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Massive 40K nerd Henry Cavill producing and starring in potential Warhammer 40,000 series on Amazon


If the chaos gods involvement is minimal to the show, I'll definitely watch it. That was also the thing that drew me away from WarHammer.
Objectively NOT TRUE. Reacher has a white male lead. Terminal List has a white male lead. Jack Ryan, white male lead. Good Omens, two white male leads. Bezos was a personal fan of The Expanse and I doubt he would have done anything differently. That show lent itself organically to a muticultural cast straight from the source IP. If there was any flaw in that show, its that they allowed sub 6' folks to be Belters, da beltalowda deserved better than that sabakawala kaka!
Fair enough. I only know mostly of their big ones like Wheels of Time and Rings of Power.

They did have that one tall belter in prison on earth in the first episode. Btw, if Bezos was such a fan, why did he cancel it?


Good for him! I don't know how in the world they're going to adapt and do justice to 40K, but all the best to Cavill!


Eisenhorn literally cannot smile, and has permanent resting bitch face after the events of the first book.

Let's face it, Cavill is kind of a limited actor. He can certainly do gruff and stoic, though. They'd probably drop Eisenhorn's frozen face though, and some of the rest of his augmetics, for budgetary reasons.


Gold Member
Fair enough. I only know mostly of their big ones like Wheels of Time and Rings of Power.

They did have that one tall belter in prison on earth in the first episode. Btw, if Bezos was such a fan, why did he cancel it?
The show hit a natural end point, it was really a charity case from the get go as it never hit the wide spread public, and in what universe is a SIX SEASON show ending its run considered a bad thing?

I was a little unsatisfied with the show ending as they stuck to the books which leaves the larger "mystery" unresolved but with any luck we will get more of it later on. But just getting to book six was an achievement as book three was also a fairly natural ending point but Bezos helped the show push past that point as well.


Objectively NOT TRUE. Reacher has a white male lead. Terminal List has a white male lead. Jack Ryan, white male lead. Good Omens, two white male leads. Bezos was a personal fan of The Expanse and I doubt he would have done anything differently. That show lent itself organically to a muticultural cast straight from the source IP. If there was any flaw in that show, its that they allowed sub 6' folks to be Belters, da beltalowda deserved better than that sabakawala kaka!

Whenever I see someone complain that Amazon Studios is completely woke, I just know they haven't watched Reacher.


Gold Member
Whenever I see someone complain that Amazon Studios is completely woke, I just know they haven't watched Reacher.
Certainly for the lead and the fact the lady did the shower scene (that was a total surprise). Terminal List changed a few things but not absolutely NOT in a woke way either (though I don't see the Katie relationship playing out the same way in the show vs the books). Jack Ryan, well, its a decent show but NFC where it is going or what "source" it may be drawing from at this point other than IIRC his (future) wife was briefly shown in S1.

In general I have more confidence in Amazon to make stuff I like than Netflix. Though RoP was an ABSOLUTE catastrophe from frame 1 and WoT was a mess, albeit a mildly entertaining one.
Whenever I see someone complain that Amazon Studios is completely woke, I just know they haven't watched Reacher.
You’re right I haven’t. Only RoP (most episodes), the first episode of WoT and Ring The Boys. And the first episode of that Utopia remake where they race swapped the main character.


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
Amazon can produce good stuff. It's really down to the writers and directors they choose or purchase the package for.

The Boys is fantastic. Good Omens was damn good. The Peripheral has been pretty good. Jack Ryan, Reacher, and The Terminal List were all good fun (dumb action). The Man in the High Castle was fantastic for two seasons, good for a third, and only shit for the last one. The Expanse was great for a good while.

Only really RoP and WoT have been shit.

So there is a chance it'll be good.

That said, as already pointed out, 40k's world and lore is really fucked up. I'm not sure how popular it'd be with a general audience.
The Boys is good but it really seems like it was pushing politics, especially modern day BS in the last season and even in a second season to a degree.


Crazy what the AI can do these days...




Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
Whenever I see someone complain that Amazon Studios is completely woke, I just know they haven't watched Reacher.
Or the Boys or the Terminal List. Or tons of other shows that don't push the envelope either way.
Honestly, people are way to hung up on X company being woke, and prejudging stuff. I mean we get the vaguest hint that a show might one day happen and people are already complaining that it is too woke.


Gold Member
The Boys is good but it really seems like it was pushing politics, especially modern day BS in the last season and even in a second season to a degree.
The Boys got over their TDS with S3 and got back to insulting every cunt. The problem with that show is it doesn't know where it is going so the primary conflict is getting repetitive.


Gold Member
Man, the potential for this is just.. overwhelming. 40k is so fucking insane.

I swear to god I never wanted 40k to get adopted by mainstream because I never expected it to be anywhere close to the source material, but with Henry behind the wheel it might just work.


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
I wonder if this series will be canon or if it'll be something more like that Halo TV show where it's an alternate telling?

I know many of the video games are canon with the exception of Space Marine.


I wonder if this series will be canon or if it'll be something more like that Halo TV show where it's an alternate telling?

I know many of the video games are canon with the exception of Space Marine.

