It matters not if an individual kills one person or a million; the crimes are only that of scale.
Saying that scale doesn't matter is essentially ignoring the fact that we operate in a world with finite resources and that there is no room for our ability to exercise judgment as to what is more urgent at any given moment, just as I said above.
Furthermore, I'd love to know if you have any information on studies done in prison systems which attempt to correlate chances of rehabilitation with severity of crime. Do such studies really show no correlation? Are mass murderers equally likely to reform as single time murderers or lesser criminals? And what is the cost to society to reform a mass murderer VS the cost to rebuild a small business that was financially ruined, or help provide minimum wage families with better quality of life, or any other common issue that's not related to crime?
Had I seen your original post earlier, I would have worded mine differently, and emphasised only the points I feel weren't already addressed. I should add that I share your belief that the worst criminals are beyond rehabilitation with the tools available to us today; I only worded my post the way I did in order to support my argument that administering expensive treatment that has little to no empirical evidence of being effective is illogical, and that this is the very logic that dictates health insurance or medical policies when they do not hand out support for experimental treatments of terminal illness. Why certain individuals in the prison system should receive the privilege of such treatment when non criminals who have fallen ill do not is beyond me.

I do not mean to discredit the effort you put into this post, but virtually every point you made here was answered by a post I made here.

It illustrates why it's cheaper to focus on rehabilitation, why it's more beneficial for society, why it's more beneficial for the prison staff who must watch inmates and for fellow prisoners who must be stuck in prison alongside fellow violent/dangerous criminals. And we absolutely do know the paths we must take - a substantial focus on education alone has proven by fact to reduce recidivism rates, inmate-on-inmate violence, prison staff violence, the list goes on and on. These are not pie-in-the-sky ideals, and they are not unproven fluff. I encourage you to go through the post I linked or simply do some of your own research. We are not in a place where a great many mysteries exist as to how to get these things done. We are only in a place where our own inaction or desire for revenge prevents us from thinking logically about how to do it, because we don't want to be the ones caught giving convicted pedophiles access to computers for learning or games.

Frankly, most of your points have ignored the commentary made by others in the topic, along with the evidence they have provided. For example, your commentary implies that you believe we think that many of the worst mass murderers or pedophiles can be truly reformed/rehabilitated in the sense that one day they could be properly released back into society. Again, this is not the case. Odds are these people are mentally deficient to the point where they will always have to be imprisoned, but that is not a determination you or I get to make, nor should we put arbitrary requirements on how severe a crime must be before we stop trying to see if someone can be rehabilitated.
Once again, this last sentence is exactly the part I take issue with. We do make such determinations and we should be making them to a certain degree, even if that means risking occasionally making incorrect judgements, because that is the only way to understand, in the long run, how to respond correctly to offenders of varying degrees. Let me explain myself before you jump at me saying I'm supporting giving the death penalty to potentially innocent people because that is not what I mean. I mean that there already exist maximum security prisons and minimum security prisons, based on existing laws created to determine the severity of the crime, and within those prisons individual inmates are already given different privileges based on their behavior at any given moment - surely this is necessary for the rehabilitation process!

But, and here's the important part, none of that matters. Rehabilitation is not just for inmates with a possibility of getting out. And it's also not just for inmates that have a real chance of changing their criminal proclivities. It is for the entire prison industrial complex, to change the environment for the betterment of society.
This would be true if all prisoners were thrown together into the same prison, but that's not the case anywhere in the world, because I say above we DO make distinctions based on severity of the crime. I can extend my previous comparison of medical treatments to rehabilitation programs. Isn't it more logical, given a limited budget, to spend more on rehabilitation programs for minimum security prisoners than it does spending it equally on minimum and maximum security prisoners? If the money being used to keep a mass murderer locked away for life is enough to fund rehabilitation programs for ten lesser criminals, isn't it obvious where that money should go?

Again, I will walk you through the steps

1. A prison system that is driven by rehabilitation (plenty of education, access to some entertainment, access to counselors and visitors, job re-entry programs etc) is one that has net benefits for society, and this has been borne out by every study that has been done on the subject.

2. In a rehabilitative prison system, instances of suicide go astronomically down. Instances of treatment for severe mental disabilities go down, saving tax payers money. Instances of violent crimes on other inmates go down, also saving tax payers money. Instances of violent crime against prison staff go down, also saving tax payers money.

3. In a rehabilitative prison system, criminals who do have a shot at getting parole do not also risk as severe level of mental degradation, and have literally 60-80% better chance at leaving prison and reintegrating into society in a safe and responsible way. I do not even need to explain how many ways this is better for the community. The lower the recidivism rates, the less criminals we have to pay to actually house in prison, the less crimes being perpetrated on members of society, the more they can hold jobs - the better society benefits as a whole. Again, this is not pie-in-the-sky idealism. It is borne out by every viable study that has been done on the subject.
All of this is purely in relation to prisoners with good chances of rehabilitation to begin with, and we all agree that since the necessary tools to facilitate such rehabilitation exist and have proven to be effective at a reasonable cost, they should be used. But you yourself believe that the worst criminals don't belong in this group to begin with, so I don't understand the point of this lengthy explanation.

