Shadow Broker
There's a second WWE PPV this month, Dean could win just to drop the belt at the PPV in a couple weeks.
Roman Reigns is in the WWE Championship match?
Well, there's one good reason to tune in. The Roman Empire could rise tonight.
Instead of watching a WWE pay-per-view I think I'll head to the flea market to hunt down some retro games and start my collection.
Nah, he wins the belt next year at Wrestlemania Star against Bork.
Even if you're joking, you should since the place near you seems to be selling stuff really cheap! bean breath imports.
Mom and pop stores near me always used to sell new games at a premium markup and had no qualms about ripping you off. They were definitely worse than Gamestop.I always see people on gaf post about how they wish they didn't have gamestop and had a nearby mom and pop store to give their business to and not get ripped off. And I wonder if those people have ever been to a mom and pop video game store because every mom and pop game store i've been to makes gamestop look like sister therese
I always see people on gaf post about how they wish they didn't have gamestop and had a nearby mom and pop store to give their business to and not get ripped off. And I wonder if those people have ever been to a mom and pop video game store because every mom and pop game store i've been to makes gamestop look like sister therese
I always see people on gaf post about how they wish they didn't have gamestop and had a nearby mom and pop store to give their business to and not get ripped off. And I wonder if those people have ever been to a mom and pop video game store because every mom and pop game store i've been to makes gamestop look like sister therese
I like most TNA fans, but the ones in denial, have you guys apologized to TMZ for your insanity last year yet?
Are you a retro gamer too, Mr. Luchador?
A good deal must be in denial and angry knowing TNA could be ending in 4 months.
One has to wonder what TNA even did to deserve such worship. They treat their talent like shit, famously underpaying them. They fire them on a whim when they get too expensive. They pushed washed up old guys ahead of TNA originals at every turn. They are straight up murdering guys that WWE wouldn't even dare to put in the ring due to overall wear and tear already breaking them and even have no problem making straight up drug addicts their biggest stars, letting WWE pay for their rehab instead of stepping up to the plate themselves. Their boss is a southern belle only using the company in an attempt to become famous, and she will literally bring the company down with her instead of selling it to ensure it survival. And then they also regularly don't pay staff and/or talent for several months, expecting them to work out of good will instead.
I'd be ashamed to champion such a company really.
One has to wonder what TNA even did to deserve such worship. They treat their talent like shit, famously underpaying them. They fire them on a whim when they get too expensive. They pushed washed up old guys ahead of TNA originals at every turn. They are straight up murdering guys that WWE wouldn't even dare to put in the ring due to overall wear and tear already breaking them and even have no problem making straight up drug addicts their biggest stars, letting WWE pay for their rehab instead of stepping up to the plate themselves. Their boss is a southern belle only using the company in an attempt to become famous, and she will literally bring the company down with her instead of selling it to ensure it survival. And then they also regularly don't pay staff and/or talent for several months, expecting them to work out of good will instead.
I'd be ashamed to champion such a company really.
The TLDR version is there's an entire forum/"news" site called TNA Mecca that is dedicated to and in complete love with TNA, and they treat every negative thing as bullshit. They think the ratings are great, and they famously called the TMZ and Dave stuff about Spike pulling them bullshit right up until the last episode aired, and then when DA picked TNA up they said that's what they needed all along because Spike never promoted them and DA obviously would. They're treating the current reports the exact same way, saying the move to Wednesdays is fine and what they needed all along, and harassing Dave on Twitter and email about it.
Only reason I wouldn't call it denial is because at this point it's a lot sadder than that word is usually associated with.
One has to wonder what TNA even did to deserve such worship. They treat their talent like shit, famously underpaying them. They fire them on a whim when they get too expensive. They pushed washed up old guys ahead of TNA originals at every turn. They are straight up murdering guys that WWE wouldn't even dare to put in the ring due to overall wear and tear already breaking them and even have no problem making straight up drug addicts their biggest stars, letting WWE pay for their rehab instead of stepping up to the plate themselves. Their boss is a southern belle only using the company in an attempt to become famous, and she will literally bring the company down with her instead of selling it to ensure it survival. And then they also regularly don't pay staff and/or talent for several months, expecting them to work out of good will instead.
I'd be ashamed to champion such a company really.
One has to wonder what TNA even did to deserve such worship. They treat their talent like shit, famously underpaying them. They fire them on a whim when they get too expensive. They pushed washed up old guys ahead of TNA originals at every turn. They are straight up murdering guys that WWE wouldn't even dare to put in the ring due to overall wear and tear already breaking them and even have no problem making straight up drug addicts their biggest stars, letting WWE pay for their rehab instead of stepping up to the plate themselves. Their boss is a southern belle only using the company in an attempt to become famous, and she will literally bring the company down with her instead of selling it to ensure it survival. And then they also regularly don't pay staff and/or talent for several months, expecting them to work out of good will instead.
I'd be ashamed to champion such a company really.
I think you are thinking off when Elgin was hand cuffed and Adam Cole attacked mischief and then shaved Elgins mullet
I'm telling ya, most of TNA's most passionate and forgiving fan base are based in Orlando or close enough to go to their free Impact tapings and PPVs.
Hell, if you could follow a wrestling company live every week for free, wouldn't you be forgiving too?
I'm telling ya, most of TNA's most passionate and forgiving fan base are based in Orlando or close enough to go to their free Impact tapings and PPVs.
Hell, if you could follow a wrestling company live every week for free, wouldn't you be forgiving too?
I can watch Raw every week live for free. I could. I don't.
I always see people on gaf post about how they wish they didn't have gamestop and had a nearby mom and pop store to give their business to and not get ripped off. And I wonder if those people have ever been to a mom and pop video game store because every mom and pop game store i've been to makes gamestop look like sister therese
I would guess Lana turns tonight and Cena wins as well.The Cena-Rusev story has to come to a close. If Rusev wins, it doen't close the book on the angle and just means there will be a fourth consecutive damn match between those two. WWE does this a lot and it's terrible. Surely Lana is turning soon to become Kelly Kelly of the modern era, and losing causes Rusev to look pretty mild. You'd have to think where he even goes after this - a nothing feud with Orton probably.
I would guess Lana turns tonight and Cena wins as well.
It would be pretty awesome if Cole throws in a PP2 plug, lol.My only question is what happens when Lana turns? Are they seriously going to be like "Just kidding! She was American the whole time! See her now in Pitch Perfect 2!"?
If mic foley got a one than dean has to get it.Sure hope Ambrose wins. I bet 2 things will happen: Orton winning and this being the last event with Corporate Kane. I suppose it's worth watching if the latter turns out to be, literally NEVER happening
If mic foley got a one than dean has to get it.
isn't this the THIRD PPV in a row with Cena v Rusev for the U.S. Title?
isn't this the THIRD PPV in a row with Cena v Rusev for the U.S. Title?
(I voted Dean)
(I voted Dean)