Max Payne 1&2 remakes have entered full production | Control 2 in "production readiness" phase

Thick Thighs Save Lives

NeoGAF's Physical Games Advocate Extraordinaire

Via reddit:

Remedy just released its financial report of Q2 2024 (April to June), including new info about upcoming projects:
  • Codename Condor (Control multiplayer spin-off)
    • Full production since March of this year
    • Now focusing on creating multiple maps and types of missions
    • Currently playtesting both internally and externally (in limited capacity)
  • Max Payne remakes
    • Entered full production in Q2
    • Current goal is to have the game in an early functional state from beginning to end
  • Control 2
    • Entered production readiness phase in Q2, the final one before full production
    • Important milestone achieved in Q2: created a build showcasing important features in playable form
    • The production is currently scaling up
    • Remedy is also talking to potential partners but still hasn't decided if they'll self-publish or find a publisher for Control 2 and Condor
  • Alan Wake 2
    • Recouped most of the costs but still not fully
    • Currently working on the second expansion The Lake House


Al Pachinko, Konami President
Alan Woke gone broke.

My concern is how will they manage without James McCaffrey for Max Payne? Who could take over the role? Michael Ironside would be my choice.

The dude from Nobidy wants to Die


My concern is how will they manage without James McCaffrey for Max Payne? Who could take over the role? Michael Ironside would be my choice.

the arthur morgan voice actor would be my number 1 choice

btw if MP remake is in production now might we see gameplay as early as next year? man i'm so excited for this, i hope they really polish the gunplay so it's not a downgrade from max payne 3
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the arthur morgan voice actor would be my numer 1 choice

btw if MP remake is in production now might we see gameplay as early as next year? man i'm so excited for this, i hope they really polish the gunplay so it's not a downgrade from max payne 3
Yeah, hopefully R* helps out with casting. Their casting choices are by far unmatched and unique in the biz. Almost always nobodies that deliver tremendously in the end.

Edit: To be fair, eventhough I love McCaffrey in 1 & 2 and wouldn't have it any other way in 3, he did sound off from the rest of the casting in that game. I didn't believe a lot of his performance in 3.
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Gold Member
“Codename Condor (Control multiplayer spin-off)” - butwhy.gif. 🤨

Do they really think this can possibly sell well enough including MTX to be worth the cost? Just seems really strange to me.

And for Alan Wake 2, it’s not surprising. They basically don’t sell on PCs (EGS), didn’t have a physical version at release for consoles and overall title seems less popular vs the first game.

Chuck Berry

Gold Member
Alan Woke gone broke.

My concern is how will they manage without James McCaffrey for Max Payne? Who could take over the role? Michael Ironside would be my choice.

They should just clean up his original recordings from the first two games and carry it over. Using anyone else would be completely insulting and just wouldn’t feel right.

I’m sure they’ll fuck it up in some way. Don’t be surprised if you read that they’re “Updated for modern audiences” in the near future. Alan Wake 2 was already one of the worst games Ive played in years so faith is at absolute zero for this one.
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We remain in the era of remakes.
It wouldn't be that sad if we got remakes that are at the very least on par with the original every time.

But no, we also can get absolute fucking dogshit like WarCraft 3: Reforged or the GTA Trilogy remakes.
I do have faith in Remedy to not fuck up the Max Payne remakes, tho.

SF Kosmo

Control is my favorite Remedy game, even though I found the story to be mostly nonsense, so I am looking forward to a sequel.


Just please god, make sure the Max Payne remakes have less Sam Lake self insertion, not more.

I'm somewhat glad Alan Wake 2 under performed commercially. I think a lot of their creative decisions in that game were a mistake despite it having a lot of good qualities.

Not that it having better creative decisions would have done much for it commercially, not enough people give a shit about Alan Wake as a series to justify that games production and budget.


Gold Member
I'm interested in the Max Payne remakes. Max Payne 2 was one of my favorite games of that generation - so well-paced and written. I've tried to go back and replay the originals, but I can't get used to the controls. I'd check out a good remake, though. Sounds like it's still a couple years away.

Let's just hope they don't mess it up.

"Hanging out with the amazing Alyssa here in NYC."

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Chuck Berry

Gold Member
I'm interested in the Max Payne remakes. Max Payne 2 was one of my favorite games of that generation - so well-paced and written. I've tried to go back and replay the originals, but I can't get used to the controls. I'd check out a good remake, though. Sounds like it's still a couple years away.

Let's just hope they don't mess it up.

"Hanging out with the amazing Alyssa here in NYC."


Just made it 10x easier to pass on
these'll be really interesting

could be excellent
could be garbage

tone and gunplay will be critical

max payne 2 had such replayability.
so much fun replaying levels as NPCs
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