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May Wrasslin' |BO-T| It's hard for a post to become a thread


Sheamus going on the Euro tour with the US title could make for some good heel heat. Though I guess WWE hates country by country face/heat designations.


Sheamus is Cena levels of wack. The title is meaningless anyway.

Sheamus is MUCH better in the ring than Cena. Even if his character is dodgy a lot of the time, Sheamus is legit rad in the ring. People complain about how his matches finished, but that's how EVERY pushed face matches ends for 30 years.


Good for Shaemus winning the least important title in the WWE. It even has the least amount of gold on the title. Yay. Go on and defend that championship you former world champion you.


he's not going to go heel

The question is: will sheamus' "inability to lose" powers overcome the US title's "auto jobber" powers?
And what exactly was Dean doing with it?

Exactly. All the mid-card titles have been stagnant for a while and I'm glad they're shaking things up - also, more "guys who don't need it" winning mid-card titles is only a good thing. They've come to mean very little in this day and age and need to be re-established, running tournaments and having upper card guys like Sheamus winning belts seems like a good way to do that, to me.


he's not going to go heel

The question is: will sheamus' "inability to lose" powers overcome the US title's "auto jobber" powers?

I think it's a good thing for him. He really does need a comeback story, be a fighting champ for the US title, unify the title with the IC some later PPV and there you go.


I'm glad Sheamus got the belt... I also hope this means he's turning heel. He's so damn good in the ring but I hate his stupid Cena 2.0 babyface gimmick. And now it looks like the belts are getting some "legitimacy" or at least some good matches for the future. I mean Sheamus has the jobber belt ffs.


I'm on the "Sheamus is good" team.

And nobody answered poor old me if any of the NXT roster debuted on the battle royale. :(


I got grudge sucked!
Maybe if Sheamus does turn heel and holds the US belt for a while, it will gain some importance. I like Ambrose a lot but I kept forgetting he held the belt. He had it for a year and can't remember any memorable feud he had over it.

I was watchin that 1988 clash of champions and I forgot all about the US tag team titles, and back in the day the only reason anyone cared about them was because the Midnight Express always had them, and they could get heat anywhere they went. Sheamus needs a heel turn anyway.
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