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May Wrasslin' |OT| Dontaku about Legit Shook


Good to hear RAW will be live on TV up here now. Streams are alright, but a little too unreliable. Now The Score just needs to bring back Arda Ocal and get rid of that "Nug" thing.

Wow, I wasn't on the wall of shame. :<

Need more drunk posts.


You know, when eating healthy, I struggle to not under eat. And not on purpose, but because a big bowl of veggies is like 70 calories and one or two of those along with an apple/orange or can of veggies only add up to like 500-600 calories. But I'm full. So I had to add some crackers and other fruit when not hungry just to get to 800 calories. And this is with an hour 1/2 hike at 80 degrees today.


You know, when eating healthy, I struggle to not under eat. And not on purpose, but because a big bowl of veggies is like 70 calories and one or two of those along with an apple/orange or can of veggies only add up to like 500-600 calories. But I'm full. So I had to add some crackers and other fruit when not hungry just to get to 800 calories. And this is with an hour 1/2 hike at 80 degrees today.
Yeah eat too healthy and I get hunger pains.


It's really weird, because I'll eat constantly when not hungry when I'm not eating healthy. All fucking day. But when I eat stuff that's actually good for me, I don't really eat much at all and feel fine, but it isn't good for me at all to be eating 500 calories a day.


I'll be there, sitting on my hands Bret Hart style (my daughter wanted to go). Make no mistake, the crowd will be awful
What sign are you bringing? Something featuring #BORED, I trust?

It's really weird, because I'll eat constantly when not hungry when I'm not eating healthy. All fucking day. But when I eat stuff that's actually good for me, I don't really eat much at all and feel fine, but it isn't good for me at all to be eating 500 calories a day.
I have the opposite problem. When I'm not eating healthy I barely eat at all and my metabolism slows to a crawl.
When I am eating healthy I have to consciously will myself to snack non-stop every couple hours on healthy food to keep my digestive system tuned.


Full Smackdown Spoilers:

Ryback open the show with a promo. The crowd still chanted Feed Me More, yet still booed him.

1. Ryback defeated Daniel Bryan in 14:00. Ryback won with Shellshocked. One of Ryback's better matches

Renee Young interviewed Ricardo, who spoke really fast in Spanish. Alberto Del Rio calmed him down

2. Fandango defeated Zack Ryder in 3:00. Fandango won with the top rope leg drop. The crowd tried to Fandango, but it didn't get over that well. They are no Jersey.

3. Ricardo Rodriguez vs. Zeb Colter Ended in a no-contest when Jack Swagger interfered. Alberto Del Rio cleared Swagger of the ring and Teddy Long came out and..... You guessed it, he made a tag team match.

4. Alberto Del Rio and Ricardo Rodriguez vs. Jack Swagger and Zeb Colter ended in a no-contest. Ziggler and Big E interfered. Teddy came out and made it a Triple Threat tag team match.

5. Alberto Del Rio and Ricardo Rodriguez defeated Jack Swagger and Zeb Colter, and Dolph Ziggler and Big E Langston in a Triple Threat tag match. Del Rio made Ziggler tap to the Cross Armbreaker. Good match.

The Shield beat up Daniel Bryan backstage and then cut a promo.

6. Randy Orton defeated Damien Sandow in 8:00. Orton won with an RKO. After the match, Big Show came out and told Orton he's not a team player and he's the reason they lost their WrestleMania match. Sandow hit Orton from behind with his finisher and Big Show laughed.

There was an arm wrestling contest between Mark Henry and Sheamus. Mark Henry won the first match. Sheamus got on the mic and said Mark had the stronger right arm but he didn't have the stronger left. They did it again, this time with their left arms and Sheamus punched Henry in the face and Brogue kicked him.

7. Dean Ambrose defeated Kane via pinfall after the Shield interfered. Kane attacked Shield before the match. After the match, the shield attacked Kane and triple power bombed him. They stood over him holding the tag team championship belts.

Two threads confused me and also Ambrose
finisher is similiar to mvp's.


Specific spoiler from Smackdown:

Ambrose used the Overdrive as a finisher.

Words can't express how much I hate this move, so:



3. Ricardo Rodriguez vs. Zeb Colter Ended in a no-contest when Jack Swagger interfered. Alberto Del Rio cleared Swagger of the ring and Teddy Long came out and..... You guessed it, he made a tag team match.

4. Alberto Del Rio and Ricardo Rodriguez vs. Jack Swagger and Zeb Colter ended in a no-contest. Ziggler and Big E interfered. Teddy came out and made it a Triple Threat tag team match.

