Ill be voting Conservative for Parliament. (Libdem for local council, but thats all to do with local issues and personalities, so not really relevant here).
With some trepidation that I might be dismissed as an economically illiterate tax-dodging loony-right uncompassionate bastard I thought I would try to explain briefly why. Incidentally on PostionDial I come out as Centrist, Libertarian, Eco-friendly and strongly progressive apparently a natural match for Libdems or Labour, which just goes to show that voting is rather more complicated than you get out of answering a quiz on some website.
First, lets cover off a few things that Im not particularly concerned about as between the main parties:
1) The economy. Governments tend to overestimate how much impact they can have on the overall economy, to overstate whatever impact they think they have had and to assume that the world started whenever the last lot got chucked out. Its mostly bollocks, and our economy is pretty resilient overall (government finances does not equal the economy by the way, and even then there are probably enough checks and balances).
2) Constitutional reform. I cant get excited about reforming the House of Lords not until the Commons gets its act better together in committee. Im not particularly fussed either way about extending devolution in Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. I dont even have an opinion on Scottish independence as it isnt my call, not being Scottish.
3) Electoral reform ditto. Like with constitutional reform its something not to be rushed at. Sure, it is important and a second hung parliament this time round would provide some incentive, but Im not hung up about it.
Im also not going to vote for UKIP or Green (both parties attract way too many fruitloops and utterly batty policies) and, reluctantly (because I think they did an honourable deal in 2010 and have performed well in Government), not for LibDem because essentially that means just giving my vote to Nick Clegg and its my vote dammit. So it comes down to the big two.
For me the key things are:
1. Reform of public services. Desperately needed, and only the Conservatives have shown any appetite for it. I probably wont support everything they propose, but it is good that something gets proposed and debated or all we are left doing is lobbing money at things. That goes for
State Education (I liked what Gove was doing, must admit to that)
The Arts Council and the rest of the impenetrable morass of grant-giving organisations, including the Medical Research Council
The whole damn Civil Service it is woefully inefficient and unresponsive
The benefits system
everything else
2. Understanding business. Labour shows no sign at all of understanding the needs of particularly - small businesses. Conservatives at least have some irons in the fire, though not yet enough. Id like to see
Significant incentives for small businesses, including revamp of business rates, reduction in corporation tax for small companies (thats tricky because it will also need changes in income tax for the self-employed, but it needs to be considered), *and* breaks in the benefit system to allow people to start business up from nothing and the state to bear some of the risk.
A huge crackdown on offshoring profits for tax purposes, and a big emphasis on the moral dimension of taxation. This seems to be more of a Labour thing than a Tory thing, but Labour seems to be doing it all wrong by treating taxation as a punitive thing rather than as a consequence of doing business. This one is personal. It irritates me hugely that Im paying more corporation tax this year than Starbucks did in 14 years.
There are some downsides though:
I dont favour repealing the Human Rights Act. Its a good Act.
I dont favour getting out of the EU. Of course 85% (or whatever) of laws get made in Brussels, but life would be a load harder across Europe if the laws were all different.
Yell at me if you want guys, but it seems to me roughly - that Labour have not done a damn thing about public service reform since they set up the NHS.
Plus, about the conservatives dont care thing Ive spent probably half my time over the last five years helping out the poor, the disabled, the unwanted. #notallconservatives
Thats it. Well except that I dont think a Tory landslide would be a great idea theres enough right wing nutters to make that unpalateable. So Id prefer a continuation of the current coalition or a majority so slim that it needs the votes of sane backbenchers, of which my (soon-to-be I hope) MP is one.