Some notes on ratings for Saturday Morning Slam and Main Event. For total audience, Saturday Morning Slam numbers were 1,085,000 viewers on 3/16, 1,092,000 viewers on 3/23, 949,000 on 3/30, 965,000 on 4/6 and 1,055,000 on 4/13. Interesting that the day before Mania numbers were smaller than usual. For Main Event, it was 1,343,000 on 3/20, 1,231,000 on 3/27, 1,140,000 on 4/3 (the show before Mania which in this case was almost all repeated material), 1,341,000 on 4/10 and 1,220,000 on 4/17. So Main Event these days, with an hour of basically throw-away matches and no angles, is doing along the same lines as what Impact does for total viewers, and ahead of the last season of Ultimate Fighter on FX. Of the three networks, FX is the strongest, followed by Ion and Spike would be third, since Ultimate Fighter this past season did well below the network average (although TUF did big numbers in Males 18-34 in particular), Main Event does right at the network average (0.8 rating on a network that generally averages an 0.8 in prime time), while Impact does well above the network average. Ion is available in more homes than Spike. But not a ton more, as 101.4 million U.S. homes get Ion and 98.6 million that get Spike and FX is just below that.