5. Alberto Del Rio and Ricardo Rodriguez defeated Jack Swagger and Zeb Colter, and Dolph Ziggler and Big E Langston in a Triple Threat tag match. Del Rio made Ziggler tap to the Cross Armbreaker. Good match.
That's just too funny.

There was an arm wrestling contest between Mark Henry and Sheamus. Mark Henry won the first match. Sheamus got on the mic and said Mark had the stronger right arm but he didn't have the stronger left. They did it again, this time with their left arms and Sheamus punched Henry in the face and Brogue kicked him.
Best face ever right there! Be a Star!


ECW on TNN 4/7/00

Joel "The ladies always love me here in Virgina, cuz back at my hotel I'll be smooth up in ya" Gertner and Joey bring Raven and Francine to the ring for an interview. Joey's mannerisms when Joel talks are really getting on my nerves. So forced and sometimes he lips what Joel is saying. Raven put a bounty on Dreamer. All I can think of is the new ECW documentary with Raven saying ECW now stands for Extremely Cunty Wrestling, and all ECW fans are cunty women. Da Baldies were the one to say Raven put the hit on Dreamer. Francine, who is also a baldie IF YA KNOW WHAT I MEAN. I mean her vagina is shaved. Were shaved pubes still a novel thing in the year 2000? This brings out DA BALDIES. "What you smell is your mom, and that's only because I had 10 bucks on me." Raven and Miz, a match made in heaven. Da Baldies attack Raven, but this then cuts to Sinister Minster talking. He's like the narrator of ECW or some shit. We see Minster literally puling Mikey's puppet strings.

via Imgflip GIF Maker

Steve Corino vs Kid Kash

Kid Kash is now Kid Kash. Steve Corino now wrestles in trunks. I guess he felt he had been working out enough or something. And now he actually wrestles and fights. It all came with the facial hair. The Dusty feud is over, I guess. Just kind of stopped and Dusty vanished. Lots of flippy bullshit. Bionic Elbow! Money Maker, but the ref was out. Rhino comes in and hits a GORE. Corino wins. Look, Paul, I know you have a hard on for Rhino, but he doesn't need to interrupt at least one match on every show.

via Imgflip GIF Maker

TO THE BACK. The FBI were getting pumped up when Cyrus. Guido vs Tajiri vs Crazy for the TV Championship is made. It was to be a singles match, but Cyrus really wants that title off of Crazy. It's going to be like Bruno in '63. Shot Vince through the roof! Tremendous!

TO THE BACK. Cyrus lets Tajiri know about the three way dance.

Mikey Whipwreck vs Super Crazy ECW Telenovela Championship

I guess the three way dance is for the PPV. Mikey looks crazier and more strung out each week. I don't like this at all. Super Crazy doesn't hold up very well. Crazy won with a moonsault. Guido came out after the match to attack him. Tajiri came out to attack both men.

TO THE BACK. Dreamer talks about the hit on him. He has a stack of money that no doubt was fake since it was ECW in 2000. Then he punches lockers with a broken hand.

Da Baldies vs Tommy Dreamer/The Sandman

FULL FUCKING ENTRANCE for Sandman. The whole song. Through TWO commercials. After we came back from the second one, Grimes was getting slammed on barbed wire. He's placed on a ladder, Tommy wraps his arm in the barbed wire, and then promptly misses an elbow. Raven comes out and attacks Da Baldies as revenge for earlier. Somehow, Raven makes the pin and wins the match. Wat. This is like when Ric Flair jobbed in a Hogan vs Vader match. Raven and Dreamer have a stand off until Mike Awesome and Da Judge come out. Awesome reveals HE is the one that put the hit out on Dreamer. What? Why? He 's the one that came out and attacked Dreamer on his own, multiple times now. Why would he put the hit out if he was going to beat the shit out of Tommy anyway? Both Raven and Dreamer get powerbombed through tables.

Da Judge explains the idea of the bounty. He had been watching a lot of old territory stuff and thought it would be fun. So Mike wants a pay off for beating up Tommy. The CHAMP getting paid for the bounty is some TNA shit.

TO THE PULP FICTION PROMO. Impact Players start theirs when Cyrus says ratings are up! Jazz is going to kill Dawn Marie. Jazz wasn't ultra manly yet. Cyrus announces RVD will return next week and now the Network is running shit.

The next show should be a little more interesting, for those of you who kept up with the WCW reviews. Streams are about to converge.


It's really weird, because I'll eat constantly when not hungry when I'm not eating healthy. All fucking day. But when I eat stuff that's actually good for me, I don't really eat much at all and feel fine, but it isn't good for me at all to be eating 500 calories a day.

