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May Wrasslin' |BO-T| It's hard for a post to become a thread

that wasn't very climactic but they knew they had to get the belt off Ambrose. Hope Sheamus doesn't have too long of a reign so he can challenge DB soon


ZERO issues with Sheamus winning. Sheamus is dope and hopefully this leads to a heel turn. But even if it doesn't, Sheamus is great in the ring even if his character isn't. Dean hasn't done anything with the title in about 6 months, so Sheamus on TV defending it in good-to great matches every week sounds good to me. If they aren't turning him heel, I really hope we're about to get a Sheamus/Cesaro feud.
Nothing wrong with that. Ambrose looked great, especially throughout the closing stretch, then lost clean to one of the most protected finishers in the WWE. Also, it's good to see one of the near-top tier guys holding the US title.

the US title did nothing for ambrose and he did nothing for it. Sheamus is a good chocie ot maybe elevate it. guess we are not getting bryan/ sheamus any time soon.
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