4. In a rehabilitative prison system, inmates who commit crimes for which they are eligible for parole are at less risk of being negatively influenced by other criminals who have essentially gone insane by years of incarceration. Additionally, a prison system which gives most prisoners a hope for release if they are genuinely rehabilitated is one where there are far less escape attempts (saving money), far less violent crimes internally (saving money) and far more behaved consumers overall. The net result is if you give inmates a bit of hope, many just naturally behave. Again, the statistics back this up.
Once again, most of this has already been covered. You make a distinction between two types of prisoner who are not equal, and then go on to assume they should be put together in the same ward. Is this insane prisoner not a danger to other inmates? Why are they being punished by being exposed to him to begin with? Has he gone insane as a result of maltreatment by the prison system? If so, he should be treated separately from others, in a way that allows him to recover. If he was this way to begin with and has no chance of rehabilitation, why is he imprisoned with criminals who have a chance at returning to society? Isn't his presence in the facility hurting their chances, prolonging their stay (costing tax payers money) or making them more likely to return to crime if they are granted parole?

5. Harsher punishment has never once been demonstrated to deter serious crimes. In fact, the vast majority of the studies and statistical data point we have to look at (again, check my massive post and many of the links in it) suggests the precise opposite: states with no death penalty have lower instances of murder for example. Countries with no death penalty also have far lower instances of serious crime per capita. It's also cheaper to avoid the death penalty for tax payers. And unless you're going to set to changing the protections we have in the constitution*, it's always going to be that way.
I agreed with you from the start that capital punishment is not a deterrent, and that using it as such is misguided. Regarding differences between countries, allow me to suggest that perhaps the difference between some countries and others isn't as one dimensional as allowing or not allowing capital punishment. Maybe there's a correlation between not having the death penalty (or having it but using it very rarely) and also having better methods/practices for treating criminals? Methods which effectively give them a better chance of rehabilitation? That seems to make much more sense, based on everything you have said yourself about the rehabilitation process.

* It's important to note that changing the constitution to make it easier to put people to death (for the sake of making it cheaper versus lifelong incarceration) is also one of the more abhorrent ideas I've ever seen posed. As the innocence project continually suggests, we NEED the ability to continually appeal death sentences. Countless innocent people have been put to death, and the easier we make that process, the easier it is for an innocent to be put to death. If even one innocent is put to death in the name of our petty blood lust, we are an inherently unethical country.
This is all well and good, but if administering the death penalty is so expensive it means these people are allowed to corrupt the minds of others, resulting in even more pain, misery and death, should we congratulate ourselves on our superior morality?

If as a result of keeping some criminals in the same facility as lesser ones it's possible to ruin many a life of prisoners who may have been able to recover otherwise, or increas prison suicides or offenses made by prisoners that are reinstated in society, shouldn't the correct course of action be to have someone in the position to exercise careful judgement and weigh the cost to others against the cost to the criminal? That seems to me to suggest there is room for capital punishment.

It's true that the judicial system makes mistakes, but that shouldn't completely discount what we have learned over hundreds of years. Every criminal case brought to court has different degrees of certainty attached to it, and there's no point in treating them all equally. For example - multiple eye witnesses and/or recorded evidence of a crime taking place make it much less likely the defendant is innocent than circumstantial evidence. This kind of criteria is what the judicial system is based on to begin with, and is no doubt used when arguing for or against a death sentence in democratic countries that allow it..

Mistakes made by the judicial system should be treated with careful consideration and judgement on a case by case basis by top experts in the relevant field, only this guarantees the correct lessons are learned from such mistakes. Grouping certain mistakes together in an attempt to provide a "one size fits all" solution, or pointing them out in an attempt to undermine the legitimacy of the judicial process, goes against core ideals on which the system was built in the first place. These ideals include investigation, and logical reasoning, carefully checking and balancing each consideration and how it affects all of society, and treating each individual case with as much intellectual rigour as possible before interpreting the law.


As a Norwegian I don't think our justice system is perfect and it pains me to think off all the resources that are spent on that person I won't even type his name.

However I am 100% sure he will never get out of prison. I think in a lot of cases its a good thing with a maximum sentence of 21 years and reassessment every 5 years after that. I believe people can change and be restored into society.


Yeah, I'm baffled by that too.

"Oh, he killed 77 people in a brutal rampage, but let's not let him rot in prison forever...that's too harsh! He should be free after 21 years!"

What the hell.

and he gets to play video games while in prison

just boggles the mind


He killed children. A lot of innocent children and destroyed countless families lives. Why in the fuck is he allowed to play any videogame period? He doesn't deserve any enjoyment in life for the amount of destruction he caused. Obviously what he did is the least of his concerns since he wants adult games. Smh. Go on a hunger strike.
He killed children. A lot of innocent children and destroyed countless families lives. Why in the fuck is he allowed to play any videogame period? He doesn't deserve any enjoyment in life for the amount of destruction he caused. Obviously what he did is the least of his concerns since he wants adult games. Smh. Go on a hunger strike.
Would it make it any better if they weren't children and were adults instead? Does him being allowed games affect you in any way?
Took the lives of 77 innocent human beings and you sitting in jail playing games, WTF Norway, this makes Norway jail look like a paradise compared to other prisons around the world..
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