Allright, so because of this thread, I decided to directly compare my Master and Commander blu ray and dvd.
The blu ray definitely has better picture quality, but it's not anywhere near as drastic as other br/dvd discs I've compared. The dvd is anamorphic so that probably helps. The dvd looks fine, but the blu ray does have better definition at times.
But the sound, well I'm actually a bit surprised here. Simply put my dvd sounds better than my blu ray, and not by a small amount. It has better low end, much better bass, it seems clearer and more defined to me, and hell it even feels like it uses the surround channels better. What the hell is wrong with the blu ray? I mean the blu ray sounds fine to me too and I've watched it many times over without complaint, but the dvd quite obviously sounds much better.
I wish I could put the two together, LOL!
I may actually watch my dvd from now on instead of the blu ray, even with the slight picture downgrade the sound upgrade is just so much more immersive....