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May Wrasslin' |OT| Super Strong Style 16 - Thread Edition 2015

We all know what is next, right?

I was going to ask at what point do we get a face turn, because this heel role isn't doing much it seems.
They spent 15 minutes to set up Ryback-Sheamus, but in the process, made sure to talk about how weak Bryan was and how they'd be putting the title on the line in a match that shortens careers right after talking about Bryan having his career shortened. Ryback vs. Sheamus was something else. The press slam to Sheamus on the floor was nasty, and they're really prepping Ryback up for the IC Title by having him lose two straight. Barrett-Neville really got Bo over. The other guys were in fact there. Loved everything with the Lana-Rusev deal - her accent slipped with every other word, and Rusev was hilarious.

New Day vs. CK was good, but wasn't given time to be more. At least the tag title chamber guys are known now. Holy crap was everything involving Owens and Cena perfect - they made that man tonight. The Dolph-Lana stuff was unexpected to some degree, but telegraphed fairly well by having Rusev already in the IC Chamber. Harper and Rowan squash was a thing. Ditto Naomi-Nikki. LOVE CENA-OWENS AT EC! That should be fantastic. The Seth love-fest was great until the goofy cinder blocks. I'm all for Dean getting a main event push - even a surface-level one is better than being on the mid-card treadmill.


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FGC Waterboy
Kind of sad we didn't have Reigns interference. Would have been fun to hear the music and have everyone scramble for the hills.


Deans persona is fantastic but his skill-set is terrible in the ring. Clothesline, clothesline, clothesline....oh hey a clothesline.
I wonder how different RAW would be if CM Punk was still around. Would he be feuding with the likes of Wyatt or would he just be in the title picture..
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