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May Wrasslin' |OT| "Not a good thread. Not a bad thread. But THEE Thread" "



Bubba T

What I got out of that article is WWE punishing fans with Roman Reigns because of the Daniel Bryan hysteria, which kind of makes sense given the last eight months.
Are we talking only console and portable games?

1. Spelunky
2. Left 4 Dead 2 with the Left 4 Dead 1 expansion
3. Geometry Wars 2
4. Super Meat Boy
5. Dark Souls
6. Halo 3: ODST
7. The Beatles Rock Band
8. Deadly Premonition
9. Saints Row The Third
10. Persona 4 The Golden

So, it sounds like Garcia didn't get released after all. Nice reporting, newz sites.
May as well throw my hat in the last gen listing, from the top of my head
1. Dark Souls
2. Super Mario Galaxy 2
3. Donkey Kong Country Returns
4. Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney (yes I know it's a GBA port)
5. Street Fighter 4 and its numerous iterations
6. Elite Beat Agents
7. Valkyria Chronicles
8. Castlevania: Order of Eclessia
9. Xenoblade Chronicles
10. Mark of the Ninja (I should actually replay this to see if it holds up)

Nash won but it took interference from Luger. And Nash kept up with his selling for Rey. I guess I'll let it slide.

Is that Paige with her dad?

It's either the new League of Nations, or Mexgland/Englico to follow from the incredibly successful Mexamerica storyline.


Anyone here have comcast? I was wondering what modem do you have? I would make a thread but people here would just say, "get something else" even though that's the only option here.

I got SB6183. Have had it for a while now so I don't have to pay 10 dollar rental fee every month. I just need a better router. Old TPLink N router from a few years back.


Last gen top 10, no particular order:

Demon's Souls
Sin & Punishment: Star Succesor
Super Mario Galaxy 2
Uncharted 2
Last of Us
Donkey Kong Country Returns
WipEout HD

Half that list is probably bullshit and I just can't remember what games I played.

For shits and giggles, current gen top 10

Super Mario 3D World
Mario Kart 8
Witcher 3
Alien: Isolation
DKCR: Tropical Freeze
Bayonetta 2
Wonderful 101
Pikmin 3

A Pretty Panda

fuckin' called it, man
1. Sleeping Dogs
2. Skate 2
3. Team Fortress 2
4. Saint's Row 2
5. Deadly Premonition
6. Dead Space 2
7. Fallout: New Vegas
8. Trials Evolution
9. South Park: The Stick of Truth
10. Deus Ex: Human Revolution

I really wanted to get Shadows of the Damned, Yakuza 4, Bioshock 1, Wii Sports, Elite Beat Agents, and the first season of Sam & Max in there. But you know how it goes.

GTA V is kind of a weird exception that I don't know where to place because it was so obviously between generation cycles

You know what sucks about Sleeping Dogs

is that they didn't make another one
I played enough games, but I'm always a late bloomer. Give me the stuff when it's cheap, I don't need it when it's $500/$60

Who knows when I'll even get Doom. But I'm confident when I do, it's going on this gen's list



Brian Cage has been doing this for months. And he's been doing it in Mexico.

Daaaaaaaaaaayum Cage. Now that is how you play heel in Mexico. Haven't seen anything that rough since my old trainer showed me vids of his bud getting over in Mexico as a heel by bringing a ton of tortillas out during his intro and throwing them at the crowd yelling about bringing some dinner for them. That dude literally got hit with a bottle during his match from the crowd. Legit heat and apparently he had to wear one of the other dude's masks when leaving the place after shows so he wouldn't get assaulted.

If you're gonna be dumb you better be tough.
Does anyone else here in the US have The Destruction of the Shield DVD?

I got a deal from hastings on a used set and wanted to confirm the packaging is kinda flimsier non-glossy cardboard. Seems like a stylistic choice they made, just wanted to make sure.
Man God, do you think they fucked up by not having Severn v Shamrock at SS 98?

McMahon Helmsley v Rock, Taker, and Kane. Of course Hunter retains thanks to dx.


Batman Arkham Asylum
Batman Arkham City
Red Dead Redemption
XCOM: Enemy Unknown
Call of Duty: Black Ops
Bioshock Infinite
Portal 2
Fallout New Vegas
Fifa 10

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Man God, do you think they fucked up by not having Severn v Shamrock at SS 98?

McMahon Helmsley v Rock, Taker, and Kane. Of course Hunter retains thanks to dx.


