So am I the only hyped for Sonic Forces? Been a big fan of the Sonic franchise, even after 06 made me go off the series for a bit. I don't mind original the character do not steal being added as I like the gameplay shown so far. I never found the friends annoying (apart from Charmy and Big), just the way they played was annoying (mainly talking about the 3D games here). I guess the problem with Sonic is that since they've constantly changed up the gameplay style from game to game, you won'the please everyone as you got subsets of fans liking one style and hating another. I don't get the "Sonic should die, he'said been shit forever" arguement as there have been good sonic games released around the bad one (colours, generations and the handheld ones like rush being some of my recent favourites).
Also the music in the Sonic games are some of the best in the business. Whenever a Sonic game is bad, at least the music is holding up their end.