The movie seems to be mainly between Hopkins and Gibsons characters, but I also found the relationship lacking. Like, we're supposed to believe that Bligh and Fletcher were friends previously but besides a quick opening scene telling us they are friends this is never really shown. Also, after reading the wikipedia page I have to agree with Gibson's assessment:
Mel Gibson said:
"I think the main problem with that film was that it tried to be a fresh look at the dynamic of the mutiny situation, but didn't go far enough. In the old version, Captain Bligh was the bad guy and Fletcher Christian was the good guy. But really Fletcher Christian was a social climber and an opportunist. They should have made him the bad guy, which indeed he was. He ended up setting all these people adrift to die, without any real justification. Maybe he'd gone island crazy. They should have painted it that way. But they wanted to exonerate Captain Bligh while still having the dynamic where the guy was mutinying for the good of the crew. It didn't quite work."
I though the movie weirdly attempted too much of the time to make Cpt. Bligh seem like the villain when a majority of his actions were completely justified and competent. In fact, I think the biggest mistake I saw was that he was too lax. How the hell do you just allow your crew to go full native for how many weeks screwing all the women and enjoying the island life? Geez, what did you expect would happen?