last gen was pretty shit.
I don't know that this is a fair analysis of any gen.
last gen was pretty shit.
I don't know that this is a fair analysis of any gen.
last gen was pretty shit.
I hated the movement in Red Dead. Something about riding the horses never felt right to me. Got about five hours in and gave up.
I played about 90 minutes of Last of Us, if I had to guess. Strong opening, but it just didn't hook me after that. I remember being at some shipping warehouse and there were dudes going inbetween metal containers and I was just bored, so I stopped.
Deadly Premonition, I got and was like "fuck, this dude is talking about Tom and Jerry and shit, I'm going to like this. I'll come back to it when I have some time" and then never did.
I thought the Savage vs DDP feud in 1997 WCW was stellar stuff and made PPV main events a thousand times better than any shit with Hogan in them. I'm so grateful Hogan fucked off for those few months in 1997.
Says the guy who claims WrestleMania 2000 is the greatest PPV of all time.
last gen was worst gen ever, easyyyyyyyyy
not including this gen, which isn't finished, of course
Play all of those games to completion, you big baby.
1. Dark Souls
2. Galaxy 2
3. Galaxy
4. Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3
5. Ultra SFIV
6. The Last of Us
7. Megaman 9
8. Red Dead Redemption
9. Metal Gear Rising
10. GTA V
last gen was pretty shit. those top 5 games were legit though
My top 10 is better than this easy
I don't wanna and you can't make me. Plus, the PS3 is in the closet in its box, so I doubt that Last of Us is ever getting touched again ever.
I'm considering subscribing to the Observer to read about the backstage stuff on WCW as I go through. The carny hooks are so deep into me now.
Snitch on your list, Beef.
No lie, he had one of my favorite generic wrestling themes.
Dude, that's the same way I am at this moment but I can't be too arsed to actually spend twenty bucks to read everything. But check this out,I'm considering subscribing to the Observer to read about the backstage stuff on WCW as I go through. The carny hooks are so deep into me now.
Last gen top 10, no particular order:
Demon's Souls
Sin & Punishment: Star Succesor
Super Mario Galaxy 2
Uncharted 2
Last of Us
Donkey Kong Country Returns
WipEout HD
Half that list is probably bullshit and I just can't remember what games I played.
For shits and giggles, current gen top 10
Super Mario 3D World
Mario Kart 8
Witcher 3
Alien: Isolation
DKCR: Tropical Freeze
Bayonetta 2
Wonderful 101
Pikmin 3
Dude, that's the same way I am at this moment but I can't be too arsed to actually spend twenty bucks to read everything. But check this out,
Use the search feature to see what you can find. They post a lot of old school WON stuff.
The next Nitro saw Pillman, in a tag match with Arn Anderson against Kevin Sullivan & Hugh Morris, have a stinker of a match due to what at least appeared to be a total lack of communication and had a few seconds of what appeared to be shooting.
However, the television show a few days later seemed to spell an angle. The incident aired on television and was played up like a wrestling angle, albeit a new form of angle aimed only at fans who were at least half smart to aspects of the business. Sullivan's interview, where he broke a pencil, apparently to signify he wasn't acting as booker/wrestler in the match, appeared to give away this was a Japanese style angle. Unfortunately, it isn't aimed at a Japanese style audience which understands the significance of breaking a pencil or shooting or supposed shooting in the ring. In addition, when clips were shown of the match, everything was shown intact rather than edited had something that wasn't supposed to have happened taken place.
Sometime around the time of Pillman's argument with Bischoff in the dressing room after the Sullivan match, Disco Inferno was the only wrestler to openly question things suddenly saying something to the effect of, "They're working the boys."
Excuse the frequency, but I got to
Disco knows.
Get in on PS4. It's even better that way.
Hogan thinks newcomers are being paid to much and wants the money to go towards bringing in Yokozuna and Ultimate Warrior.
I'm considering subscribing to the Observer to read about the backstage stuff on WCW as I go through. The carny hooks are so deep into me now.
I feel fortunate to have a father who has subscribed to the paper version of the observer since the 80's and still does to this day.
Did you know Hogan told Bischoff to fuck off since he didn't tell him about it at all?Excuse the frequency, but I got to
Disco knows.
Did you know Hogan told Bischoff to fuck off since he didn't tell him about it at all?
Ahahaha the Lapsed Fan Hogan is just the real Hogan, isn't it?
He might be lol. I love the mystery behind the Pillman angle.Ahahaha the Lapsed Fan Hogan is just the real Hogan, isn't it?
He wanted to squash Pillman in the Doomsday Cage match.
They should've formed a group called, Cocaine Cowgirls and they alternatively accompany Savage to the ring.I read he wanted Pillman in the angle because he was white hot, but I didn't know it was to squash him lol
Madusa vs. Col. Rob Parker
They lock up at the start and Dusty loses his shit. He can't believe it.
So Madusa came on Nitro and threw the WWF Women's title in the trash... then lost to Sherri and loses to Rob Parker... Again, no Saturday Night, so I don't know if she actually got some shine.
I know the idea is you wouldn't want a WWF person to come in and dominate because it implies WWF is better, but I disagree with that sentiment (maybe not in all instances). Here, though, why not just have Madusa wreck shit after she said WWF was shit anyway? Bring back Bull Nakano and get dope feud going or something.
Botchamania entry:
As a fairly jaded person (I think) who was never quite the fan of 1 - 3, U4 easily ranks in my top 5 of all time. It is majestic. Drunkmann killed it. In summary, in 1 - 3, each game did something really well and others pretty poorly, there was never a game that got it all right. uncharted 4 got it all right. I bought Last of Us remastered as a result as well. Stoked to give that a go.