The big problem with Shamrock is that they built him fantastically but never, ever, ever pulled the trigger...and then he just fades away.


Too many good games last generation, especially as I had all three consoles, a DS and a PC. I'm not even going to try whittling it down to ten.
Daaaaaaaaaaayum Cage. Now that is how you play heel in Mexico. Haven't seen anything that rough since my old trainer showed me vids of his bud getting over in Mexico as a heel by bringing a ton of tortillas out during his intro and throwing them at the crowd yelling about bringing some dinner for them. That dude literally got hit with a bottle during his match from the crowd. Legit heat and apparently he had to wear one of the other dude's masks when leaving the place after shows so he wouldn't get assaulted.

If you're gonna be dumb you better be tough.

Maybe is the same guy, but I remember that in one show I attended he was even throwing chicken bones.

The heat that guy got...

I never hear so many bad words in the span of a minute.

The big problem with Shamrock is that they built him fantastically but never, ever, ever pulled the trigger...and then he just fades away.
Even myself as a fucking 6 year old knew that these two needed to have a feud. During this era(well 97)where they put an emphasis on real life athletes, they really could've done something awesome with Shamrock as champion. I was reading the WON report about Tyson and they threw out so many scenarios. One possibly with Tyson & Shamrock, two badass possibly slugging it at Mania, Tyson & Austin at Wm but this was to make Tyson a good guy in people's eyes so you couldn't have him against Austin, then the WWF title match would've been HBK v Shamrock with Shamrock going over. Kinda cool but like I said Shamrock should've gotten a match that wasn't just on Raw against Austin for the title, face v face with him going over due to fuckery or something.

But back to Severn and Shamrock, they lost BIG money imo. That was low hanging fruit and they failed to capitalize. Cornette states that he told Vince about Dan and how much of a beast(no pun intended) he really was. But your guy Russo didn't know how to use him. Come the fuck on.


I thought the Savage vs DDP feud in 1997 WCW was stellar stuff and made PPV main events a thousand times better than any shit with Hogan in them. I'm so grateful Hogan fucked off for those few months in 1997.


Maybe is the same guy, but I remember that in one show I attended he was even throwing chicken bones.

The heat that guy got...

I never hear so many bad words in the span of a minute.

Yeah when you start getting cussed in spanish its a speedy angry blur. If you throw shit at the audience in mexico and mock their culture its not just the generalized boos you get in America. They will go fucking ballistic. I remember Bobby telling me that they had to call a spot off early because when they went to the outside to do it the area was just plain trashed with bottle caps, and stuff and they kept sliding on shit people had thrown during his buddies match earlier.

Wrestlers always have the absolute best clusterfuck stories to share and his Mexico stories were pretty awesome.
Yeah when you start getting cussed in spanish its a speedy angry blur. If you throw shit at the audience in mexico and mock their culture its not just the generalized boos you get in America. They will go fucking ballistic. I remember Bobby telling me that they had to call a spot off early because when they went to the outside to do it the area was just plain trashed with bottle caps, and stuff and they kept sliding on shit people had thrown during his buddies match earlier.

Wrestlers always have the absolute best clusterfuck stories to share and his Mexico stories were pretty awesome.

Yeah, on that show people were throwing their glasses full of beer. For a Mexican to throw his beer he needs to be really angry. Also someone got one of the chicken bones an ended up hitting the referee.


I like how NXT has been using house shows to expand on storylines recently. Makes everything feel like it could be important now.

Exactly. It is a great feeling knowing that almost anything can happen instead of "oh it's just a house show"


Tokyo Jungle was pretty great.

No Red Dead, Last of Us, Deadly Premonition?

: (

I hated the movement in Red Dead. Something about riding the horses never felt right to me. Got about five hours in and gave up.

I played about 90 minutes of Last of Us, if I had to guess. Strong opening, but it just didn't hook me after that. I remember being at some shipping warehouse and there were dudes going inbetween metal containers and I was just bored, so I stopped.

Deadly Premonition, I got and was like "fuck, this dude is talking about Tom and Jerry and shit, I'm going to like this. I'll come back to it when I have some time" and then never did.


1. Dark Souls
2. Galaxy 2
3. Galaxy
4. Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3
5. Ultra SFIV
6. The Last of Us
7. Megaman 9
8. Red Dead Redemption
9. Metal Gear Rising
10. GTA V

last gen was pretty shit. those top 5 games were legit though
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