Lana turning face tonight because....
Why ruin it, WWE. Why.
Well the crowd has made Lana a face already.
Plus I doubt Jericho is crying when he is getting ready for his matches against Finn Balor in Japan.
Lana turning face tonight because....
Why ruin it, WWE. Why.
Hasn't she been let go because of all the botches?So why the Lilian absent?
Many gaffers would like to see that to themLana will throw in the towel
Hasn't she been let go because of all the botches?
As much as I hate Cena, that match was too good, and I would projectile vomit if that happened tonight.rusev win via a rock / mankind screwjob.
Chances that Lana is the deciding factor in the match?
They wishBray "Average Neogaf Poster" Wyatt wins
Fuck saying Cena Sucks, boo Rusev instead
She has such wonderful eyes.
well tonight Rusev's career will finally RIP. down to early in the card with him as a joke character.
Can someone please explain all the racism comments? What happened?
Blatant turnbuckle removal is stopped, because metal hurts.
No it isn't a problem. But if Wyatt is meant to be a feared threat, he shouldn't resort to underhanded tactics.
Stream quality is ass tonight. Like, the worst I've seen since subbing. It's not skipping/freezing, but it's been less than HD with weird artifacts up to this time.
A team of black men did a spot that a team of white men once did and it upset everyone.