Being unemployed is the fucking worst for trying to keep any kind of schedule or healthy eating habits. At least that was the case for me. Its way to easy to get bored and eat when you've just got free run of a kitchen and fridge 16 hours a day with nothing better to do. Having breakfast at 6PM really fucks things up too.
Great op. the Evolve ippv's at the end of the month have been announced too. Also WrassleGaf's own Abra Cadaver will be celebrating Cinco De Mayo by trying to win the Elote World Heavyweight Title this Saturday against the Bar Fly which Sunflower should totally go see.


WCW could bend the laws of time and space? Holy shit. It was that bad, huh?

I think Nitro aired live in Canada once ever.

WWE and WCW aired on the same Network(TSN) up here. In the beginning TSN had other stuff they aired on Mondays, usually NHL hockey. Raw aired from Midnight to 2am Tuesday morning, then again from 4pm-6pm Tuesday afternoon. Whenever they didn't have hockey, they aired Raw Live.

Nitro aired Wednesday afternoons from 4pm-6pm even when they were 3 hours long. The one time they aired live was a week with no hockey and Raw was preempted for something.

I went to a WCW Saturday Night Main Event taping on a Tuesday after the first Nitro in Canada and they kept talking about and referencing stuff that happened the night before and nobody in the audience had a clue what they were talking about since it hadn't aired on Canadian TV yet.
Specific spoiler from Smackdown:

Ambrose used the Overdrive as a finisher.

I am now convinced they don't want him to get over. Micheal Hayes was fucking laughing at him during this match while getting a blowjob from Rosa Mendes. FUCK THAT MOVE


I am now convinced they don't want him to get over. Micheal Hayes was fucking laughing at him during this match while getting a blowjob from Rosa Mendes. FUCK THAT MOVE
Is that Rosa's official duty right now while on tour?
It's not like Primo and Epico are making waves on the tag team circuit.
Their spot has been taken by those 4 jobber tag teams (Rhodes Scholars, the Usos, Prime Time Players and 3MB).


Thinking back on it, I think the start of Vince's decline was when he completely ruined Eric Bischoff's debut by having him in random backstage segments.


more money than God
It's 2013, and Kane has just main evented both RAW and SD! in the same week.

Let that sink in.

The motherfucker is incredible.
It's 2013, and Kane has just main evented both RAW and SD! in the same week.

Let that sink in.

The motherfucker is incredibly lucky the rest of the roster has been booked so badly that the WWE still needs him to work full time.

Fixed that for you.

And since you're hard at work studying to become SoulPlaya, D.D.S., I'm not expecting a response.


I just can't do it. They're too bad. They're worse than WCW 2000. Close to WCW 1999, even though they have plenty of talented guys. It's torture and I'm not doing it anymore.
Hello WrassleGAF..

I'm curious, what made some of you decide to begin making new threads in the OT for notable events in the pro wrestling world such as the one discussing Mr. Money-In-The-Bank Dolph Ziggler's love life and the one about Fan Favorite Undisputed WWE&#8482; Champion John Cena's heartbreaking ankle injury?

It is great to see the WrassleGAF community consistently branching out into the OT like that.
Hello WrassleGAF..

I'm curious, what made some of you decide to begin making new threads in the OT for notable events in the pro wrestling world such as the one discussing Mr. Money-In-The-Bank Dolph Ziggler's love life and Undisputed WWE Champion John Cena's heartbreaking ankle injury?

It is great to see WrassleGAF consistently branch out into the OT like that.

For whatever reason, some of the posters here want to see the sunlight that is the OT again because they believe that new posters will come into the community thread.
Doesn't that post kinda proof it's actually working?

Poly isn't new, though. If someone wants to post in the Wrestling Thread, then they would've done so already. Finding an excuse to post in the OT isn't going to magically make more people post in here unless you still follow the outdated "Community sub-forum = graveyard" way of thinking.
Hello WrassleGAF..

I'm curious, what made some of you decide to begin making new threads in the OT for notable events in the pro wrestling world such as the one discussing Mr. Money-In-The-Bank Dolph Ziggler's love life and the one about Fan Favorite Undisputed WWE™ Champion John Cena's heartbreaking ankle injury?

It is great to see the WrassleGAF community consistently branching out into the OT like that.
Trying to diversify our community by attracting female members. So far we've tried posting a gif of Cena's ass but it doesn't seem to be doing the trick.

That, and I thought the Cena injury thread was a play on Kobe's injury thread. *shrug* maybe it wasn't.

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