Remedy's Future Projects Roadmap: Max Payne Remake 2026, Control 2 in 2027, Alan Wake 3 in 2029, Control 3 in 2030


From their recent investors reports.

Note that Max Payne Remake is basically both the first and second game combined into a single remake. So it's gonna be a petty big thing.

You may want to correct this title as this screen cap might not be from official data that came from Remedy's presentation for investors. Looks like it came from a Finnish analyst company called Inderes and Remedy's future projects are just estimation that was mentioned on their analysis. Remedy themselves only said during their presentation they have one more unannounced project in development beyond ones that are already official (Firebreak, Max Payne Remake, Control 2). They didn't said it is Alan Wake 3 or Control 3


Max Payne remake is one of my most awaited games.
Too bad they are doing 2 at the same time which makes the development longer.
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Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
You may want to correct this title as this screen cap might not be from official data that came from Remedy's presentation for investors. Looks like it came from a Finnish analyst company called Inderes and Remedy's future projects are just estimation that was mentioned on their analysis. Remedy themselves only said during their presentation they have one more unannounced project in development beyond ones that are already official (Firebreak, Max Payne Remake, Control 2). They didn't said it is Alan Wake 3 or Control 3

Interesting, will add this to OP.


Looking forward to control 2, but Alan Wake 2 killed whatever hype I would have had for an Alan Wake 3. The Saga part of the game was awful.
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Tag, you're it.
How did you get invited to playtest? I tried to sign two times on Remedy site already but never got any answer :/
Make sure you have a fiber connection but other than that it's pure luck I guess. I got the mail maybe 2 months after being registered and I started with AWII a few months before it came out and damn it was so hard not to be able to talk about it before launch haha. Then Firebreak. Then...


Make sure you have a fiber connection but other than that it's pure luck I guess. I got the mail maybe 2 months after being registered and I started with AWII a few months before it came out and damn it was so hard not to be able to talk about it before launch haha. Then Firebreak. Then...
Yeah i know NDA... Oh well, off to another playthrough of MP1 and 2 :p



And here i am in the other thread saying this gen is trash.
All the note worthy games come years and years from now.
Control 2 in 2027 ??? Lol
Industry is done.

K' Dash

I need them to wrap up Alan Wake, I love the IP and the games but it's too niche and a third installment might be cancelled before release.


Can't wait to see anything about Max Payne.

My wet dream is for them to do a prequel to Rockstar's Max Payne, but I feel like I'm alone on that wish.
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