It'll be canon, I'd imagine. They've got a whole galaxy, and thousands of years to play with. No reason not to have to set in the wider continuity. For instance, they could easily have Cavill play Eisenhorn early on in his career as a fledgling inquisitor. The old bastard is hundreds of years old, so plenty of scope. Same goes for if Cavill wants to play a Primarch.


Eisenhorn literally cannot smile, and has permanent resting bitch face after the events of the first book.
I can't remember seeing Cavill smile during The Witcher. I mean I liked the series but Geralt is so grumpy I started referring to the series as The Bitcher in my head


Ill never understand the love for this franchise. Dudebro space marines and orcs. Da fuck?!

Warhammer 40k comes from the same satirical place that spawned 2000ad and Judge Dredd. It embraces and celebrates how ridiculous the concept of space marines is. And the space marines are actually only one small part of the 40k universe anyway. They’re the iconic mascots, but it goes so much deeper and further. Far more lore than any other fictional universe. It’s idiotically gigantic.
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Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
Ill never understand the love for this franchise. Dudebro space marines and orcs. Da fuck?!
It's more than that. Orks are just one faction btw.

There's a lot of side material and spin-offs. Necromunda for example, it's sort of like a Mad Max and cyberpunk setting that doesn't deal with Space Marines so much.

There's my personal favorite which is Rogue Trader. It's basically grim dark Star Trek where you play a diplomat or privateer that explores the Galaxy and deals with Xenos aka aliens. In fact Rogue Traders are one of the few factions in Warhammer 40,000 that can actually be friendly towards aliens and deal with them diplomatically. In fact, it's a standard role-playing game as opposed to a war game. They're actually finally making a video game based off of it which has me very excited.
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Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
I would love if they got Karl Urban to star in this series. He's British and would make a good Rogue Trader or some other type of character in Warhammer 40,000. Plus he's good in almost every roll he's in.


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
I was thinking, since there is definitely going to be a diversity quota, at least pick Edris Elbow. I like him in Prometheus and some other stuff I seen.

Maybe Wesley Snipes or Carl Weathers even though they're older. There's also Lance Reddick, but he would probably have to play some other kind of character other than a Space Marine being he's pretty skinny.
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Reacher, The Boys. Good Omens, Jack Ryan, Bosch, Invincible...off the top of my head.

Yeah, it looks more like a showrunner issue than a producing one. The LOTR one looked like a train wreck from the beginning.
Here is a couple more good Amazon exclusive shows, Critical role / Lower Decks / The Peripheral / The Expanse / Fleabag / Undone

The cgi budget is gonna have to be nuts.

I think they can do a lot of it practically. There is plenty of cosplayer doing really good costumes already.
You can enhance from there with CGI.


I think they can do a lot of it practically. There is plenty of cosplayer doing really good costumes already.
You can enhance from there with CGI.

i think if they're going to try to recreate the speed that Space Marines are supposed to be able to move at, they're going to have to do it with CGI. The Astartes mini movie gets it about right. They are meant to be incredibly fast.


i think if they're going to try to recreate the speed that Space Marines are supposed to be able to move at, they're going to have to do it with CGI. The Astartes mini movie gets it about right. They are meant to be incredibly fast.

Yeah, I was thinking about the talking and walking around part and the hero shots of them firing their guns.
They can make the power armors, the guns, the blood and guts practically.

I hope it's at least 30% as good as Astartes was because it was amazing.
I hope Cavill has seen it (more than probable) so he can push them to hire the guys who did that and they can aim for that.
They were hired by game workshop after the youtube videos so I'm very hopeful they will be involved in that project too.


Ultimate DQ Fan
Is there a good primer for the setting? I get the basics: Humanity is fighting a losing war against supernatural shit and aliens. But is there anything better? The stuff I've seen online is kind of confusing


Ill never understand the love for this franchise. Dudebro space marines and orcs. Da fuck?!

Shut your mouth, heretic! Seriously though, it's a nightmare world where everyone is an asshole or just pure evil and humanity does or becomes anything it can to survive. That creates some unique stories and some badass situations. The lore is insane too and seriously fucked up (for example, in humanity's civil war trillions were genocided and the "good" side genocided just as many as the bad one iirc)

And it didn't cost 25 million to remove a moustache either.

Fun fact about that I always enjoy telling, a couple of youtubers removed the mustache from Henry using CGI, you know, for free, and it looked leagues better than the movie. Hollywood is that incompetent
i think if they're going to try to recreate the speed that Space Marines are supposed to be able to move at, they're going to have to do it with CGI. The Astartes mini movie gets it about right. They are meant to be incredibly fast.

I should watch that. If the cgi looks like the Darktide or Space Marine II intros I'll be very impressed. Those intros looked pretty badass, I wouldn't mind the whole show that way. But I imagine that would take a whole lotta time and a whole lotta money.


Al Pachinko, Konami President
Shut your mouth, heretic! Seriously though, it's a nightmare world where everyone is an asshole or just pure evil and humanity does or becomes anything it can to survive. That creates some unique stories and some badass situations. The lore is insane too and seriously fucked up (for example, in humanity's civil war trillions were genocided and the "good" side genocided just as many as the bad one iirc)

Fun fact about that I always enjoy telling, a couple of youtubers removed the mustache from Henry using CGI, you know, for free, and it looked leagues better than the movie. Hollywood is that incompetent

capybara GIF by Puppy Bowl

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