AJ isn't white JBL.
I believe she's younger than his daughters.
Brock looks at you with a Sagat laugh!!!
ziggler to job at the start of the 9pm hour.
at this point just get rid of all the belts and just have the show about everyone fighting to be the #1 contender to main event a ppv against Cena
I could make a paper belt look worth more with about 3 weeks of bookings
Where is Teddy Long?
Anything worthwhile happen in the first hour?
Anything worthwhile happen in the first hour?
damn del rio and zigs just botched del rio's botch to corner spot. They botched an intentional botch
Sad face*Owen Hart had softer landings than Dolph
Owen Hart had softer landings than Dolph
Why the hate?Fuck Will Smith and his shitty kids. I used to love the guy ;_;
Fuck Will Smith and his shitty kids. I used to love the guy ;_;